#25 Sebastian - Doubt

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28 September 2022r.
ELEANOR Harlland-Vettel POV: It's been 2 months since Seb announced his retirement from Formula 1. That sport is a vicious circle of constant want for more, to come back next year and next, to race and feel that unique rush of adrenaline in their veins. And until last year, Sebastian was no different that the rest of the 19 drivers he competes against week in, week out during the season. But after our two daughters, Klara Emily, age 5 and Maria Gabriele, age 2, were born, he started to see things differently. Just like his great friend, Kimi Raikkonen after his two children, Robin and Rhiannon...

Right now, is weekend free from racing, and Seb is at home, with us, which I'm very happy about. I really miss him when I can't attend all of his races. But on the other hand, I'd never leave our girls for too long.
I put them to bed 10 minutes ago, and now finished all the dishes after dinner, when I realised that my dear husband is nowhere to be found!
-Seb?! Love, where are you?- I whispere-shouted, to not wake up the girls. They're still little, so they go to sleep around 8 pm. Sometimes we allow Klara to go to sleep a bit later, but not too often, to not disturb her sleeping schedule too much.
-Sebastian?- I left the kitchen, to go around the house and find him.
Not surprised, I haven't found him in either of the bathrooms, our bedroom, living room, office, nor garage. He wasn't watching the girls either, so I had only one last place he might be. But before that I made us his favourite tea with our own honey and put on his Aston Martin sweatshirt, as it's slowly getting pretty chilly in the evening.
I wasn't wrong, and instantly spotted him when I exited the house by back door. As I expected, Seb is sitting on the porch, in silence, watching our garden and beyond, thinking about something deeply.
As quietly as I was able, I came to him, sat right next to him and offerend him his cup without saying anything. I know him long enough to know how to connect with him without startling him. Seening the cup, Seb looked at me and smiled gently, before taking it from me and wordlessly thanking me by placing loving kiss on my cheek.
After that, I waited with him until he's ready to talk, sipping my own tea and sharing body heat cuz' of our arms pressed together.
-This green looks good on you...- Seb said, looking at me with small smile.
-Well, Danke, meine Liebe- I mirrored his expression, holding the cup with both my hands. Then short silence followed, before Seb spoke up again.
-You think I made a mistake?
-With what exactly?- I asked him to clearifide, even tho I had pretty good idea of what's in his mind so much.
-With my retirement...- he said and looked into the distance with whistfull expression.
-Seb. That was your concious decision, wasn't it? You told me yourself that you feel tired with those constant travels and expectations, while the team you try to give everything you can is giving you nothing. And don't try arguing with me here Liebe, because that's the truth and we both know it- I stopped him before he tried to interupt me, holding his gaze -You start to loose your passion for this sport, I see it in you eyes...- I continued, placing the cup beside myself to gently cup his cheek in my warm palm -I see how happy you're with us, with your family and friends, while racing is more of a sore spot here. How your eyes loose that special sparke every time you hug the girls goodbye...- I took big intake of air and smiled at him gently -We both know that for now, it's time to go. But you still can do like Kimi or Fernando. Take a year or two of break and then come back- I assured him, seeing how it downs on him, making him relax -No matter what you decide, to leave the sport completly, or come back in few years as a driver, consultant, Team principal maybe?!- my comment made him chuckle and even let out a little laugh -No matter what, me and the girls won't go anywhere. We're still beside you and we'll always be. We'll always be your biggest supporters, remember that!
-Danke Liebe. I needed that- Seb replied and pulled me in, to hug me very tight -Ich liebe dich...- he whispered next, kissing my temple lovingly.
-Ich liebe dich auch- I replied, smiling widely and inchaleing that more than familiar scent, that was just Seb. It calmed me down like nothing else.
-So... You won't be mad if I'll go back there, eventualy?- he asked next, pulling back slightly to look me in the eye, but not letting me go.
-Of course I won't. I fell in love with whole you for you, and racing is and always will be big part of you, my 4 time Formula 1 World Champion!- I said, making him blush. All those years, but we still make each other blush just the same, like we did back there, in his "Time of glory" at Red Bull. But I wouldn't change a thing! He's my Seb, and all that matters!
-But, come on! We need to go back inside! One cup of tea won't save you from being sick because of cold!- I told him next, and stood up with outstreached hand in his direction.
-You're right. As always- he said, making me blush in return, and stood up, taking my hand in his. Then, we took our mugs and embraced, as Seb placed his arm around my shoulders and I wrapped mine around his middle, we got back to our house, with smiles on our faces.
After that we just went with our night-time routine, looking at each other lovingly from time to time, blushing like school kids and shaking heads in disbelive cause of that. But in all seriousness, I really hope that my little "pep talk" helped him to stop those doubts...? I just want Seb to be happy..!
Well, the future will tell us how it's gonna end...

One of human traits is that we're natural over-thinkers, and that's what's happening with Seb in this OS. Let's hope that the retirement treats him right!
If you want, you can message me or coment your ideas, or requests.

Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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