#115 Sebastian - My hero

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NARRATOR POV: In the bustling city of London, where the city lights twinkled amidst the urban sprawl, Sebastian Vettel found himself in a rather unexpected situation. Away from the familiar world of Formula 1, he had crossed paths with Eleanor Harlland, a renowned psychologist whose practice was nestled in a quiet corner of the city. The plot twist in this scenario was, that Vettel and Harlland knew each other from their kindergarden and primary school days.
Sebastian, known for his thoughtful and empathetic nature, had been seeking the guidance of Eleanor as he navigated the complexities of the racing world, since the slow downfall of his Ferrari carrier. Eleanor, with her calm demeanor and insightful advice, became not just his psychologist but a trusted confidante and best friend.

On a crisp autumn afternoon, Sebastian arrived at Eleanor's office for a scheduled session. Little did he know that this ordinary day would soon transform into something far more intense.
As Sebastian entered the serene waiting room, he noticed a worried expression on Eleanor's face as she spoke to her receptionist. Concerned, he approached them, overhearing snippets of conversation about a distressed patient who had become agitated.
Sebastian's instincts kicked in, and without a second thought, he decided to wait in Eleanor's office, hoping to catch her after the situation settled. Meanwhile, Eleanor worked diligently to address the patient's needs, employing her expertise to diffuse the tension.

As the minutes ticked by, the atmosphere remained tense. Unbeknownst to Eleanor, the patient, in a fit of rage, targeted her as she left her office. The sudden attack left Eleanor shocked and vulnerable, the echoes of the encounter reverberating in the quiet hallway.
-But Sir, that's...!
-Shut up, you Bitch! I came to you for help and instead got called a freak!- was heard, followed by hollow sound of fist punching the wall.
-I never used that word Sir! And please, you need to calm down! It's not a place to throw a thantrum in!- Ellie tried to stay calm, but her voice waived slightly.
-And now you call me a kid!?
Sebastian, sensing something was amiss, rushed out of the office just in time to witness the commotion. Seeing Eleanor in distress, his protective instincts took over. With a swift and determined stride, he approached the assailant and pushed him away.
-Mother never taught you to not scare or assult women!?- he hissed and then hugged trembling Eleanor to his side, ensuring her safety, until security arrived to detain the intruder and walk him out of the office.
-You alright?
-I guess...?- she said back, unsure.
-Come on, sit down for a second..- Seb took control over the situation and guided her to the nearest chair and then passed her a disposable cup of water -Drink. You'll feel better...
-Danke Seb...- Ellie took it in her trembling hands and drank whole cup in silence.

Once the chaos subsided and the police took control of the situation, Eleanor found herself still quite shaken by the unexpected turn of events. Sebastian, concerned for her well-being, insisted on accompanying her to the police station to provide a statement and ensure everything was handled appropriately.
In the dimly lit station, Eleanor sat, recounting the harrowing incident to the police while Sebastian stood by her side, offering unwavering support. The authorities assured them that the assailant was in custody, and legal actions would be taken.
As the clock ticked past midnight, the ordeal finally came to an end. Sebastian, realizing the toll it had taken on Eleanor, gently wrapped his arm around her, offering comfort in his silent presence. They left the station together, the city lights casting a soft glow on the quiet streets.
Sebastian led Eleanor to his car, and in the serene solitude of the vehicle, Eleanor finally allowed herself to feel the weight of the emotions that had built up throughout the night. She leaned into Sebastian, finding solace in the warmth of his embrace.
-I don't know how to thank you,Seb. You saved my life today- Eleanor whispered, her voice laden with gratitude.
-You don't have to thank me, El- Sebastian replied, his tone gentle -I'm just glad I was there when you needed someone.
The drive continued in companionable silence, the cityscape slipping by outside the car window. Sebastian, recognizing the need for quiet reflection, remained by Eleanor's side, offering a steady presence as she processed the events of the night.
Upon arriving at Eleanor's home, Sebastian walked her to the door. Before bidding her goodnight, he said:
-If you need anything, Ellie, don't hesitate to call. I'm here for you.
-Thank you Sebastian. I appreciate that more than you know- Eleanor, touched by his sincerity, smiled through the exhaustion -But lets start with that missed appointment of yours, ok?- her words made both of them laugh quietly, succesfully lifting the sollen mood.
As Sebastian left Eleanor's doorstep, he couldn't help but feel a profound sense of connection—a bond forged not just by shared moments of vulnerability but by the strength that emerged from facing adversity together. In the quiet aftermath of a challenging night, Eleanor found solace in the unexpected support of a friend who had become so much more than just a familiar face from the racetrack.

Something similar to the usual, but still different...

I hope you had / will have a great day today!

Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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