#88 Charles - Gender reveal

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BRYNN POV.: I'm pregnant for second time and we are over the moon because of it! Of course we both know that it won't be easy, as we already have 2 years old twin girls, and Charles's carrier is on full swing with Ferrari, but we'll manage... SOMEHOW...?!

I'm currently 5 months along, and today we're gathering with both sides of our family, to get to know the gender of the baby. Only one to know was my sister Emily, who got the results from my gynecologist. I'm SO nervous...!!
-Don't be nervous! Everything will be just perfect! And we'll finally know if it's third daugther or we're having a baby boy this time!- Charles tried to calm me down, as he pulled me closer and gently stroked my baby bump.
-I know! I'm just nervous about the news...! I want to know everything already!- I whined, and he chuckled.
-I want to know too, and we will! You just need to wait a few more hours, ok?
-Ok...- I mumbled and got a loving kiss on forehead in return.
-And now, shall we go downstairs and wait for the guests to arrive?
-Yeah. I'll check on the girls first...
-They're fully ready, tailing Emily around the house and playing with Arthur, don't worry about them- he smiled at me, and I mirrored his expresion.
-Je t'aime...
-Je t'aime davantage mon Amour...- he replied and we shortly kissed, before we left our master bedroom and went downstairs, to actually wait for the guests to come. I was dressed in light baby blue dress and Charles had dark jeans and baby blue shirt on, as we're hoping for the boy. Each of the girls however, have different dresses, similar to mine when it comes to shape. Jules has light pink one, and Jackie has baby blue one, with matching bows at the ends of their french braids I did for them. Emily matches with Jules, as she has light pink shirt on, paired with dark blue jeans, and Arthur has dark blue shirt on, as he's "team boy" too.
We told the guests to dress up in a color they think the gender is, so blue or pink. We'll see later who guessed right...

All the family members started to arrive shortly after that, and we greeted them with smiles on our faces. Colors were almost even, as our moms were team boy, while my dad and Lorenzo were team girl. Everyone were talking about the baby right from the start, also playing with girls a little. The atmosphere was buzziling with excitment, and our little one felt that too, as it started kicking forcefully, to show us their excitment. We seatled on calling it "Baby B" as we already came up with the name for either girl or a boy. For a girl we want to name her Bailey and for a boy we want Benjamin, Ben. I think both names are beautifull and we love them. But at the end of the day, we'll know which one of them I'm carring...
We ate late lunch all together, with constant chatter all around. Girls were so excited, that we had trouble in sitting them still, for them to eat, but with our moms' help we managed somehow. We both couldn't focus either, but were better in containing our excitment and hideing it.
-I can't wait to finally know...!- Charles whispered in my ear with wide grin on his face.
-I know. I can't wait either, to know if it's Bay-bay, or Benji...- we smiled to one another, and then kissed sweetly.

