#1 Max - Wrapping failure

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I just realised, that I didn't introduce you properly to Mackenzie! (Danna Paola)
She's a hard-worker, still studying at Uni in The Netherlands, but doing it remotely most of the time to accompany Max to his races. Fond of singing and dancing, wants to be an costiume designer and singer in the future. She loves Max with whole her heart, not minding the public eye on her at all!

Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

KENZIE POV.: We have two more days, or more like an evening and a day till Christmas dinner, where we're gonna meet both our families at the same time. Until now, which is for 2 years of us dating, we've been splitting it, meeting them one at a time, but not this year. This year is special, because we have a surprise for them, and want to see their reactions in person, at the same time. Mostly because our mothers are getting along VERY well, and if we'd tell one of them sooner, the other would know anyway, being told not long after by a phone call or a text.

But, tonight, we're trying to wrap all the christmas presents, because we hadn't had time to do that sooner. And saying "we" is a bit of a streach, as Max decided to be adamant to do all of that himself, without any of my help. I had some doubts, but left him to it nevertheless as I had other things to do, like baking gingerbread cookies and decorating them.
Just when I took out first tray out of the oven, I heard something fall, then a few curses in both English and Dutch, and then silence.
-Max?! Are you alright Schats?!- I called to him, closing the doors and put the kitchen towels away, but not moving from the kitchen. Max is a big boy, can wrap the presents by himself... I think...
-Yeah! I'm alright!- he shouted back, but didn't sound much convincing.
-You sure?
-Yeah?..- he replied, hesistant, and after few seconds later, added:
-No. I'm not. I need your help- he said, and sighed deeply, making me smile. I know how much he wanted to do that himself, but my "Dutchie boy" is a perfectionist, so everything had to go according to plan. Or at least he tried to fullfill it...
-Come on baby, let's see what Daddy did this time- I whispered to myself, rubbing my still tiny baby bump. That's the secret for our parents and Vicky and Tom. We're gonna film their reactions after telling them at Christmas dinner in one and a half days. Good thing is, I'm only 11 weeks along, and we know for 3 ourselves, because I don't know how much longer we could keep it a secret. ESPECIALLY from Victoria....
-I'm comming!- I shouted back, and exited the kitchen, standing still in the doorway. The whole living room was a mess. As if a huge tornado went right through it!?
-Max Emilian Verstappen. What the actual fuck happened here?!- I asked my boyfriend in utter disbelieve, trying to stay calm. The good thing was, that the tree was still in one piece...
The boxes in different sizes were scatered over the floor, so I assumed that that's what fell, along with bits and pieces of wrapping paper, with my Max right in the middle of it, with his hands full of our cats, Jimmy and Sassy.
-They started to run around, Sassy here, jumped onto the coffee table, on the boxes, Jimmy chased after her, and then they jumped, making it a mess, and then they got on paper and decided to play with it, and I couldn't wrap any single one of the boxes, and...- he looked adorble, worked up like that.
-Max, look at me- I pleaded, looking him in the eye -It's fine. We still have plenty of paper, and enough of time to finish it, I'll help- I assured him, coming closer and placing my right palm on his cheek.
-You think?
-I know it. Now, go and lock them in our bedroom, so they won't make any more mess, and bring me those two extra rolls of paper I hid in our closet, I'll sweep the floor, and then we're gonna wrap all the presents together, ok?- I said calmly, caresing his cheek gently.
-Ok- he smiled just like I love, so I couldn't resist and not kiss him.
After that, we went along with my plan. I placed next tray of cookies in the oven, set the timer, and took the broom, to clean up the floor, with Max's help. It didn't take long, luckly.
-Now what?
-Now, you're gonna help me wrap all those boxes- I smiled, puting away the broom. We had plenty of them to wrap. 4 in total presents for my side of the fam, 5 for Vicky, Tom, Sophie and the boys, and a few for Jos and his side of Max's family. So it was almost 15 of them, if you count also those we got for one another.
-Ok. Here we have the paper, sissors and duck tape, what else do we need?
-These- I showed him special cards, where we will write the names of the person whose present it is. They looked really cool.. -So. How about you'll messure the amount of paper we need for each present and cut it from the roll of paper, while I'll write the tags and then wrap them? You can add those ribbons later?
-I love you Kenz- he smiled, relieved to have some kind of a resonable plan.
-I know. I love you too- I smiled, as he kissed my cheek. Then, we worked exactly like I said, falling into a routine easly, smiling at one another from time to time, sitting on the floor. It was really nice..

-I need to take those cookies, decorate those presents and stick the right tags to them, and I'll be back soon- I said, getting up from the floor, when the timer went off.
-Sure thing Schats. You need help with those?
-No, thank you honey- I falshed him a greatfull smile and returned to the kitchen. Taking the sheet out of the oven was fairly easy, then I placed it on the counter, to cool of, and instead I neatly but quickly decorated the already cooled ones with colorfull icing, in shapes of stars, christmas trees, presents, gingerbread people, little houses or sweets.
After I was done, I came back to the living room, to see Max setting up the last presents in neat pile under the tree. With the two for our parents with blue and pink ribbons on top of them.
-We did a great job..
-We really did- I agreed, standing next to him, looking at it proudly.
-I can't wait to finally tell them... Vicky will freak out at the news...!
-I'm sure she will- I chuckled and tilted my head, so it rested on his shoulder -And Moms' are gonna cry..
-That's a given I think!- his comment made both of us giggle.
-Come on! You're gonna help me finish the cookies and then we can watch a movie!
-Sounds like a plan- Max agreed and let me pull him to the kitchen. This christmas will deffinitely be special and unique compared to previous ones...

Here is the first of this years' Christmas theamed One Shots!
I hope you like them as much as I had fun writting them!
And we also are "kicking off" with new ONE SHOTS BOOK!!
Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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