#11 Checo - Dizziness and borrowed sweatshirt

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MARISOL POV.: Unluckly, this week, in Brazil, temperatures were rather low, meaning that we needed to wear more clothes than we'd normaly do. Shorts and just T-shirts were swapped with trousers, combined with sweatshirts and in some cases, even jackets. The day is rather cloudy, with 40% chances of rain. No ideal scenery after rather rainy Singapore and almost a flood in Japan, but I guess we cannot complain, as it's still dry. 

Right now, I attentively follow both Red Bull cars around the circuit via huge monitors in the garage, waiting for this session to end, to take Checo to media pen for interviews. 
To keep myself extra warm, I decided to borrow Sergio's sweatshirt for a bit, as my own was too thin. The fact that my boyfriend is larger than me meant that I could easly put his over mine for extra layer and wrap my cold hands in the matterial too. It was nice and comfy..
But suddenly, just when I inverted my gaze to check the time on my smartwatch, I heard the team gasp. I shot bolt upright instantly, seeing how Checo nearly avoided the barrier, even though he was right in the middle of the track just seconds ago. In the dry...
-You're ok there Checo?- Hugh asked him through the radio, concerned just like all of us. It's not every day that something like that happens, after all.
-Yeah. Just a bit dizzy all the sudden...- came muffled responce.
-You sure? Maybe come back to the garage?
-No. I'm fine, really. It was just a mome.. achio! moment!- he replied, and snezzed loudly in the middle of it.
-If you say so. But if it becomes worse, tell me, ok?
-Will do. Don't worry- Sergio replied, sounding better, but I know him. Something was wrong...

Finally, after next 20 minutes, session 2 ended and the mechanics wheeled both cars back to the garage. Instantly conversations began, Adam asking Sergio a lot of questions about the set up and so on, but to my surprise (not the good kind), he was still sitting in the car.
-You ok mate?- Adam asked him, almost as if he's reading my mind.
-Yeah. But you might want to help me out..- his tone of voice was concerning.
-Sure thing- he agreed, and with double strenght, they managed to get Checo out of the cockpit.
Before anybody said anything however, Pérez stumbled on his own feet, putting all his weight on confused Adam.
-Checo!- we said at the same time, as I stood up to my feet and he held him steady.
-What's wrong Cariño?!- I asked him, minimalizating the distance between us, and placing one of my hands on his sweaty cheek.
-You're wearing my sweatshirt...
-That's not the point right now. How are you feeling?- I dismissed his comment and happy grin, as I indeed, was still wearing something of his.
-My head is pouding, but I should be alright soon.. It's not the first time today..- he said, as we sat him down on one of the chairs.
-Qué? Why didn't you tell me anything? Or Adam, or Hugh, or Xavi?!
-Because is temporary. I'll be ok in no time. Don't worry Sol...- he tried to dismiss it.
-No, it's not ok! We should get you to medical..
-No, no medical center! I'm fine! I managed to drive with stomachache, then I'll do it with a bit of headache. Let me just breath for a bit, and then we can go to do the interviews. After them I'll rest!- he insisted, looking me straight in the eyes with firm expression.
-I don't think it's good idea mate..- Adam said, still having his arm on Checo's shoulder, to keep him from standing up.
-What's going on in here?- Christian asked, walking into the garage -Checo, what's wrong mate?
-He has a headache aperently. Some dizzines too. And as stubborn as he can be, he doesn't want to see the doctor to check it!- I explained everything to our boss with frown on my face. I really didn't like the situation even a bit...
-Maybe quit the interviews and go ealier to the hotel to rest if off, hm? The team can put out the statement that your health is more important and you're in no shape to do them? Like Lando Norris did when he was sick during the Catalunya race?- Horner suggested, looking just concerned like we all are.
-Thank you Christian, but I'm not a baby. I can do the interviews and rest later. I already told Marisol that..- he declined once again.
-I know. But we care way more about your health than some stupid media..- he pushed, trying to get to him.
-Christian is right Sergio. You should really rest it off, to not make, whatever this is, worse...- I looked at my partner, concerned -Especially when you don't want to see the doctor, what I think you should do regardles of your decision...
-Ok. I'll do your way- he gave up, making everyone sigh.
-Then let's go, get your stuff from the motorhome- I said, helping his dizzy ass up, with Adam -Thanks Boss- I looked at Christian with relieved expression.
-No need. Just rest. Both of you. We'll do the debrief tomorrow morning, after breakfast.
-Of course- we both agreed, and then, on pace like a turtle, we went through the garage, to get to the motorhome. Luckly, it wasn't far...

After few words with concerned Max in the corridor, we locked ourselfs inside the Sergio's drivers room, where I made him sit on the couch and drink a bit of water. Meanwhile I paced around the room, packing everything.
-I'll help..
-No! You sit your dizzy ass down and rest. I got it- I stopped him with glare.
-Ok. But I must say, you look damn good in my clothes..
-It's just teamwear, but bigger. I don't look any different?!- I stopped mid-move and placed both my hands on my hips to look at him expectantly.
-But it's that, it's mine... Everyone can smell my cologne when standing close to you, with my number on the sleve... I like it.
-You're really acting weird- I rolled my eyes, but before I could resume packing, he looped his fingers through my belt-loops and pulled me onto his lap, making me yelp in surprise.
-What now?! We have to get back...- I looked at him partly annoyed, but he stopped me by kissing me softly. Against myself, I melted into it and wrapped my arms around his neck.
-I mean it. You look hot in my clothes.
-And I love you.
-I love you too- I rolled my eyes at him again and then kissed him softly but short -Come on! We need to get back to the hotel, before Christian with change his mind and make you do those interviews..!
-Ayay, Mrs Capitan!- he saluted, making me laugh.
-I mean it!- between giggles I stood up from his lap and resume my task. Checo didn't argue, laughing a bit himself, before he groaned because of his pouding headache.
-See?! Let's go!
After that, we took our stuff and left the paddock, to get to our car and drive back to the hotel. This time I drove, while Checo relaxed in the pasenger seat, his head hurting more every second. I just hope that Christian and him are right and he just needs good sleep, and it's not something worse...?!

It doesn't look like good start of the weekend..?!
And a bit sweet but still professional moment with those two Mexicans...
I hope you're all doing well out there, no matter what you're facing right now...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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