#113 Lando - Just a friend

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NARRATOR POV: The setting was the bustling paddock of the Monaco Grand Prix, and the atmosphere was electric. Just like the other drivers, Lando Norris, was going through the usual pre-race rituals when his longtime friend and trainer, Jon Mavern, approached him with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Jon leaned against the team's hospitality motorhome and grinned at Lando.
-You know, Lando, you're so full of shit sometimes.
-And what have I done now to earn that compliment?- Lando chuckled, not entirely surprised by Jon's candidness.
-You've been dancing around this topic for years, mate. It's about time you faced it.
-You're being cryptic Jon, and I don't like it- Lando raised an eyebrow -Come on, out with it!
Jon sighed, leaning in closer.
-Lando, it's obvious to everyone except you. You're in love with her."
-I don't know what do you mean..- Lando's heart skipped a beat as he glanced around the paddock, hoping no one had overheard their conversation. 
-Jon, come on, don't be ridiculous! I'm NOT in love with her! She's my friend!- he stammered, blushing furiously.
-Ridiculous? Lando, I've known you since you were a little kid in F3. I've watched you two dance around your feelings for each other for years. It's like a never-ending tango of flirtation!- Jon's expression remained steadfast.

Before Lando could respond, Max Fewtrell, another fellow driver and friend, appeared with a teasing grin.
-What's this? Private secrets in the paddock, you two? Come on! What's the gossip?
-Nothing you need to worry about, Max- Jon rolled his eyes at Landos' sharp answer, which was more telling than saying the truth.
-Oh, I see what's going on here. You're giving Lando a pep talk about his love life, aren't you?- Max shot a knowing look between Jon and Lando.
-Jon, can we please focus on the race today?- Lando's face turned crimson as he tried to deflect Max's comment. Jon, however, wasn't letting him off the hook so easily.
-Actually, Max, we were discussing how Lando needs to stop being such a chicken and tell a certain someone how he feels.
-Ava's right, mate. Life's too short to play it safe. If you care about someone, you should go for it- Max grinned, enjoying the opportunity to tease his friend. Lando sighed, realizing he was outnumbered.
-Alright, alright. Maybe you both have a point. But it's not that simple.
-Nothing worthwhile ever is, Lando. Now, focus on your race today, and then maybe, just maybe, you can stop avoiding the inevitable- Jon gave him an encouraging smile -Now, streaches...

As the Monaco Grand Prix got underway, Lando couldn't help but ponder Jon's words. His trainer and a long time friend had always been a voice of reason and a helping hand when needed, not only racing-wise. Maybe it was time to confront his feelings, to tell the person who had been on his mind for so long how he truly felt.

In the midst of the high-speed drama of the race, Lando Norris found himself contemplating a different kind of finish line, one that involved more than just checkered flags and victory laps. And maybe, just maybe, the Monaco Grand Prix would mark the beginning of a new chapter in his life, one filled with the possibility of love...?

After Monaco, Lando had a few days off, so he flew back to London, under the disguise of working at the McLaren Technology Center, to meet with his long time friend and confidate, but also well known journalist and photographer - Avalynn Cooper. They grew up together in Belgium, but when their carrers needed them too, they both moved to London. 
And that's how they ended up here, on the porch of Ava's small but cozy house at the outskirts of London, gazing at the stars, Lando was unusually quiet. Ava noticed and nudged him with her elbow.
-What's on your mind, Lan? You've been awfully quiet and you never are-  she asked, her voice soft in the night air. Lando took a deep breath, struggling to find the right words.
-Ava, there's something I need to tell you....
-What is it?- she turned to him, her bright blue eyes filled with curiosity.
Lando hesitated for a moment before blurting out:
-I'm in love with someone.
-Oh, really? Do tell- Ava raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a playful smile, hiding well how her heart hammered in her ribcage from unsaid feelings. Lando squirmed in his seat, his cheeks turning a shade of pink.
-It's... it's not just someone, Ava. It's you. I'm in love with you- he revealed, looking everywhere but at her, scared to see her reaction, and possibly, loose his best friend.
Ava's smile faded, and she blinked in surprise.
-You're so full of shit, Lando- she said, trying to sound nonchalant, but her heart was racing. It wasn't possible that he... was it?!
Lando looked down at his feet, feeling vulnerable.
-I'm serious, Ava. I've been in love with you for a long time. I just didn't know how to say it- he breathed out fair easier. The worst was out, he also could just rip the bandaid off and be done with it.
Ava turned away, staring out into the dark night.
-Lando, we've been best friends forever. If you really felt that way, you should have said something sooner.
-I know. I was scared of losing our friendship...- Lando's voice was filled with regret -And now I might loose you anyway, so...

Before Ava could respond, the sound of approaching footsteps interrupted their conversation. It was Max Fewtrell, their mutual friend, who had been eavesdropping, as per usuall with those two crack-heads.
-Well, well, well, what have we here? Lando finally confessing his undying love?- Max grinned mischievously as he walked up to them. He was just teasing, happy for his best friends.
-Max, this is serious!- Ava shot Max a warning look.
-Sorry, sorry. I couldn't resist. But seriously, Ava, Lando's been head over heels for you for ages. It's kind of obvious- Max raised his hands in surrender. Ava's cheeks flushed as she turned back to Lando.
-Is that true?- Lando nodded, his eyes filled with hope.
-Yeah. I couldn't keep it a secret any longer- he admitted, red like a ferrari on the face.
Ava sighed, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
-Well, you're an idiot for not saying anything sooner, but I guess I'm an idiot too because... I'm in love with you too, Lando- Lando's face lit up with joy, and he reached out to take Ava's hand.
-Really?- Ava nodded, her eyes shining with happiness.
-Yeah, really.
-Finally, you two! Took you long enough!- Max let out a whoop of excitement, making both of them laugh. Lando and Ava looked at one another, eyes shining with happy tears, as their worries and fears melted away in that moment. They had confessed their feelings for each other, and their friendship had evolved into something deeper and more beautiful than they could have ever imagined.

As they sat there, hand in hand, under the starry sky, they knew that their love would only grow stronger, and that they had Max to thank for pushing them to finally admit their true feelings.
And Max, well, he couldn't help but grin and say:
-Come on Bob, you're in love with her!- one more time, just to tease them. But this time, it was met with laughter and a sense of newfound happiness.
-Fuck off Max!- they both flipped him off, making the brit almost topple over with laugher, making them laugh even more.
-I love you- they whispered to one another and smiled, squezzing their joined hands. Now it was only time for happiness...

Something sweet and lovey-dovey with Lando!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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