#108 Mick - By your side

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NARRATOR POV: Mick Schumacher and Madison Carter had been friends since childhood. They grew up in the same small town, went to the same school, and shared a bond that seemed unbreakable. But as they got older, life took them in different directions. Mick pursued his dream of becoming a Formula 1 driver, while Madison pursued a career in journalism. Despite the distance and the demands of their respective careers, their friendship remained intact.

One evening, they found themselves sitting on the porch of Madison's childhood home, reminiscing about their shared past. The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden glow over the scene.
-You know, Mick, it's funny how life works. We've been friends for so long, and I've always wondered why you've stuck with me all these years- Maddie said, looking at Mick with wistful smile. Mick chuckled softly.
-Maddie, you've always been there for me. You've been at my side when I had nightmares after my dads' accident, you've believed in me when I had doubts about my racing career and you've celebrated my victories and comforted me in my defeats, so It was actually you, who didn't gave up on me. But it's not just that. It's your kindness, your unwavering support, your sense of humor that keeps me grounded. You're like my North Star, guiding me through the challenges of life - his passionate, kind and honest words made tears well up in Madison's eyes.
-You have no idea how much your friendship means to me. Life can be so unpredictable, as we both know well enough and sometimes I wonder why you've chosen to keep me in your life, even when our paths have diverged so drastically- she continued, as both thought about Michael and how his life was suddenly ripped away from him, for split seconds.
Mick reached out and gently wiped away a tear from her cheek, before he spoke up:
-Mad, you're my anchor. No matter where I am in the world, no matter how fast I'm driving on the track, I know that you're there, cheering me on. You're the reason I never feel alone. All my life, you've stayed by my side, and I have no idea why because I should be the one thanking you for being the incredible friend that you are.
-Well, I guess we're both lucky to have each other then.
-We really are- Schumacher agreed, letting her rest her head on his shoulder, as he wrapped his arm around her.
-You'll always have me- he whispered into her hair, pressing a loving but short kiss there, before resting his own head against hers.
-I know. You too- to the outsider that responce wouldn't make sense, but to them it did. 

They haven't said anything else for a long bit, sitting in comforting silence and looking at the seting sun and the pink glow it emited, making their eyes shine brightly.
-Here's to a friendship that's as enduring as the sunset- Maddie smiled through her tears, her heart full of gratitude, her eyes not leaving his.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, Mick and Madison clinked their glasses together, knowing that no matter where life took them, their bond would remain unbreakable, a testament to the power of true friendship.

Something short, but sweet and also sad.
Let's see how Mick does in DTM..!
I'm really excited, even tho I would prefer him in F1...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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