#24 Checo - Hotel rooms

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MARISOL POV: During this weekend, we're in Singapure for next race, and the first one outside of Europe in this part of the calendar. It will be tiring as always, because our bodies are not accustomed to it fully, but at the end, I think we'll manage the heat just fine.
Considering that, I made myself mental note to remind Xavi to prepare 2 more bottles with electrodyes for Sergio for each day, as he's gonna sweat a lot more than usual. And of course, an ice bath to prevent a heatstroke. The team needs him on his 200% and we all want to deliver that.
We landed in Singapure 3 days before the practise day, as the drivers need more time to fight the jetlag and the heat. And the teams need that too.
After an hour drive from the airport, we made it to the hotel, with all the suitcases and bags. It was hell of a drive, but we grew used to them already. It wasn't a first one, and definitely not gonna be the last one we do.
As we entered the lobby, where A/C in on full blast, everyone blew out a sigh of relief, and then proceded to check in, while wheeling our suitcases behind us. Sergio and I did it at the same time, as always, cuz we're "joined at the hip", like the team likes to joke.
I accepted my key-card and stepped aside, allowing next people from the team to the reception desk.
-Is it really nesesary for us to sleep in seperate rooms? We both know that the team knows about us..- Checo whispered into my ear, leaning closer. He's right. We told Christian and the team about us before the summer break and they all are mega supportive about it. As long as our private life won't mingle with the professional one..
-Turns out we have to- I looked at his pouting face with gentle smile, not happy about it myself.
Over the triple header we've been sharing a room because of the little mishap that happened, and deep down in my heart I hoped that the team will do the same again. But it seems to not be the case this time.
-But we've been doing that already!- he acted like a 5 year old who cannot get his favourite candy before dinner, which was really adorble to see.
-Stop whining like a little baby, Cariño. Let's go to the rooms and see with what we're dealing with in the first place- I tried to lift his mood.
-You're right- he sighed and looked at his feet, as his cheeks turned a little red.
-It'll be alright. I promise- I whispered next, placing my hand on his cheek gently.
Instead of a reply, Checo turned his face a bit and placed loving kiss on the inside of my hand with small smile, which I returned.

After this little moment, we gathered our stuff and went to the elevator to go on 5th floor, as both our rooms are there.
-At least we're next to each other...- Sergio grumbled, seeing that our rooms are right next to one another.
-Come on, open it- I nudged him gently instead of a reply. Deep down I already knew the answer to our "problem", but I needed to be sure first, before I say anything and get our hopes up.
Checo swiped the card and opened the door, and then we both entered the room with our luggage. The room was quite spacious, with sitting area, bathroom and the bedroom. There were 2 ways to enter the bedroom, as it was just a wall in the middle and no doors. Everything was in rather warm colors, beige, light shade of brown and white, making it nice and comfy.
-There is double bed- I informed my grumpy companion with small smile.
-Corazón... Pensar...(think)- I said and came to him, to sit on his lap. Out of habit by now, the second I did it, Checo placed his hand on the small of my back.
-Turns out you can stay here after all- he cheekly said, after looking into my eyes for a few seconds.
-Exactly. We just need to warn Xavi first...
-I think he'll apriciate the heads up- Sergio joked, making me giggle.
-No funny bussines during race weekend, remember?!
-But the weekend starts on Friday?! We have plenty off time to spare..- he argued with cooky smile, playing with my hair.
-Remind me, why do I fell in love with you in the first place?!- I joked, earning myself a loving but chaste kiss, after which he started to place small kisses along the column of my neck.
-Ok, fine! I might lift that ban for now..- he convinced me quite easly, as he always does. He just knows how to "win"...
-That's what I hoped!
-But now we need rest! I even now feel the begining of the headache...
-You're right. Quick shower to freshen up and then a nap until lunch?
-Sounds like a plan- I agreed and placed short but sweet kiss on his lips -I'mma text Xavi first. to let him know that we share a room..- I took my phone and opened the chat with his physio and our dear friend. Instead of a reply, Checo placed loving kiss on the crown of my head and wrapped his hands around my waist.
Then we stood up and took out fresh clothes from our cases, to have a shower, seperately, to not push it. After that, we drank a bit of water, set A/C on nice temperature and laid down on the bed. Like I said, double bed, or more like a king-size, meant that we both fit in it just fine.
-See you in a bit..
-Yeah- I smiled at him, we kissed and then snuggled closer together, to fall asleep for a few hours, to tackle the jetlag. New race week avaited us, with new oportunities to face...

A bit short, but still something sweet and semi-racing oriented with Checo!
I hope you're well and happy wherever you're!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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