#2 Charles - Gingerbread house competition

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BRYNN POV.: This year, we decided, that on 25th December we're going to have a "Gingerbread house competition" to have fun and spend even more time together, after the Christmas Dinner the day before. The rules of the game are simple. We're all meeting up at Pascale's House after breakfast, cladded in ugly Christmas sweaters, which were given to every single member of the family by her and my mother (every single one is different, so they put really a lot work to it) and comfy clothes. While there, we're gonna team up in duos made up by lottery of cards taken out of one of Arthur's racing helmets and build and decorate each one Christmas house. That way, we'd have 3 houses in total, and my dad would be the judge, as he refused to get his hands dirty with frosting and all the other "baking stuff". Sounds really simple but fun.

Me and Charles made it to his mums' around 11 am as we couldn't find our sweaters anywhere in the apartment, even though I was sure that we placed them in the "gift basket" in the living room yesterday evening. That was way easier, than having to place each one in their new placement late in the evening when we came back, and this way, we can gradually find them nice spot without making a mess and find everything easly. Turns out I was wrong...
Luckly, after almost an hour of searching, we found them in the basket in bathroom, on top of the pile of dirty clothes I was going to wash in next days.
After we made it, we helped Pascale set up the table and changed into the sweaters, as we didn't have time for that in the morning, and then sat down with her in the living room for a chat, as we waited for Charles's brothers and my parents. The vibe was really nice and homely, with steaming mugs of warm "winter tea". 
Around half an hour later my parents made it, already ready for competition and Lorenzo and Arthur were shortly after that. It meant, that we could start the fun at 12 am, so not bad.
First, we picked the teams, and turns out that I'm doing ours with Charles, our mums are together, and Arthur with Lorenzo. It already looked like tons of fun, as both Charles and Arthur are terrible in the kitchen AND none of us did themselfs a gingerbread house before...
Ready, we sat down in front of our "stations" at the sides of the table, while my dad sat by himself, looking at as curiously, ready to see that disaster in the making...
-Before we start, I'm gonna remind you about the rules we established yesterday. Each team has half an hour to bulid their house, and then 40 minutes to style it however they want. I'll direct the time on Brynns phone. After the time, I'm gonna inspect the houses and decide who is the winner, which takes the main prize which I bought myself. 
-And then we all eat the houses!- Arthur added, smiling like a little kid seeing prezents.
-And then we eat, yeah- my dad chuckled, and we all smiled. It really looked fun...
-If everyone knows everything, let's start the competition!- he announced and set the timer.
-So. How do we do it?- I looked at my fiancee with smile.
-I have no idea. We just need to bulid it and hope it sticks?- he really looked lost, which made me want to laugh.
-Let's do it that way. You pass me the parts, I'm gonna glue them and then we'll decorate together- I decided, trying to ignore the shreks of laugher and yells from across of us, where Arthur & Lorenzo were, as their house looked more like it's gonna fall any second than real house and the quiet but firm decisions from our mothers, where the house was slowly but steadily being build. 
-Sounds like a plan mon Ange- he agreed and kissed my cheek. Then, we really got to work and slowly started the process. Let's hope we're gonna do a good job...

After half an hour, 2 broken gingerbreads and lots of yelling later, the houses were somehow standing, and it was time to decorate. While Zozo and Arth were already arguing and shooting each other with icing like little kids, our moms gathered all white and silver things, to make something simple and minimalistic but cute and shiny. Me and Charles on the other hand decided on classic, red and green theme, working unsurprisingly good together. While building the house was tricky, the other part not so much...
Until we both got attacked by colorfull icing right on the face.
-Arthur! / Enzo!- we huffed, not happy about it.
-Sorry not sorry!- Arthur sing-songed, putting the best innocent face he could, while Lorenzo looked sheepish.
-You're gonna pay for that!- before I stopped him, Charles gave up, and decided to give them some, scouping the large amount of leftover icing we had on the spathula and tried to shoot them.
-Boys!- Pascale tried to interwiene, but it was no use, as they already stood up from the table and ran away, to continue the fight with actual "battle cries". 
-Oh boys...- I just exchaled loudly and resumed my work, to finish our house on my own.
Nothing more was said, and the remaining time was spent in somewhat silence, while my dad was just sitting there, amused.

At the end, I'm quite happy about how the house turned out, even tho Charles only helped for 3/4 of the time. Arthur and Lorenzo's house was quite a dissaster, and mums were actually proud of their work. 
We gave dad a few minutes to think, while we gathered the very dirty boys and made them wash themselves, as we cleaned most of the mess they made. Luckly, it wasn't much...
-I have a verdict!
-So, dad... Who won?- I asked him, as Charlie hugged me, now clean and in clean clothes, from behind.
-Considering the fact, that we could see the different aproach and idea by all the teams, I decided that the 3rd place belongs to... Arthur and Lorenzo! Sorry boys, but you see what I mean..?!
-The most important was that we had fun- Enzo replied, and we nodded.
-Before I say anything, the competition was tougher than I expected.. As the other one was more eye-catching, 2nd place belongs to Diana and Pascale!- he said, and we clapped once again.
-With that being said, 1st place and mistery price goes to Brynn and Charles!- dad ended his speech, and we cheered.
-It was good competition- Charles commented and kissed my cheek.
-Indeed- I agreed and we accepted the present. It was, in fact, gift card, with money enough for 2 tickets and snacks for whichever movie we wanted.
-It was so long that we went out..- Charlie agreed, and we thanked dad for that.
After that, we sat down, with all the houses on plates on coffee table and tea, coffee and hot cocoa with whipped cream and marshmallows in mugs, and just talked about everything and nothing until lunch time. It was really cozy and calm moment, which made me apreachiate how happy I am with my family. And it turns out, that by today's activity we got ourselves another "Christmas tradiction" to fullfill next year...?!

That's another Christmas one shot!
I hope you like it, and stay safe for wonderfull Christmas with your family! 
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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