#22 Charles - Marrige proposal

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NARRATOR POV.: It's been 4 years since Brynn Warren and Charles Leclerc got together and until now, they're happy as ever. Even though they're still pretty young, as Leclerc is 25 and Brynn is 23, they both feel that it's their future, to be together and support one another through thick and thin.

Since lockdown in early 2020, when they were kind of forced to live together in the same apartment 24/7, both of them realised, how much they trurly needed one another with them on daily basics. And Charles even managed to return to Uni in some way, as he offered help in studying to his always stressed out girlfriend. Pros of everything being online...
Both Leclerc and Warren families treat "the kids" like their own child, making family dinners and vacations together. This way, it wasn't weird when Pascale and Diana crashed at their apartment when the restrictions got a bit loosened in Monaco, with double meals or other goodies, mostly at the same time. Warrens' are as intrested in Charles's career as much, as Leclercs' are proud of Brynn and how she's doing at Uni, soon getting her Major and graduating. But today is very different day, as Charles is taking advantage of the fact that Brynn is having "girls night out" with her best friends, and visits Warrens' house to ask Brynn's family, mostly parents, for their blessing in marrige.

CHARLES POV.: I think it's the first time since 4 years that I'm so nervous to visit Brynn's family...?! I'm going to ask her parents for Brynn's hand in marrige and now, when it's actually happening, I'm overthinking everything and freaking out, even though I know that they'll say yes... I'm filming everything, to have it saved for later, for memory. Besides, I want to see B's reaction to it, when the whole video will be finished and edited properly, after she says yes.
When I entered the house, Diana and Josh greeted me warmly and I gave both of them a hug. After that, I made myself comfortable in their living room, while Diana insisted on making all of us a cup of coffee.
We talked for a bit about everything and nothing, how my Championship battle is going and other stuff, while so I tried to collect every ounce of courage I have in me, to ask them.
-Actually... I wanted to talk to you guys about something...- I began, nervously twisting one of my bracelets on my wrist.
-Yeah? And what is that?- Josh sent me a warm smile, just like his wife.
-You see...
-Don't need to be nervous Charlie. You can talk with us about anything...- Diana assured me calmly, seeing how I cannot say anything yet.
-I know, Merci- I returned a smile and continued, after taking deep breath -You both know very well that I'd do anything and everything in my power to make Brynn happy...- they nodded, not interupting me -I love her a lot and want to try to make her the happiest ever for the rest of her life, so...- I scrached the back of my head in nervous habit -I wanted to ask you both for Brynn's hand and permission to marry her...- I finished and looked at them in waiting, while my heart was beating rapidly in my chest, almost ready to burst.
-Of course Charlie!- Diana said and stood up, to give me a strong hug -We love you like our own son and clearly see how happy you and our Brynnie are, so it's not our place to stop you!- she added and kissed my cheek.
-Take care of my Princess and... Welcome to the family- Josh said, and also gave me a hug, but shorter one. I flashed them a relieved and happy smile.
-Don't worry, I'll- I promised them, internally jumping from joy already. I cannot wait to finally propose....!

After I got Brynn's parents blessing, the whole machine went on full swing. I talked with Izzy and Kat, for help in choosing the parfect ring, (which I ended up designing myself) and planned everything with Pierre and my brothers help. I'm kinda nervous, but those are good nerves. After long thinking, I decided to do that on my boat. I'm gonna arrange us a nice and romantic dinner there, so she won't suspect a thing... I hope not... But I'm still super excited, to spend the rest of my life with my favourite person...

The special day has come, and today, I'm gonna propose to Brynn. I'm super excited and nervous at the same time, because I want it to turn out perfect. And the good thing is, Brynn doesn't suspect a thing!
I told her to not plan anything for today's evening, because I have a surprise for her, and she agreed. Of course, she wanted to know everything, but I talked her out of it, saying she will ruin the surprise. It was really hard for me to not tell her everything right that second, but I managed. AND I arranged with Arthur, that him and Lorenzo will be there, and secretly film everything, to complete the video I'll show Brynn later. I'm SO excited!