Not long after that, everyone stood up from around the table and we went to the living room, where Emily and Arthur set up the black baloon with "Who am I?" written on it.
-It's time!- I squealed, and Charles just hugged me close.
-I want you to know, that I'll be the happiest on earth, whereever it's boy or another baby girl! I love you three to the moon and back and I'll love this little one just the same..!- he whispered and kissed my cheek.
-I know you do Charlie. Even though we both root for baby boy this time...- I replied and kissed his cheek softly. "I have the best husband on whole earth!"- I thought to myself with a smile on my face.
-Come on! We want to finally know!- Pascale "broke" the special bubble we had, and everyone laughed at that.
-Ok, ok! We're on it!- Charles replied to his mum, and then we laughed a bit more.
After that we stood next to the baloon and I held its string in both hands, to steady it, while Charlie took a pin from Arthur, to pop it. With twins I was the one popping the baloon, so I thought that it'll be fair, if he'll do it this time.
-Ready?- he said, and we looked at our family with shiny eyes. Our moms were almost crying, and Arthur was recording everything on his phone. Then we turned to the baloon, to finally do it.
-I count to 3...- I told him and took deep breath, as my heart was racing rapidly, just like it does when Charles or Arthur are racing -One... Two... THREE..!- I finished, and on my count, Charles popped the baloon. Right away we saw blue glitter in every shade possible flying everywhere, and everyone cheered happily, while me and Charles were frozen in place.
-It's a boy... Our little baby boy..- I whispered, looking at him wide-eyed in disbelieve.
-It is mon Ange! Our little Benji!- he said in shaky voice, and then hugged me close.
-Just like we wished..! Our little Benjamin..!- I giggled, and Charlie twirled us around in celebration.
-Mom! Dad!- then twins crashed to us, with wide smiles on their faces -A boy!!
-Yeah! You're going to have a baby brother! Are you happy?- Each of us took one of the girls in their arms, very happy.
-YES!!- they cheered and we laughed at their excitment. Just like we wished for, we're going to have our little boy...
After we placed the girls back on the ground, everyone came to us, and started to congratulate.
-You tricked me!- I "accused" Emily with fake angry face, pointing at her -You're dressed in pink!
-That was on purpose! I knew that if I would be dressed in blue, you both will know that it's a boy!- she replied in defence and we all laughed at that.
-Finally a boy, he?- Arthur joked, really happy.
-Yes, a baby boy..- Charles replied with happy tears in his eyes.
-I'm happy for you, you know?- his brother added, and we shared a hug.
-We need to call Pierre! Pascale and JJ need to know too!- I reminded Charles with realisation.
-You're right! But I think I should get this glitter out of my hair first!- he pointed at his a little messed up hair, and I giggled.
-Let me help you...- I said and stood on my tippy toes to reach and take that shiny glitter out. It took a few minutes, and then we're ready to do that. But first we made shure that the girls are entertained with a play with Lorenzo and Emily, and then we left the guests for a bit, to a little quieter place.
-Yours or mine?- Charles asked me, as we sat down on our shared bed.
-We can use yours, mine is charging I think in the kitchen..
-Fine with me...- he replied and then dialed Pierres' number on FaceTime. Luckly. our favourite frenchman picked up soon after that..
(C- Charles, P: Pierre)
C: Hello...
P: Hello there! So?
C: Are your parents and Kat with you?- I replied the question with another question.
P: Oui, we're all together- he replied, and then switched the camera angle to show us Kat on his right, and Pascale and JJ on the left. We greeted each other with big smiles.
P: So?! You know what is it?- Kat asked again, with heavy blush from all the excitment evident on her cheeks. Hearing it, we shot each other knowing look.
C: Yeah, we know...- I agreed, and we did "dramatic" pause -IT'S A BOY!- we couldn't hold the news longer, so we shouted in excitment.
P: YES!!- all of them were as happy as we are, Pascale even crying from all the emocions -I knew it!- Kat and Pierre shouted at the same time, with huge grins on their faces, and we laughed at them -Congratulations!!
C: Merci- we thanked them and Charles wrapped his arm around my shoulders to pull me closer.
P: When will you visit us here, in Rouen?- JJ asked then, with teary smile. My heart was melting when I saw again how much Charles's and mine happiness means to them. After all, Pascale and JJ are like second parents to my Charlie...
C: We don't know... In 2 weeks we have next check up on Benji, so we'll see if I can fly...- I replied and got a sweet kiss on my temple.
P: Ok. We're waiting for the info then..- he agreed with a smile.
Then we talked with them for some more time, but eventually we needed to end and get back to our family downstairs. And ESPECIALLY check, if the girls didn't "murder" Zozo or Arthur already...?! To do so, we sent Gaslys' warm goodbye's and then hung up.
-Ready to go and check on our Angels?- Charles looked me in the eye -Or you want to chill here for a little more, and I'll take care of everything?
-It's fine. We're not tired yet..- I smiled at him, and then we sweetly kissed. I absolutely adore this sweet and careing side of him...
After that, when we got downstairs, emocions subtled a bit already and the party went along, as everyone was talking and eating. Our whole family was over the moon because of the news, and so were we. I still can't quite believe it...! Our little boy...! Charlie never said it out loud, but deep down I knew that he wanted little boy, to teach him how to race and etc... I'm SO happy...!! I can't wait to meet you in 4 months baby boy!

This time it's A BOY!!!
Charles will have his little racer in few years, to share his passion with!
It's amazing!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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