#21 Max - Girl or a Boy?

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NARRATOR POV: Every driver on the grid is happy because of something or someone. Each and everyone of them has something which is the most treasured for them. In most cases, it's their own, little family. Marisol and Sergio have their little boys, Antonio and Manuel, Sebastian and Eleanor have their girls, Klara and Maria, Carlos and Isabella just welcomed their baby boy, Rafael, while Mick and Maddie are engaged. And, what's most important to Max, is his not so little anymore, sister, Victoria and her husband Tom, have their baby boys, Luka and Lio, while being happily married. Pretty similar, but still different case is with Max himself and the love of his life, Mackenzie Bontempo, as they're engaged and Kenz is now almost 5 months pregnant with their first baby. Because of that, they might get a chance to know what they're having soon...

One week, when Max was getting ready for the race in Singapure, training and visiting the factory, Victoria decided to visit them in Monaco and spend some time with her best friend and soon to be sister in law.
As decided, women were sitting comfortably on the couch, chatting lazyly about everything and nothing in particular, keeping an eye on the boys.
On one moment, Victoria got an idea.
-If I'm correct, you'll soon know if you're having boy or a girl, right?
-Yeah, I do. It's almost 5th month- Kenzie agreed, not really knowing where she's heading with that.
-I just got an idea- Vicky replied, and seeing her waiting gaze, continued -What would you say, If we, precisily I, would throw you two a Gender Reveal party?! You know, I would get your results from your doctor and then prepare everything, and you'd find out then?! What would you say?- she explained, seemimg pretty excited for that, even if it's her idea.
-Sounds fun...- Mackenzie replied slowly and added -I always wanted to do such a thing, but...
-But what?!
-I need to talk about it with Max. After all, it's not just my baby..
-You're right. But, you know, if you want that, we can go with the planning, if not, it doesn't matter...
-I know. Thanks Vicky.
-Any time- Verstappen seemed really keen on the idea, but Kenzie was right, they couldn't do anything without Max's approval...

Some hours later, during dinner, Kenzie decided to pop the question.
-Em, Max?
-What is it, Schats?
-Vicky here, and I, have an idea...
-Should I be scared? You know, knowing you two...- Max joked, making both of them pout.
-Not at all. In the contrary I think..
-Then? What is it?- Max seemed really intriguated, reaching out and holding her hand in his on the table.
-What would you say, If Vicky threw us a Gender Reveal party? For family and close friends?- Kenzie asked, and continued, seeing confusion on her fiancee's face -My doctor would sent her the results of my next ultrasound with the gender and then she'll throw a party for us, where we'll find out what we're having- she explained and waited for Max to say something.
-Sounds fun. But not too much people, ok Vic?
-Of course, whatever you want Brother- she smiled brightly, already planning the party in her head. She was sure that the event would be a blast....

Next weeks were eventfull on their own, as Max was still racing and Victoria was planning the surprise party. Of course, she got her mother on board, as she HAD TO tell somebody. Nerves were high, but only for the right reasons. Max was slowly extending his 1st place in the standings, only Sergio being somewhat consistant "enemy", cause Ferrari were Ferrari, to everyones dismay, drivers included, and Mercedes just wasn't strong and fast enough. And on the other hand, days to the party were melting like ice, nearing the event faster and faster. Everyone included just couldn't wait for it, parents-to be the most.
It came to that point that Mackenzie wanted to call her mid wife and ask for the gender, even tho she knew she'll find out soon. And the fact that she wasn't able to accompany Max to his races meant that she was bored even more, even tho she had constantly friends and family around, keeping her company. It was really hard...

