#15 Sebastian - Winter is coming

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ELEANOR POV.: As the end of the year was nearing, the weather was getting worse and worse, reimnding all of us that in fact, Summer won't be around forever, and something called winter actually exist. I'm not a big fan of winter to be honest, but I also love the time I get to spend with my boyfriend of whole 4 years, Sebastian, chilling under warm blanket on the couch in front of the fireplace, reading books, watching movies of playing old but still gold, board games. I really tressure this time, seeing him so carefree and smiling from ear to ear, happy as ever. 

Right now, I'm standing in front of big glass door to the tarace, looking into darkening distance, deep in thoughts, with warm woolen socks on my feet, one of Seb's worn out sweatshirts and messy bun on top of my head.
-Penny for your thoughts, Liebling?- I got pulled out from my daydream by the dearest voice I know, partnered with feeling of warm blanket drapped over my shoulders, followed by Seb's strong arms, as he rested his chin on my shoulder.
-I'm thinking about my love-hate relationship with winter- my explanation made him snort warmly, as he cuddled me even closer to his chest.
-What about it?- he asked next, even tho he knows damn well my opinion on it, as I complain about the cold and bad weather to his ear every single year ever since we got to know one another 5 years ago.
-It's getting colder and colder, the wind has picked up, it mostly rains or is cloudy, and the snow will follow soon after that, which means that you have to wear all those warm clothes in layers once again to stay warm, and the roads are slippery...- I started to rant, feeling warm and safe in his embrance, as we began to rock from side to side slowly.
Ever since I met him, I knew that I could rant to Seb about the tiniest of problems, even the most riddiculous one ever, like this one about winter, and I'll be met with understanding and knowledge on his part. He always cares about my opinions and feelings, making me all mushy and fuzzy inside, just like I felt with my first ever boyfriend all those years ago, in high school. My forever...
-But the world is resting that way. Nature the most. To recharge the batteries and be even more beautifull than the year before in spring- he said calmly, with little smile and look of wonder on his face. I saw it clearly in our reflection in the glass, seeing once again, how good we fit with one another. I would never replace him for someone else... Not now, when I know what true forever feels like...
-I know. But it's still damn cold!- I couldn't help but pout, knowing really well what Seb would do next, going over this orderal every single year when I'm having a pretty bad "winter weather day" as he calls it. I just love him with my whole heart and soul...
-How about I'll lit the fireplace and make us a mug of hot cocoa, hm? Chocolate will definitely cheer you up..
-We can do that- I agreed, and this time was the one to kiss his cheek -Let me help you...
With that idea, Seb let me go to crouch down in front of the fireplace to lit the fire, while I went to the kitchen, to start putting all the ingridients ready on the counter.
Soon after that, I felt that warm embrance again, as Sebastian huged me for a bit from behind, and then turned me around, only to lift me up onto the counter, to start making the cocoa after that. That way, I could trace his steps, and we still could hold eye contact from time to time, as I watched him. 
I fell in love with Sebastian-the F1 driver, but my whole being knows that my forever is next to Sebastian-the family man, who cooks and reads a lot of books in his free time, fighting for what's right in his beliefs, still being his sweet and cuddly self.
What can I say?! I'm a gooner for this blonde German with blue eyes, who sweeped me off my feet with his wit tongue and clever mind...
We sat there mostly in silence, as we both hummed some tune softly, feeling at ease in each others presence. Nothing like the truest feeling of belonging, and just Home...
-Here you go..- Seb said, flashing me a gentle smile, adding our own whipped cream on top of our hot cocoas and then passing me one.
-Danke- I thanked him and took a small sip -Have you talked to Mum recently? She keeps complaining about that creaking drawer in the guest bedroom...
-Yeah, I did. I promised her that after the season ends we'll come by and I'll fix it.
-Good- I nodded and added, seeing him barerly holding in a laugh -What?!
-You have a whipped cream mustache Liebling- he finally cracked up and laughing freeily stood between my legs to kiss if from my lips -There. All gone.
-Danke Seb- I replied and placed the mug a side to hold his face between my warmed palms -Ich liebe dich..
-Ich liebe dich auch, meine liebling- he replied, still giggling and then we kissed properly.
It didn't lasted for long tho, as we both cracked up with laugher.
-Come on. Let's burry ourselves under that heating blanket and get some reading in!- Seb decided, almost containing his laugh.
-Sounds like a plan, Mr Vettel.
-Nothing special if you're not going to join me, my future Mrs Vettel- he replied without blink of an eye, making us laugh again, at our own cheesyness.
After that, we actually went back to the living room and seateled on the couch, under the blanket, reading books in content, also sipping the warm liquid and soaking up the mere presence of the other. Just like we love to do..
If someone ever asked me, what my favourite kind of winter weekend is like, I'd most likely gave that person the exact picture of this particular evening. One of the happiest moments of my entire life.... With my Seb by my side...

And another one with our beloved German!
It'll be REALLY weird to not see him on the grid next year...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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