#16 Charles - Move in with me

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BRYNN POV: It's non race weekend, before Brazil. Charles is finally back in Monaco, so we can soke up every possible second together. I really missed him those days, when he was away, racing. Especially because I could only attend Japan, after which I had to go back to our home-town and resume my studies, also taking care of my grandma. It's not easy, but I'm not an quitter, so I'll be fine...

Right now, we're chilling on one of the lounge chairs on Charles's balcony, wrapped in light-gray, fluffy blanket, watching the stars shining above us. The water in the harbour is splashing calmly, which along with Leclerc's steady heartbeat close to my ear, is lulling me slowly to sleep, after pretty adventourous day. We went on a hike, and found a beautifull beach, along with rather high cliff, so we decided to have a swim and jump from the rock a few times. And then we came back to the harbour and took his boat, to chill a little and bask in warm sun.
It was really nice, to just BE... No Ferrari commitment, nor family gathering to attend, no studies to rush to, just us...
-I love those kind of evenings, you know? When I can have you all to myself...- Charles whispered and pressed loving kiss to the top of my head, tightning his hold over my shoulders. I only hummed in responce, feeling the most relaxed I felt in days, maybe even weeks.
-And days too. I really had fun today.
-I did too Charlie- I mumbled, not moving an inch.
-Too bad we're already agreed to visit my mum tomorrow..
-What? Don't say that! Your mum misses you like crazy, AND we're soon flying to Brazil either way. Don't you miss her, when we're away?- his comment awoke me pretty fast, as I sat up to look at him properly.
-Of course I do! I's just...
-Just what? Be honest with me Charlie. You know I can see right through you..!
-I know. I just wish we had more time for ourselves... Between my racing, your Uni, fam and friends this time is really limited...
-I get that. But that's the path we chose, didn't we? I believe that it's just rough time, it'll be ok soon, with winter break..- I assured him, stroking his cheek lovingly.
-You're right again, but...
-Tell me Charles. What's also wrong?- I could easly see that he hides something from me and I didn't like it even one bit.
-I just miss you.
-But I'm right here?
-I miss you when you're not. Like, when you go back to your apartment most of the nights we're back home.. I hate those days without you...
-What do want to you say by that Charlie?- my heart started to thump rapidly, when I thought what I think he meant.
-I hate going to sleep in cold bed, waking up to almost empty like house, without your music, books laying everywhere, without the sound of coffee ma shine running early in the morning and your cosmetics not being on my shelf in the bathroom...- he kept listing, and I thought for a moment, when the hell did we switch from the conversation about his Maman, to us having diferent homes?!
-What I've meant to say is, that I have a question for you..- he said, looking at me expectantly, his hands brushing gently my hips.
-Ask away Baby...- I almost felt like faiting at that moment.
-Would you consider, ever, moving in, with me?
-Move here?
-For now, yes. Later, we'd buy another, a bit bigger apartment.. But only if you say yes.. So?- I saw the conflicted emotions in his eyes right away. But my decision was already made...
-Of course I will!
-Yes! I love you Charlie! Never, EVER doubt that!
-Je t'aime mon Amour..- his whole face lit up, with that cute smile of his I adore so much. I don't know which one of us leant in first, but next thing I knew, we're kissing passionately with the biggest smiles we could muster. I felt so happy, that I cannot explain that!
-I'm so happy you said yes..!
-Me too mon Amour, me too..- I replied and placed small kiss on his cheek.
-Speaking of it..- he said and reached for small box, which was under the lounge -This is for you..
-Charlie?! First the question, and now a gift!? I told you to stop spoiling me like that!
-Just open it baby!- he laughed, placing it on my hands.
-Fine- I agreed and unwrapped the paper carefully. What I saw, was a simple key ring, with two keys attached to it. Without thinking, I knew what those were...
-I thought that you might need them..
-And what if I said no?- I decided to tease him a little.
-We both know you'd say yes either way..
-You so sure about that?
-Yeah. I know you..
-True- I agreed, laughing with him. Just like I said, this was one of the best days I had in LONG time... And now, I need to start thinking about how to move the rest of my stuff (I have a big bunch of them here already, but it's still a lot to go) and how to tell our parents that we're now living together... And get ready for that lunch at Pascale's...! So much stuff to do! But I wouldn't change it for nothing! Even when it's hard sometimes...

A bit shorter one today, but I still hope you like it...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

P. S. Sorry for the delay, my Wattpad account was working against me today... :-(
I hope you don't mind...?

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