15th OCTOBER 2022
Finally, it was the day. Everyone listed to attend the party flew to The Netherlands, to be with the happy couple. It was planned perfectly between racing weekends for Max, so he wasn't needed anywhere for his work.
The place of the party was rather secluded, to avoid paparazzi on everyone's heads, and to spoil the celebrations. All the guests happily agreed with the little note on the invitations, to wear something orange or blue, to show what they think the baby would be. Orange for the girl, blue for the boy. They could do it "traditional" way and decide between pink and blue, but the pair was never one to do something the easy way... And because orange is kind off Max's color, the pair decided to switch the pink with it. Another way to make it, "theirs"...
Amond the guests for the party were both families, couple of friends from both sides, even from the grid, like Lando Norris with his girlfriend Ava, Checo and Marisol or Max's boss, Christian and his wife Gery. Martin Garix also showed up and couple more their "celeb friends".
The attire, just like on every party, was rather formal, but nothing too fancy. The decorations were also simple, in light colors like beige and baby blue, with huge banner on which, Vicky wrote in both English and Dutch, "Am I a Girl or a Boy?".
Firstly guests ate a bit, but nothing too stuffy, chatting happily. Everyone wanted to know how Mama and the baby were doing, and were pleased to know everything is fine.
Max was practically glued to her side, almost bursting from the nerves. The pair had their arms around one another, smiling happily and whispering to each other in secret. Everyone could see how happy they are together.
-Well Mate, well done!- Lando said, smiling happily.
-Thanks mate- he replied, doing a fist bump. They chatted together about everything and nothing in particular, while Ava and Kenzie talked baby stuff with wide smiles.
But the conversations were cut short, when they heard the cling for the glass, done by Victoria.
-In my dearest brother and sister's place, I'd like to thank every single one of you for being here today, with them, for this special occasion. But sadly, or not really, I need to stop you there and request to go to the garden in exactly 5 minutes, where suprise will await...- she explained, smiling smugly.
-What is she planning?
-I don't know...
-Then we should be scared- Max concluded, making all four of them laugh. But soon after that, when Christian came to them, they're soon to find out, why they needed to be there...
And maybe, or maybe not, something about it was aranged between Victoria and Max's teammate....

When everyone finally gathered outside, Victoria and Marisol pulled Max and Kenzie in front of the crowd.
-You'll find out everything soon, but firstly, I need this...- Victoria said and pointed behind herself, adding -CHECOOOOO!
Before anyone could ask anything, they heard loud noise, making Max look at his sister in disbelieve.
-Did you...? Is it...?- he couldn't put together a single sentence, leaving Victoria to nod and grin widely.
-I did- exactly when she said that, everyone saw the one and only, Max's Red Bull, with which he won his first Championship a year ago, with.... ORANGE SMOKE going out of it!!
-IT'S A GIRL!!!- both Vicky and Sol shouted, while Max and Mackenzie froze in shock, and then looked at each other with tears of happines in their eyes.
-It's a baby girl...- they whispered, still in shock, and then embraced each other tightly, but still cauctios about the baby bump Kenz is sporting.
-I love you... / Ik houd van je- they said at the same time, followed by sweet and loving kiss, while everone clapped and cheered, happy for the young couple.

When the moment died down a bit, after all the hugs and congratulations, Max seeked out his sister.
-How did you do that?!
-Let's say I might have now own a favour to you boss...
-Don't but me. The important thing is, you both liked it, and it was compleatly yours, not somethng you see normalny in socials or the Internet.
-Thank you. You're the best!- he thanked her and hugged her close.
-No need. Everything for my dear brother...- her responce got her loving kiss on the temple and cheek.
After a little chat, they came back to the party, having very good time.
-I think I know for whom this title will be?- Max whispered into Kenzie's ear while hugging her from behind.
-Yeah. For my perfect girls...
-I love you...
-I know.

Everything turned out perfectly. In a month time Max was 2 times Champion of the world, and next 3 months later, the pair welcomed to the world their first child, a baby girl, whom they decided to call -Richelle Victoria Verstappen, Elle or Richie, for short. Nothing could be more perfect for them....

To claryfy, most of the conversations between Max, Kenzie and Victoria are in Dutch, but I don't know the language, so you see it that way...
And Max and Kenzie have their perfect life as we see...
I hope you'll like it..
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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