This day dragged I feel like forever, but FINALLY, its almost time. We decided that I'll wait for her in our apartment, and take over for there. I'm constantly in contact with my brothers to be sure that everything is perfect.
-I'm home Charlie. What's that surprise you have for me?- she said first thing she entered our shared apartment.
-You'll see. Just come with me and trust me on this, ok?
-I always trust you, but... Am I even in good clothes?!
-Yeah. You look perfect Mon Amour- I assured her and then took her hand, to pull her out of our flat. Then we went to the garage and hoped into my car to drive to the harbour. But half way there I passed her a blindfold, placing it on her lap.
-What's that for?
-Just put it on. That way, the surprise will still be a surprise.
-If you insist- she gave up asking and just did what I told her, making me grin.
When we finally made it, I quickly texted Arthur, and then helped Brynn to get out of the car.
-Can I take that off now?
-Not yet. Just hold my hand and trust me on this. I won't let you fall..
-I know- she smiled, and that gesture only made me give in and kiss her softly.
After that, we slowly made our way to my yacht, where the surprise awaited us...

I stopped us in front of the boat and turned to my girlfriend.
-You can take off the blindfold now- I told her and she did just that, gasping in awe when she saw what we prepared.
-Charlie...! It's...
-You like it?
-I love it! It's perfect!- she squealed in joy and hugged me.
-Then, shall we?
-Of course!- I helped her to enter first and then entered myself, grabing the little box from the table. In periperal vision I caught hiding Arthur, but I don't think Brynn saw him, to stunned by the whole scenery.
That also helped to surprise her once more...
-That's not all..- I said, getting on one knee behind her.
-What do you mean, it's..- she turned around, surprised, and our gazes locked -Oh!- she gasped again and covered her lips with both hands, with tears in her eyes.
-Brynn, ma Cherie, mon Ange, mon Amour, ma Princesse...- I listed the little nicknames I have for her, making her almost cry -I think and feel I know you forever, and I want to have more of that forever with you in the future. You're my light in darkest times, I love you the most I ever loved anybody and I really cannot imagine my life without you in it... Brynn Annabelle Warren, will you make me the happiest man alive and agree to marry me?- I asked her with my heart racing like my car does during the race. I praied to God for her to say yes...
-Charlie...- she sniffled, full on crying right now -Of course I will!
Hearing that, I smiled for ear to ear and placed the ring I held on her finger. Then I kissed her palm softly, before getting up to take her delicate face in my hands and kiss her sweetly.
-Je t'aime mon Ceour- she whispered into the kiss, still crying.
-Félicitations!- my brothers yelled, jumping out of their hiding spots with huge smiles on their faces.
-You knew!?
-You won't escape from us that easly anymore B!- Arthur replied with a joke and then I let go of my FIANCÉ to let her hug both my brothers.
-We're very happy for you two- Lorenzo said and added -I'm glad you didn't chicken out!
-Enzo!- I rolled my eyes and then accepted his hug. I'm happy they were here with me to see that...
-FINALLY!- Arthur joked, making me punch his shoulder before hugging him, as Lorenzo hugged Brynn. Thankfully she stopped crying, even tho I know those were happy tears. I hate to see her cry...
-So? When is the wedding?
-Arthur!- me and Brynn glared at him playfully, and Lorenzo laughed.
-Leave them be for now Arthur. Firstly they need to tell the fam and friends! And Charles has a season to finish, just like you!
-Stop going mother hen at me!
-Then stop asking stupid questions!
-They're not stupid!
Seeing them bicker made us both laugh carefree, as I placed both my hands on her waist and pulled her close to me, still a bit in disbelieve, that this perfect woman wants to spend the rest of her life with me... The future for sure won't be predictable and easy in some ways, but I' ready to tackle whatever more its gonna throw at us with her by my side...

Something sweet with Charles and Brynn...
I don't think there is more needed to say...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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