#30 Lewis - Scars

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LEWIS POV.: Finally I came back home, after the last double-header in Singapore and then Japan. The flight to London was long and tiring, almost right after we finished up at the track, but I couldn't wait longer... I missed my family, especially my girlfriend, Angelina.
I tried to rest during the flight, Angela made sure of that, but I'm pretty positive that I'll fully rest when my eyes will finally land on my girl. At first we texted with Angie, and FaceTime'ed for a bit, eating a snack together, but then we decided to go to sleep and see each other when I'll be back. She smiled all that time, especially because I managed another P2, but I still saw that something was off with her. And it was mostly it what kept me from resting...

After grueling, 12 hours flight, I finally made "touch down" on Heathrow Airport and collected my belongings, before exiting the building. Normal planes made this way in 15 hours, but I was fortunate enough to fly my jet, so the distance was a bit shorter.
On the way I met some fans, so with smile on my face I signed few things and then made my way to my car, which I made my brother to leave here for me this morning. I packed everything in the trunk and then sat behind the wheel, to finally get home.
The road to our shared apartment was rather smooth, as it was almost middle of the day and most people are at work by now. The street lights were also on my side, as most of them were green. With growing excitement and also constant longing, I drove home, already thinking how I'll finally hug Angel and play with Nyx and Roscoe. I just couldn't wait to be with them...

After some time, I made it to my destination, and parked my car inside the garage, while the gate was closing. With smile on my face I jumped out of the car, took my things from the trunk and locked the vehicle. Then, I went inside, already hearing the dogs bark and run in my direction. Phoenix, called Nyx most of the time, was first to reach me, as she's a tiny bit more athletic than my buddy Roscoe.
-Hi! I'm back! Yes, yes! I missed you too!- I laughed, playing with them for a bit, but then streighten up. Normally, Angie would be here too, even when on call, she'll come here and smile, wordlessly giving me a hug, also pointing at her ear, which would have a earphone in. To say that her absence alarmed me, wasn't any weird. Because of so, I left my luggage by the door and went with the dogs by my feet to search for her.
With ground floor empty, I grew even more worried, no note or text not helping at all.
-Angie?! Where are you Angel?- I shouted, walking up the stairs with Roscoe in my arms. While Nyx is doing just fine with them, he struggles a bit, so we rather help him. On 1st floor I firstly checked the office and gym, and then, with pouding heart, I went to our bedroom, with both puppies in tow.
And there I saw her, deep in thoughts, standing in front of our floor lenght mirror in gym shorts and sports bra. Her pink hair were up in messy bun with few pieces loose and she had her hoop-earings on, looking perfect as always. But my smile faded the second I saw what she's looking at, with dismay painting her beautifull face. Her gorgeous body, which was in few places painted with scars. Her left side from ribcage to hip, top of her right arm and shoulderblade, inside of her left wrist...
Without thinking I came to her and embraced her from behind, hugging tightly.
-Stop thinking that! You're the most gorgeous and perfect woman I ever landed my eyes on! And the fact that those scars are just reminders of how powerfull and strong you are make you even more special!- I told her, caresing that one on her side and placing loving kiss on her arm and shoulderblade, where another scars are.
-Don't say that...- she croaked, looking at me with tears in her beautiful eyes.
-I am, and I'll say that until you finally accept it. Angel, you're perfect and I love you for your every flaw and good side! And I love your scars as well. I love them, cuz' they share your story. How you fell down but still got back up- I told her firmly and kissed her neck and shoulder, to lighten my words a bit.
-I can't stand them... Every time I look at any of them I... The accidents come back, you know? My brain won't let me forget all those falls from the bike on high speed, onto the ground or in the barrier or into another bike...- she said, her voice unsteady.
-Why you have never told me that?- I asked her, gently turning her in my arms to face her.
-Because I was... scared? Ashamed maybe? I don't know...- she stumbled, not looking at me -I think I feared that you might..
-I might what, Angel?- I asked her gently, hating to see her struggle so much.
-That you might see me as weak.. Not worth it..
-Never- I declined, and then gently cupped her chin, to make her look at me -I would never think of you as weak or not worth everything in this world. I love you to the moon and back Love, and no matter what happens, I'll still love you just the same. You're unique being, one in a milion, and every single day when I look into your eyes and see the love you have for me, I feel like the luckiest man on this planet, because you decided to love no one else but me... Never think about yourself less because of your scars, that's not worth it!
-Ok...- she noded weakly and let me wipe the tears that escaped her gorgeous eyes.
-Promise me that.
-I promise- she agreed and smiled. Just tiny and unsure smile, but a true one.
-I have an idea. What would you say if I call Michael and booked us a session? We'd come up with designs with him and cover those scars for you, hm?- I suggested, looking her in the eye for reaction.
-Gosh, I missed you SO freakin' much!- she sighed and flung her arms around my neck to hug me close.
-Is that a yes, then?- I chuckled, holding her equaly tight by her waist -I missed you too Sunshine.
-Yes!- she agreed but didn't let me go just yet. But I didn't complain, happy to finally have her in my arms after so long.

After few minutes we sorted out main things for today, ate light lunch which fited our diets and then lounged on the couch with laptop and tablet opened, searching for designs for her tattoes. At some point I called Mike to book the session and he even joined us in searching. We showed him what was the suggestion and he promissed to come up with something unique. I did all of my tattoes at his salon, so I trust him. I would never let unknown guy touch my girl...

Something a little more somber, but still cute with our Champion!
I've written most of them during the 2nd part of previous season, so let me finish publishing them first, before I'll get new ideas when new season starts...!
I hope you're having a nice day!
And if not, have a nice day! / Goodnight!

To finish this OS, here you have pictures of Roscoe, and Nyx (Suomenlapinkoira):

Roscoe Hamilton

Phoenix "Nyx" Walker-Hamilton

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