#97 Pierre - Andrea

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KATELYNN POV.: It's Bahrain, first race of 2022 season. To celebrate it, I decided to bring mine and Pierre's 1.5 year old daughter, and Charles's goddaughter, Andrea Josephine Gasly, with me to the paddock. We came rather early in the morning, to avoid most of the photographers and also suprise Pierre. He still thinks that, we're in our home in Milan, cheering him on from our comfy couch in the living room, in front of the TV, but instead, we're here, to support him in person.
We flew here late in the evening last night and driven to the hotel straight afterwards. Rea was tired, and I was jet-lagged myself, so we ate dinner and went to bed, after I exchanged a few warm words with my husband of 3 years over the phone. I'll be forever gratefull to have him in my life...
It never fails to amaze me, how alike Rea and Pierre are, especially when they're both asleep...
I dressed our daughter in white flowy dress and dark blue jean-jacket with her full name written on it and some flowers, with two ponytails on top of her little head, them being pinned by white and dark blue bows, and white and blue convers's. Myself on the other hand, I had blue shirt with spanish collar and long to the floor but thin white skirt, paired with white sport high-heeled sneakers and my hair flying loosely around because of the wind. It's hot, around 28*C, but the wind makes it seems as if it's only 18*C or something, and the weather is cloudy but not rain-like, so it's good.
We slowly strolled down the paddock, drinking everything in, as Rea snuggled closer to my chest, still a little sleepy. I took my time to reach Alpha Tauri part, to still give the team a space they needed to perform well this weekend. But our suprise was short lived, as we saw Pierre coming out of the garage with team shirt and some jeans on, topped with backwards cap, accompanied by his teammate, Yuki, in similar atire.
-Papa!- seeing him, Rea shot bolt upright, and wanted to wiggle out of my grip, to run and say hi to her bellowed father. It made me smile, as I finally gave in, and put her to her feet. The second I did that, she took off as fast as her little feet could, running straight to him, with huge smile on her face:
-Papa!! Papa!!- her screams made Pierre spot us, and crouch down to her level with opened arms and huge smile on his face, as his whole face lit up with joy. He caught her mid air and hugged his little girl close, standing up.
-What are you doing here, mon Ange?- he asked her, suprised.
-Surprise!- she shouted happily, and gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek.
-That's the best surprise ever!- he said and twirled them around, as I aproached them.
-Hi Yuki- I smiled at him and we shared short hug.
-Nice to see you again Kat- Yuki returned the gesture with wide smile.
-What you say to uncle Yuki, Rea?- I got my daughters attention.
-Koni'chiwa- she smiled at him cheekly.
-Koni'chiwa Rea- he replied proudly (he taught her that during the winter break), and they fist-bumped.
-Bonjour mon Amour..
-Bonjour mi Princesse- Pierre replied and we gave in, into sweet but short kiss.
-How are you?
-I'm fine, Merci. And you two?
-We're alright- Pierre replied and Yuki nodded, as I fixed one of Rea's ponytails. 
-Yuki!?- one of the mechanic's called from inside the garage -Come here for a second!
-I need to go. See you later- he smiled at us and turned around, to get back to the garage.
-Bye Yuki!- we shouted behind him, and Rea waved.
-I have some free time before the free practise, so we can chill in my room for a bit, what do you think?- he looked at he with shiny eyes.
-Lead the way P- I agreed and we slowly made our way to the hospitality, to disapear from public eye in his driver's room. Whole that time Andrea was almost like glued to Pierre and didn't want to let him go, even for a bit.
-You missed Papa?- I asked her in amusement.
-Oui- she replied and looked up at Pierre in addoration. Her bellowed Papa...
-I missed you too, mon Ange- Pierre said and kissed her head lovingly. Then he lifted his gaze, and our looks met, as we smiled to one another -Both of you...- he added and took my hand in his free one, to give it a gentle squezze.

We sat there, in relaxed and happy environment for a while, but then Pierre was needed to head back to the garage, for FP3.
-Will you two go with me? Or you prefer to stay here?- Pierre looked at me with hope.
-Oui Mommy, per favoure!- Andrea agreed, mirroring her father's pleading expresion. I looked at both of them with a chuckle, at how alike they looked.
-Fine, we're coming- I gave in, and they cheered in happiness -Let's go though, before Papa will be late- I added, and both of them nodded eagerly. After that we left the hospitality, to go to the garage. There, we greeted whole team and I took Andrea from Pierre's arms. She wasn't happy about it, but she fully knew that it's time for her dad to work, and she can't disturb him. We sat at the back of the garage, and I placed little headphones on her sensitive ears, as I sat her on my lap with a smile on our faces, to watch Pierre drive. Rea was bouncing in place during whole seasion, very excited to see her Papa drive, as she always is... And that never fails to put a smile on my face either...
-Are you happy?- Pyry came to us with a smile on his face, as he kneeled to Rea's level. It's sweet that whole team want's her to feel included, whenever we're in the paddock, or in the factory...
-Oui!- Rea agreed for both of us, and high-fived Pyry.
-Bonjour Pyry- I greeted him with a smile.
-Bonjour ma Belle- he replied and then stood up to give both of us a hug. He's very close friend of ours, so we always have a good time together. Andrea jumped from my arms, to Pyry and also gave him a hug, which he returned and to her delight, twirled them around, making her squeal and giggle.

After the FP3 and break for lunch, time came for pre-quali interviews. As so, Pierre needed to leave us again for a bit, but Rea wasn't that eager to let him go this time, glued like to his chest.
-Come on Princesse, wait for me with Mommy, and I'll be back in no time- Pierre tried to convince her.
-No- she replied, and clunged to him even more. Her tearfull gaze was breaking our hearts, but we needed to convince her somehow, to listen to us. It was all about Pierre's work...
-She's not gonna let go..- I sighed, defeated. There was no way we can made Andrea stay with me this time...
-Then I'm taking her with me. I can't skip interviews...
-You sure?- I shot my husband a doubtfull look.
-Yeah. See you in a bit mon Amour- he replied confidently and left the garage with Andrea in his arms, acompanied by Yuki and his PR, to do all the interviews. I watched all of them live, from the garage, in awe, seeing Rea quietly snuggled to her father's chest, while he answered questions. Most of the journalists were gushing over our little angel, and I'm not surprised. She was so good and nice, not interupting anything, just looking at everyone suspicously. Seeing Pierre so proud and caring with her, just like he's at home, not minding to show this other side of him to the world melted my heart...
Natalie Pinkham was melting in place at the sight and I agreed. Rea and Pierre were the cutest sight... And when she squealed in delight, when Charles stood beside Pierre..! 
-Uncle Cha!- she squealed and for split second reached out to Leclerc, to give him a hug.
-Hello to you too, Princess- he smiled and returned the hug, after which Rea again glued herself to Pierre, and quietly listened to their conversation. That convinced me, that we're actually doing great job in rasing her so far...
And after that, there was time for Quali, so Andrea didn't have a choice, she had to let go of Pierre and stay with me. But she was as happy as I was, to see her father in his element...

One month and they're back to racing!
I can't wait to see, what that new season will bring...!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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