#12 Lewis - Birthday surprises

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As Lewis had his 38 birthday few days ago, I came up with this "Birthday One Shot".

ANGELINA POV.: This year, for Lewis's birthday, I wanted to give him something really special. I'm not saying that the previous presents he got from me were meaningless, but I still want to top myself off each year in gifts for him. He just is my everything and I want him to feel loved and happy every day.
After lots of thinking with our family, Angela, Bono, Spinz and some more of our friends I came up with something. Surprisingly, if you have enough money you can have everything...?!
It was really happy considance that we're in England for few days, as we're having dinner with whole fam later in the evening.
-You really won't tell me where we're going, are you?- Lewis started to be impatient as I drove us out of the city, with him on passenger seat and blindfold on his eyes. Usually he's the one to drive, but as it's a surprise and he cannot know, I need to do this myslef. And he's actually a very calm and happy passenger!?
-Told you, it's a surprise. And if I tell you..
-You'd have to kill me, I know- he finished my saying with a happy chuckle.
-You trust me, Lew?- I asked him, looking sideways for few seconds and holding his hand.
-Course I do. With everything, my Angel- he replied, and blindly lifted our joined hands to his lips to place loving kiss on top of mine.
-Then wait 10 more minutes and you'll know- I insisted, focused on the road.
-If you say so, Sweetheart- he agreed, not saying anythng else. Instead, Lew started to hum along the music on the radio, smiling to himself.

Just like I said, we made it to our destination after ten minutes and then I parked the car and switched off everything.
-We're here- I told Lew and left the car, to get to his side -Keep the blindfold until I tell you...- I instructed him and then helped him get out of the car. I locked it and holding his hand in mine, slowly led him to the entrence.
I made us stop right in front of it, turned to him and smiling, took the material off.
-Angie?! What are we doing here?- he looked visibly confused.
-You know where are we?
-I can see that it's an open space habitat for lions and tigers, but what the hell are we doing here?
-I want you to meet somebody..- I kept the surprise to myself for a little longer, and dragged confused Lewis inside.
-Hi Angelina!- Wendy, the worker I met when I came here for the first time came to us.
-Hi!- I greeted her with warm hug.
-And you must be Lewis. I'm Wendy.
-Nice to meet you Wendy- Lew greeted her too, still not really understating the situation -But will somebody finally tell me what I'm doing here?!
-Of course! I'll do it right away, follow me...!- Wendy said and led us to one of the habitats.
-You can enter and meet her- she added, opening the doors for us.
-Thank you so much Wendy- I thanked her with smile, while Lewis was looking around stunned.
-Wow! This thing is huge!
-Just like you saw, it's animal friendly habitat, to let endangered animals grow up in safe space until they'll be ready to have their babies to make the species safe in wild..- I started explaining and let Wendy lock the door behind us, and only then I opened the gated door, to let us fully inside.
-But you said we're gonna meet somebody?
-Not somebody but someone!- I giggled and crouched down to whistle lowly, and soon after that we saw a small, around 6 months old tiger cub trotting in our way.
-It that...?
-Yeah. My love, please, meet June. Your tiger cub..- I proudly said, tugging on his hand to make him crouch down too. June was all over him in seconds, licking his face and making him fall on his back on the grass, while we laughed.
-Hi June...! You're so beautifull baby girl!- I happily watched his stunned and awwed expression, as he petted the cub for few minutes.
-Wait. She's mine?
-Yeah. Legaly you're her owner, but for her safety she'll live here, while we provide her with anything via Wendy- I explained calmly, seeing how it downs on him.
-You bought me a baby tiger...?
-I did, yeah. I know how much you love those animals...
-And June because... Oh...
-Yep. I thought that it's a fitting name for one of our babies...- I said, not really thinking about what I'm actually saying.
-One of? Angel...?- but Lewis picked up on my words, gaze hopefull, but not quite believing it yet.
-Just check her collar baby- I gave up, but smiled nevertheless. Lewis did exactly how I said and stunned, opened the folded paper, which revealed the photo of my untrasound, with little bubble on it, with written words as followed: "See you in 7.5 months Daddy!"
-Ange...?- he instantly had tears in his eyes, looking at me with June snuggled on his lap -Is it...? Are you....?!
-Yes... I'm 7 weeks along...- I said after taking big breath and added, a little unsure -Happy birthday..?
-That's the best birthday ever my Love! I love you!- he exclaimed, pulling me to himself and hugging me tightly.
-I love you too...- I exchaned loudly, happy about his reaction.
-You're the best! That's the best news ever! Two babies...?! I'm so lucky!
-And you know why her name is June?- I asked him, when we calmed down a little, and started playing fetch with our little cub instead,
-She was born on...
-JUne 15th?- he finished after me with huge smile on his face.
-Exactly. I think it just was a sign,,,
-It was more than a sign Baby! Thank you soo much! I don't know what I'd do without you in my life!?
-You'd mannage... somehow!- I joked, making us both laugh.
-You're the best!
-Well, thank you, Mr Hamilton..!
-You're welcome Mrs. Hamilton- he replied and kissed me lovingly on the lips. I could feel the excitement pour from him...

We played with June for a long time after that, and then left the center, after small chat with Wendy. We needed to get to the restaurant to meet with the fam after all? And we couldn't go there smelling like a baby tiger!?
-I think this is the best birthday I've had in my whole life!
-You think?
-Yeah..- the huge smile was back, the one with the little gap between teeth visible, which I adore a lot.
-I'm happy to help...
-I'm happy to have YOU- he corrected me, kissing my palm again.
Looks like I did a great job with presents this year...?!

38 but still going strong in the sport!
Let's hope he'll give FIA and Red Bull a run for their money this season...?!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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