#34 Lando - Morning Run

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AVA POV.: Just as always, I woke up around 5 am and left the bed, to flush my face with cold water and do a make up- no make up look. Then, I got back to my room to put on my running clothes. This time I picked pale pink leggings and tank top with zipper in front and purple socks. Then I went to the kitchen and did a quick and fresh smoothie in a glass. I sat down on the counter and sipped it, checking social media in the meantime.

It took like 10 minutes tops, after which I placed the glass in the dishwasher and checking my watch, I went to the front door, to put on my running shoes and sweatshirt. Almost ready, I searched for hairtie, to do a quick but steady high ponytail, before I took my wire-less headphones and phone, to go on a run in the neighbourhood just like I do every morning.
I exited my home, locked it and then took off, in rather slow pace, to not out-run myself. With Sofia Carson blasting through my headphones I set the pace for myself, smiling lightly. I love those moments, when I run and hardly ever any car passes by, birds sing and wind wisthles through the liefs... It's really calming, but still refreshing and empowering for the day...

I was running already quite a bit, when I spotted a very familiar figure running across the street from me.
-Ey Lando!- I decided to greet him, wavying in his direction -Hi!
-Hi!- he replied with big smile on his face. I couldn't do anything other than smile back.
-Wait a second!- he shouted next, looked swiftly around us, and when he's sure than no cars are in sight, crossed the street to meet me.
-Hi- we greeted each other once again, giggling softly and embracing the other in warm hug.
-Running at 6 in the morning? I'm impressed!
-You say that as if I don't workout- he looked at me, not impressed.
-I'm just joking silly- I was full on laughing now, as we picked up our run again, which was just a bit faster than the quickest walk we could muster. 
Soon after that we're deeply immersed in conversation, talking about everything and nothing at all, happy to be in each other's presence. Usually he's not even in London, so to spot him here is a real achivement. It was really nice to have some company in traning once in a while....

We were running for some time now, when suddenly, not really looking where I place my feet, I missed a step and fell down onto the hard sidewalk right on my knees.
-Ava! You ok?- Lando kneeled beside me, placing one of his hands on my shoulder, looking worried.
-I think? Pretty sure I scraped at least one of my knees..- I said, trying to stand up by putting almost all my weight on my palms, ling them flat on the road.
-Here, let me help..- he offered, looping his arm under mine and across my back, for me to put some of my weight on him, to stand up easier. We didn't got it far tho, as I lost my balance again the same second I stood up straight, putting my body in its normal position, because of awful pain that shot through my right ankle.
-Ouch!- I hissed and lifted the hurting leg up, so only the nose of my shoe touched the ground.
-What's wrong?
-I think I twisted my ankle or something... It really hurts..- I looked at him with forced smile.
-Think you can walk?
-Don't think so. But we can try...
-Alright. On three- he decided and then counted, after which we tried to walk to the nearest bench, we saw not far away. But it turns out that I can barerly make it that far, constantly hissing in pain.
-Let me look at it, ok?- Lando asked when he sat me down safely.
-You don't have to. I'm just gonna call a cab home and then ice it. It's not big deal...- I tried to brush it off, already feeling how rapidly my heart beats because of our close contact and his piercing blue eyes looking into mine.
-It is a big deal Ava! You could've twist it or even break it! Besides, I'm an athlete, I know an injury when I see one and you cannot even walk!- he insisted and kneeled down in front of me not loosing the eye contact -Can I?
-Go on if you must...- I tried to play nonchalant while fiercly trying not to blush. I was painfully aware on my crush on him at that moment, the ankle be damned...
Lando carefully took off my shoe and lifted the sock, to look closely at my ankle, which already started to swell while trobbing painfully in such a intensity that I felt it even in my hip, let alone the knee.
-It's at least twisted, if not sprained... I really need to get you to the doctor..
-You don't need to do anything. You already did so much, I'm a big girl, I can get there myself!- I argued, still trying not to blush. Really bad timing...
-Don't argue with me Ava. It's really bad and I want to help you! I'm just gonna go quickly to get my car, get back here and drive you to the hospital.
-Fine. If you insist- I gave up, doing a happy dance inside. Stupid crush...

Lando did just like he said, leaving me on that bench only for like 5 minutes, and then came back, rushing to my side.
-You shouldn't put any weight on it, so I should carry you- he said a little nervous, scratching his head and blushing hard.
-You really don't need to...
-But I want to..- he replied, quiet and a bit unsure. He looked really adorble like that.
-Ok- I agreed, not able to refuse when he looked so cute.
As he said, Lando lifted me up in his arms and then carried to the car, sitting me down on the passenger seat before rounding the car and driving us to the hospital. I already could see how long we'll be there...

Lando once again, carried me to the hospital, where the nurse asked him to sit me down on one of wheelchairs and roll me to ER. There we waited for like an hour and a bit, before the doctor came to examine me.
-What happened Miss....?
-Avalynn Cooper- I said and added -I was on my morning walk, when I missed a step over the unexpected bump in the sidewalk and fell down. Now my ankle is swollen and hurts a lot..- I explained quickly, but normaly, giving the doctor any information he needed.
-And I brought her here as I was there- Lando added, seeing the look on doctors face.
-Alright. Let's see what's wrong..- Doc said and told me to take off both shoe and sock. When I did, he looked it over, touching and feeling it for a moment, before he stood up and looked at us once again.
-We're gonna do MRI to see what's wrong in there, but if I'd be to guess it's just badly sprained.
-Ok- we agreed, and then I was wheeled again, to do the tests doctor told me to.
After that we waited next half an hour, talking about anything and everything at the same time, in safety of one of the hospital rooms, as we're given some privacy because of Lando's fame. I was also given an ice pack to ice it until we wait for the doctor.
-I got your results Miss Cooper. Turns out I was right with my first diagnosis and your ankle is just badly sprained, tendonts mostly, so it'll heal on it's own- doc said, when he finally came back with some notes -We're gonna give you some painkillers and a brace for it to wear for at least 10 days, and you'll need crutches to move freely. Just use this ointment whenever it hurst more, ice it daily and keep it up as much as possible. After those 10 days please come to me for a check up.
-Alright, thanks doctor- we smiled, relieved that it's not as bad as we thought. After the doctor left, the nurse came with the crutches and brace, helping me put it on easly.
-So much for any workout- I grumbled, as we're leaving the hospital, making Lando laugh.
-Why are you laughing?! It's bad!- I tried to look offened -I need to keep in shape!
-You really don't need to. But if you insist, a 10 days of rest are not gonna make you fat all the sudden- he argued, making me roll my eyes at him.
-Smartass!- I said and added -You're lucky I need those! Otherwise I'd already punch you in the arm!
-Lucky me!- he giggled, and I couldn't do anything else than roll my eyes again and joining the laugh.
-Just drive me home- I said between giggles, when we made it back to his car. Looks like 10 days of rest and boredom already started...

And we have another one with Lando!
Turns out running and talking with a friend is not a good combo...?!
I hope you'll like it like the rest of them so far...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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