#20 Lewis - Crash

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NARRATOR POV.: Another race weekend of 2022 season is almost ending, as in just an hour all the cars will leave their respective garages to race, and then everything will be packed up and flown to yet another country, leaving the unique atmosphere of United States behind. Following up is another race weekend, in Mexico, meaning another "home race" for Red Bull, who's still on a high from Max's Championship win in Japan. Right now, they try to secure constructors win, and second place in the standings for their second driver and home hero of Mexico, Sergio Perez. But that's the main attention in public, unlike the center of Mercedes garage, where the 7 times World Champion of Formula 1, Lewis Hamilton, is sat on one of the chairs, almost ready to race, with his phone in hand, talking to somebody over FaceTime with a smile on his face.
(A- Angelina, L-Lewis)
L: I know I said it already, but it's really a shame that you're not here this weekend...
A: I know Baby, but work calls. I have my own race to win...
L: And bring home another trophy- his cheeky reply made Angie giggle.
A: Maybe. I just try to look at bigger picture. We have a bit of a rainy situation here, so...
L: Please, be carefull out there.
A: I'll try my best. But you know how it is- Walker agreed, refering to the danger they're both acustomed to, because of their work. Him racing in Formula One, and her doing the same in Motocross meant that they face great danger and possibility of death every single time they go out to race. But it doesn't mean that it's easier for them. No matter how much time passes...
L: I know- Lewis noded and added -How's the team? Hopefull? You're starting from second...
A: We want the win, but conditions mean that we have to expect the unexpected more than usual. We already have the race postponed by an hour...
L: You know what I always tell you. You're a star on your own, so no matter the outcome of it, you're my Champion...
A: I love you Lew. Miss you...
L: I miss you to Sweatheart.. So much...- they gave one another soft smiles, seeing the look of longing in each other's eyes.
L: Kill it out there, and come back to me in one piece, ok?
A: Will do. And same goes for you. Don't try taking unnecesary risks, ok? You have nothing to prove to anybody...
L: Gosh, I wish I'd be able to hug you right now!
A: Same Baby, same...
They talked a bit after that, Lewis keeping Angelina company while waiting for their races to start. Around half an hour to go they hung up, feeling strange uneasyness in their stomachs' but couldn't pick up on what was it. It wasn't the time to dwell on it however, because they needed to get ready to race. The time will tell....

When Lewis came back to the hospitality after the interviews, the team was already partying off his unexpected 3rd place, when Carlos and Max got a penalty after some incident with the safety car during the race. Hamilton was estatic about that podium, which he shared with Sergio, who won, and Charles on second place, but still had that weird feeling in his stomach. To ease it a bit, he seaked out Angela, to ask his phisio about Angelina. But before he did that, he froze, looking at one of the large screens, showing Motocross race. A huge crash to be exact, as one of the riders swinged suddenly to the right, knocking off balance the other bike, whose rider suffered a rather harash high-side and tumble to the gravel. Lewis could pinpoint from memory alone, who did...
-I'm sure she's fine Lewis. It's not the first crash...- Angela tried to confort him, while Lewis watched in horror, as his fiance laid on the ground barerly moving.
-This was a hard one...- he whispered back, dazzed. The rest of the team caugh up on what happened, seeing as Lewis wasn't responding on their cheers and congratulations. Someone silenced the music, so the comentatirs of the Motocross race were heard.
-We're still waiting for information about current championship leader, Angelina Walker, as she's still lying on the gravel, with bike in shreds. The other rider is mostly fine, just a few bruises..
-Well Mark, it's not looking good for Walker, as it is... In worse case scenerio, she might miss upcoming race in two weeks..
-Turn it off...
-I said Turn. It. Off!- Lewis was shaking, boiling inside, as fear and worry clashed with anger, almost fury. One of the mechanics did as he said, consuming whole hospitality in silence.
-Maybe sit down..
-I don't wanna sit down George!- the older Brit snapped, pulling on his braided hair -I need answers!
-I'll call Mark. Just try to calm down, ok Lew?- Angela said softly, caresing his shoulder and bicep.
-How can I calm down, when she's away and I can't be with her!?
-You really should calm down Mate...
-Stay out of this George! It's none of your bussines!
-Lewis! Lewis, come with me, ok?- before Russell reply anything, Toto spoke up and placed comforting hand on Hamilton's shoulder, giving his other driver a pointed look. George should've know better, than speak in moment like that. It was easy to say that he'd be just as the same if it was about Carmen...
-Alright. Let's go- Lewis agreed, holding tightly to his phone. Angela left with them, also Susie and Bono joined, locking them in Toto's office.
-I need to know how is she... And I need to fly to Toronto soon after that..
-No, I'm sorry Lewis but you won't be flying anywhere in such state.
-I have to agree with Toto on this one Lew... Emocions are running high, you might hurt yourself in the process..
-Ange, please..!
-No. We'll wait until we know anything!
After that, they all sat down and tried to distract Lewis with conversation. But the Brit was having none of it, constantly checking his phone for any updates. He also sand a few messages and tons of missed calls, hoping she'll pick up.

Finally, after close to two hours, Lewis's phone rang. He picked it up imiditely.
L: Angel!
A: I'm so sorry baby! I just got my phone back, while Mark's was dead..
L: It doesn't matter! How are you? I saw the crash! How bad are the injuries? Do you need me to come to you?! Did you see the doctor already?!
A: Lew! You're rambling sweetheart!- his rapid questions made her chuckle lovingly -I'm mostly fine. Just sore wrist, 3 broken ribs and tons of bruises over my upper body, but I'm alright. Back at the hotel already...
L: That's good... That's really good Angel...- Lewis let out the air he didn't knew he was holding, in relief. The love of his life it fine. Hurt, but fine... -Is anybody with you?
A: Not right now. Lottie and Mark went to freshen up after long day at the track and then the hospital with me, but they'll be back soon. Don't worry...
L: I'll worry, and you know that.. I just can't..- his voice gave up, as his eyes glassed with tears. Even Angela's helping hug and comforting gazes from others didn't help much. He just needed Angelina...
A: But I'm alright baby! We'll see each other soon, and you can pamper me how much you want!
L: That's not it. Angel... I just...
A: I'm all yours Lew. Take your time..- her gentle tone made him even more emotional. Even just the mere thought of loosing her today tore him apart.
L: I've never been more scared in my entire life than today Angie.. Not when I hopelessly watched you crash, not being able to rush to be with you, because I didn't come with you this weekend... If I'd lost you..
A: But you didn't! Don't think like that baby! Please! You're making me cry...
L: I'm sorry. But it's how I feel..
A: And it's good. You're doing such a good job Lew!- she praised his efords to speak up his mind. Everyone close to him know, how hard it is for Hamilton to talk about his feelings, apart from constant anxiety.
L: I just wish to be able to hug you...
A: We're both flying to NY tomorrow, I'll see you in less than 24 hours..
L: Too long..
A: I know that Sweatheart, but I'm alright, really! And soon, I'll hug you and cuddle close to you, and you'd be able to watch out for me, ok?
L: Ok...- Lewis agreed, not satisfied, but also happy to hear her voice -I love you Sunshine..
A: I love you too Lew. Very much...
After that, they hung up, and Lewis told everybody about Angelina's condition. All of them felt like the pressure is finally off their shoulders. 
But Monday couldn't come soon enough, for Lewis to take a flight to NY and finally see his girl. All he wanted was to hug her, kiss her and keep her away from any danger as much as he could. She's too important for him...

A huge crash, but still with happy end..
Those sports are dangerous, but still amazing to watch..
Angie scared Lewis a big time, but nothing bad happened at the end..
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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