#23 Pierre - watching you from above

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KATE POV: Tomorrow is Pierre's birthday, but we decided to invite the whole family for dinner today, to celebrate P's birthday together anyway. Especially because tommorow, sadly, Pierre has to go to the factory, for work reasons. It's not unusual as the next season is a month away, and it'll go like a flash, but still sucks...

Right now we're getting ready, as we have a table at the restaurant booked for 5 pm, to eat nice dinner together. I wished Pierre "Happy birthday" in the morning already, so he knows that I remember. And ever since breakfast we did everything he wanted, as a "birthday wish". However, I told him no to only one thing... He's gonna get his birthday present from me only at midnight today, unlike the presents from the rest of the fam. It's special and I know that he's gonna love it....
For outfit to the dinner, I decided to do a high ponytail and make up focused on the lips, to match my navy-blue suit and black turtleneck-like top:

To finish it off, I decided to wear black high-heels and make my curls more defined.
-You look amazing mon Ange...- Pierre said, leaning on the doorway with cocky smile playing on his lips. He also decided to "show-off" as he put on navy-blue shirt with sleeves rolled up and 2 top buttons undone, and black jeans, paired with black shoes. 
-Merci- I said, smiling at him above my shoulder, before I returned to finishing my make up -It was intensional to match me, or something?- I asked next, playfully.
-At first it wasn't... But now I don't regret it in the slightest- he said, winking at me.
-That's cute- I said and added -Ok, I'm done. And we have 10 minutes to spare, so we better use them and get going... Othervise, we'll be late..
-Alright- he agreed, we took everything we might need at the restaurant and then left home, to meet the fam.

We finally came back to our apartment at 23:50, laughing and joking around, in very high spirits. The food was amazing, Pierre was happy, everyone came to wish him happy birthday and gave him very thoughtfull presents, and we sang him "joyeux anniversaire" as the waitress brought the cake... The evening was just magical...
And I could easly see how happy Pierre is, so it made me even more happy. For him...
-Ok, jokes aside, but I have one more special present for you..- I got serious, holding his hand in mine.
-Is it the time for that super hiden present from you that I got forbidden to ask about?- he lifted one brow at me, smirking, but I still could see those sparcles of mischive in his gorgeus blue eyes.
-Yes, indeed- I agreed, mirroring his wide smile. I just got super excited even thinking about it...
-It's how it is gonna go. You go to the balkony and wait for me there, I'll join you in a minute..
-Ok- Pierre nodded, kissed my cheek and did what I said. After that, I went quickly into our bedroom and checked my watch.
-23:53, not bad...- I mumbled to myself, and opened one of the drawers in the dresser. The one I very rarely open, so Pierre won't be snooping around...
I found what I was looking for quickly, took it, fixed the cover and then went to the kitchen. I took one of the healthy muffins I baked the other day, stuck the candle in it for simbolism, lit it up and then joined Pierre on the balcony with 2 minutes to spare. I stood right next to him, and quietly sang "Joyeux anniversaire" one more time, and when I finished and he blew the candle, it was exactly midnight.
-What did you wished for?
-I'd tell you only because it already happened.
-Why would you wish for something that you already have?- I was confused.
-I just want to make sure that it's not a dream I'm gonna wake up from one day...- he heavied out a sight, with wishfull gaze to the horizon.
-What did you wished for, then?
-For you...- he said, wrapping his arms around my waist to keep me close -For you to always be here, with me... No matter what...
-Je t'aime P..- I smiled with happy tears in my eyes and leaned into him, being almost at his height level because of the heels, to kiss him softly -Open your present..- I gave him the misterious envelope with light smile.
-What did you..- he said, but froze, when he took out the paper inside.
-You like it?
-You bought me a freakin' star!?
-I did, yeah...- I agreed, seeing excitement written all over his handsome face -Look at the name...- I pointed to dotted like he didn't see at first.
-AH19...- Pierre whispered, transfixed on the words. His eyes instantly flooded with tears, as he still is greving the loss of one of his best friends -Kat...?!- he whined, locking our gazes.
-He's already watching over you from above... I just made a mark for him... and you...- I said, crying myself.
-This is the best birthday present I could possibly have!- he said, and hugged me even closer and tighter than before.
-So you like it?- I couldn't help but chuckle.
-I freaking love it, Katelynn Adele Chalamet!- he said, and his voice cracked from all the emotions -Merci beaucoup, mon cœur!- I felt how his tears were wetting my suit-jacket, but I did not care. Only thing that mattered was that he likes his present and that he's happy....
-Je t'en prie, mon Amour- I replied and moved my head a little, to press loving kiss onto his wet cheek.
After some minutes like that, holding each other and rocking a bit from side to side, we moved so he once again was looking in the distance, right to the sky, as I held him by his middle and cuddled close to his side.
-I cannot believe it's been 4 years already... That he's gonne...
-I know... But he's there, and you still hold a memory of him close to your heart... You're gonna meet again some day, I'm sure of it..- I assured him, looking at the stars too.
-You're the best...- Pierre said and kissed my temple, no longer crying -And those are the best birthdays I've ever had...
-I'm glad you're happy...- I replied, and smiled, locking my gaze with his. He's gonna be fine... I'll make sure of it...

Emotional birthday for our 27 year old Frenchman!
Let's hope that the move to Alpine won't be a flop...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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