#102 Lewis - Birthday getaway

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NARRATOR POV: Lewis Hamilton, the revered 8-time Formula One World Champion, was about to turn 39. Amidst the winter break, he found solace in spending time with his family and friends, whom he doesn't see too often during the season, and most importantly, his partner, Angelina Walker, a formidable 3-time Motocross Champion. They shared a bond forged not just by their love for motorsport but by their passion for pushing the boundaries of what was possible on track and off of it.

As the days inched closer to Lewis's birthday on the 7th of January, the couple decided to escape the bustling cities and retreat to a secluded cabin in the heart of a snowy mountainside. Surrounded by nothing but serene landscapes and the whispering snow, they found a haven away from the limelight.
The cabin, a charming wooden retreat, was adorned with a cozy living room, with crackling fireplane, fluffy couch with cozy blankets, and a breathtaking view of the snow-covered peaks from floor lenght windows, small but efficient kitchen and lost like bedroom on top, along with the bathroom. It was the perfect setting for Lewis and Angelina to unwind and celebrate the special day away from the roar of engines and the buzz of the media.

On the morning of Lewis's birthday, Angelina had a surprise planned. She woke up early, the crisp mountain air invigorating her spirits as she prepared a hearty breakfast. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the scent of pancakes, filling the cabin with warmth and comfort.
-Happy birthday, Lew!- Angelina exclaimed as she entered the room, carrying a tray laden with breakfast delights. Lewis, still in a state of sleepy contentment, rubbed his eyes and smiled at the sight before him.
-Wow, you didn't have to go through all this trouble, Angie...!?- he said, his voice still rough from sleep.
-It's your special day, Baby! How could I not make it special?!- she retorted, shaking her head in amused disbelieve -Let's make it memorable!- Angie added, setting the tray down on the bedside table.
They enjoyed their breakfast, sharing stories and relishing the simple joy of being together without the pressures of their respective championships, or work in general. It was an amazing way to start the day.

After lazy morning in bed, they cleaned the dishes and then put on warm clothes, to go outside. They ventured out into the snow-covered wilderness, indulging in snowball fights and playful antics, the carefree laughter echoing through the mountains, along with barking of their beloved dogs. They only came back home when they got really hungry and cold, so they returned, had warm showers and cooked themselves lunch, deciding to stay home for the rest of they day and watch movies on the couch, beneeth the blankets.

In the evening, Angelina had another surprise for Lewis. She had secretly organized a bonfire by the frozen lake, adorned with fairy lights and blankets strewn around for warmth, on their back-yard. The good thing was, Lewis had a nap before dinner, so she had time to set up everything.
-Come on sleepyhead! I have a surprise!
-Another surprise?
-Yeah! I can spoil my birthday boy, can't I?
-Yeah, you can- he agreed with a chuckle and finally let her drag him outside.
-Angie... It's amazing! How did you...?- Lewis asked breathless, taking all of it in.
-Your nap helped- they both giggled at that.
-Come on, Lew, let's make some s'mores! Angelina grinned, holding out a bag of marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers, she placed on the small table next to the lounge area.
Lewis chuckled, his eyes reflecting the glow of the fire.
-You've outdone yourself, Angie. This is trurly amazing.

As they sat by the crackling fire, exchanging stories and dreams for the future, Lewis felt a surge of gratitude for having Angelina by his side. She understood his world like no other, sharing the same drive, dedication, and passion for their sports. And to add that she had a beauty to back up that smart brain of hers was another plus...
-What? I have something on my face?!- she caught him staring, as the fire reflected in her gorgeous eyes.
-No- he instantly disagreed, chuckling fondly -I'm just gratefull from having you in my life, that's all...
-Awwww, Leww...- she cooed and then pressed loving kiss onto his lips -I'll always be here...
-I promise- the kiss got a little more heated, but not that much. And after they seperated,  Angelina snuggled closer to him, making both of them smile. 

As the night deepened, surrounded by the tranquility of nature and the warmth of their love, Lewis realized how fortunate he was to have found a partner who not only matched his ambition but also grounded him in the beauty of the present moment.
-Thank you, Angie- Lewis said softly, hugging her even closer to his chest and kissed the top of her head in sweet gesture -For making this day so special...
-Special birthday for special person- Angelina smiled, her eyes reflecting the flickering flames -Happy birthday, Lewis. Here's to many more adventures together- she added, clinging their s'mores together in playfull toast, along with a sip of Lewis's newest creation - Almave.
-I also have a present for you- she suddenly remembered, pulling something from under the mountain of blankets.
-Tsh! Open it- she was beaming so hard, Lewis couldn't help but follow her instructions, while mirroring her expression. He held up a notebook of sorts.
-It's a journal. For your plans, next projects and just any thoughts that may cross your mind- she explained, looking at him in so soft manner, Lewis felt the familiar warmth swimming in his stomach.
-Thank you very much Ange. I'll definitely use it..- he smiled at his partner and pulled her in for a sweet kiss, before opening the journal. Right on the front page, was written: "Constelation of stars for a real star. Never give up and keep believeing in yourself. I believe in u. Love you forever <3, Angelina" along with some drawn stars and hearts.
-It's an amazing gift. Thank you my love.
-You're welcome...

After that they settled, exchanging sweet kisses from time to time, cuddling and toasting the marshmallows under the starlit sky. At that moment, Lewis Hamilton and Angelina Walker cherished the quiet beauty of the winter night, knowing that their love and shared passion would continue to fuel their journey, both on and off the track, as they stay with one another no matter what.

Something sweet and wintery with our 7X World Champ!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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