#14 Lando - Saved life

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AVA POV.: While waiting for Lando to come back from another shooting day with Quadrant, I sat on the couch in pair of sweats, woolen socks and one of his Jet Fuel hoodies, mindlessly watching some show on TV and tracing the almost faded lines on the underside of my left wrist. It's been almost 3 years since I had cut myself for the last time, but I still remember it like it was yesterday. I did it after a really nasty break up with my previous boyfriend. Back then, I had severe anxiety, suffred from depression and bulimia, along with some other problems. To sum it up, my head and life was an utter mess, until I met him... My knight in shining, orange armour, with those cute curls, big blue eyes I love to get lost in and a smile which makes my life better every single second of the day.
Right now, he's like my own oxygen, making me unable to live without him. Not anymore...
-Hey Sunshine! I'm home!- his cheerful greeting pulled me out of my thoughts.
-Living room!- I shouted back, instantly smiling. Lando has that effect on me...
Minutes later, he came in, with that wide smile of his, and ploped himself on the couch beside me.
-You're wearing my hoodie again- he pointed out, playing with the string of it.
-Is that a problem, Mr Norris?- I quirked an eyebrow at him, playfully, feeling perfectly at ease.
-Not at all Miss Cooper, not at all- he replied and leaned in, to kiss me softly, making me smile even wider.
-How's your day? Did everything you wanted?- I asked him, feeling how he wrapped his arm around my shoulders to scoot me closer.
-Pretty much. We filmed two new videos for the channel and did some media, so nothing big... And yours?
-Studied a bit, read a book which is waiting for me at least a month, and... Nothing else really...
-That's still good. Something productive during lazy day- he smiled and kissed my temple.
-Yeah. I'm trying- I chuckled, as we both know that our mental health have a field day sometimes, making us feel like shit.
-You're doing that again...- he pointed out calmly, but I still heard worry in his voice.
-Doing what?
-That- he replied and took my right hand in his, to stop me from brushing those scars, I didn't knew I was still doing.
-It's nothing. I was just deeply in thoughts- I tried to play it down.
-But... You're not feeling like cutting again?- Lando asked, sounding really worried and concerned -Just talk to me Princess, what's going on?!
-No, I'm not feeling like it Lan. I swear- I promised him, moving a bit, to place myself on his lap and to look him in the eye -I was just thinking about the time I WAS feeling like it.. And actually doing it... It was 3 years ago..
-Before I met you, yeah. You changed that Lando. Your sweet and shy and bubbly personality brightened my life so much, that I won't do that again. Never again...
-Really? I did that?- he didn't sound convinced, wrapping his arms around my waist, as I placed mine on his chest and cheek, caressing the later lovingly.
-Yes. To be honest, I wanted to die for a really long time and you've changed everything. You saved my life without even realising it...- I told him the secret I haven't told anybody before, ever, feeling lighter and happier.
-That's... That knowledge is the best thing you could tell me Ava. But please, if you ever feel like that again, talk to me. I'm not saying, that you should talk to the psychologist right away, but at least, talk to me... I cannot lose you like that...
-I will Lando. I promise you, I will- I assured him with small smile, seeing his teary gaze.
-I love you Baby.
-Love you too Lan- I whispered, and placed my lips on his, kissing him lovingly. I knew that our future will be tough and rocky, but I trust him to hold me up when things get hard again. We still struggle, but it's better to struggle together, than on your own...
-We're a mess, don't we?- Lando joked, joining our foreheads together, when we eventually pulled away from the kiss.
-We are Lando, but that's a good thing too... It makes us more real...
-So young, but still wise as an Owl...
-It's a compliment?
-Of course it is Love! Never the other way around!
-I'm watching you Norris! You should fear me!- I said, trying to sound threatening, but failing.
-Believe me, I am!- his joke made us giggle. 'My dork'- I thought to myself, feeling the happiest ever, that I have him by my side.
-Eyh!- Lando hufed when we finally calmed down from our giggling fit and added -How do you feel about eating some take out? I think none of us feels like cooking today...
-Thai?- I asked him back, making the best impression of "Puss in boots". (or cat in boots?! Idk, in my mother language it's different - aut. note)
-We can do Thai. Actually, It was long time since we ate some- he agreed, making me squeal like a happy child and give him chaste kiss on the cheek -I'll order, and you go, make us some warm tea..- Lando said, reaching for his phone.
-Alright- I agreed and wanted to stand up, but he held me in place, to press loving kiss on my forehead, before actually letting me go. Without words I knew what he meant, making my heart melt and do some weird flips inside, making me feel like school-girl again. I just love him so much...

After almost an hour, we sat on the couch, cuddled under warm blanket, with our Thai takeout boxes and steaming hot tea on nearby coffee table, watching another episode of "Peaky Blinders". It felt like literal haeven... Safe, warm and content...

Sweet but a bit sour with Lando!
Keep warm and stay strong, whatever you're facing right now. Good times are coming.
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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