#105 Sebastian - Troubles and wine

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Sebastian Vettel had always been known for his jovial and lighthearted nature, both on and off the Formula 1 track. But there were moments when even the most cheerful souls found themselves grappling with their own demons. On a cool autumn evening in the heart of Maranello, Italy, Sebastian found himself at such a crossroads, his usually bright eyes clouded with an unspoken burden.

Eleanor Harlland, Sebastian's closest friend and confidante, had sensed the change in him over the past few weeks. She had known him for years, and their friendship had grown stronger over time. On this particular evening, as they sat in the garden of Sebastian's villa, sipping on glasses of red wine, Eleanor decided that enough was enough.

Sebastian stared absently into his wine glass, his thoughts a million miles away. Eleanor leaned forward and gently touched his hand.
-Seb, something's been bothering you for a while now, and it's eating you up inside. I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong, and don't try lying to me.

Sebastian sighed, realizing that Eleanor was not going to let him avoid the conversation any longer. He set his glass aside and looked into her eyes, his own filled with a mix of vulnerability and relief. "
-It's just... I've been struggling with my performance on the track. This season has been a disaster, and I can't seem to find my rhythm- he said, and Ellie nodded, her expression empathetic.
-Every racer faces slumps in their career. It's a part of the sport. But you're one of the best, 4x World Champ at that, and you've overcome challenges before. What's different this time?

Sebastian ran a hand through his hair, a deep furrow etched on his forehead.
-It's not just about the racing, Ellie. It's about the pressure, the expectations, and the constant scrutiny. It's about the fear of letting down my team, my fans, and myself. It's about feeling like I'm losing my touch, and I don't know how to get it back...- he sounded tired and more broaken than ever before.

Eleanor listened intently, her heart aching for her friend.
-Seb, you're human, not a machine. It's okay to have doubts and struggles. But you can't carry this weight alone. You have people who care about you and believe in you, including me- she tried to cheer him up a little, making Seb smile weakly.

-You've always been there for me, El. I don't know what I would do without you.

Eleanor squeezed his hand gently.
-That's what friends are for, Seb. We support each other through the highs and lows.

As the evening turned into night, they talked for hours, sharing stories and laughter. Eleanor reminded Sebastian of his achievements, his passion for racing, and the indomitable spirit that had made him a four-time World Champion. She helped him see that every setback was an opportunity to learn and grow.

"I needed this, Eleanor," Sebastian admitted, his voice softer now. "Thank you for always being there for me."

Eleanor reached out to clasp Sebastian's hand once more. "You don't have to thank me, Seb. We're a team, on and off the racetrack. We'll navigate this together."

In the following weeks, Sebastian found his confidence returning, and with Eleanor's unwavering support, he began to regain his form on the track. He had learned that it was okay to share his vulnerabilities and seek help when needed.

Their friendship had weathered another storm, and it emerged stronger than ever. Eleanor had been the anchor that had kept Sebastian from drifting too far into his own doubts, and he was grateful for her presence in his life.

As they stood in the garden, under the starlit Italian sky, Sebastian looked at Eleanor and said, "I don't know what I'd do without you, Eleanor."

Eleanor smiled and replied, "You'll never have to find out, Seb. I'll always be here for you."

And as they continued to gaze at the stars, they knew that their friendship was unbreakable, a bond forged through the highs and lows of life, just like the twists and turns of a Formula 1 race.

Something sweet and warm with our beloved German.
You have no idea how much I miss him on track..!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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