#35 Sebastian - Your side

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Set in 2022, before Seb's retirement
NARRATOR POV: it was close to 3 AM, when tired Sebastian Vettel came back home, to his house in Swizerland. He tried to make as little noise as possible, almost unaudiably locking the front door and placing his suitcase beside them, making himself mental note to unload it and do the washing tomorrow when he get's up. After that, Seb took of his shoes, coat and scarf, placing all of them neatly on their usual places, and happy with himself, he went to little bathroom in the corridor to wash his hands. All in all, but washing them first thing after coming home was a routine for him even longer than Covid pandemic. Smiling tiredly to himself Seb made a beeline to the bedroom, where he expected his fiancé to be already long asleep, as all the lights were off on the ground floor. Because of socks and all the "airplane clothes" he almost made no sound as he moved, happy to not disturbe anybody. 
As predicted, all the lights were off, and when he entered the bedroom, fond smile made its apperance on his face, as he spotted Ellie sleeping peacefully on his side of the bed, tucked into the covers neatly. Chuckling to himself, Seb took quick shower (very much needed after the long flight), and then dressed himself into fresh set of pijamas, before entering the bed as well. It felt a bit weird to lay down on Eleanor's side, but nothing could beat the feeling of hugging her again, no matter the side of the bed. Happy, Seb pulled her back to his chest, hiding his face in her hair and inhaling its' unique smell.
-Hmph?- she mumbled, still deeply asleep.
-Tshhhh. It's me. Sleep- he shushed her, smiling. Ellie only grumbled something to herself in responce before getting settled again, making Seb chuckle again.
-It's good to be home..- he mumbled, before also falling asleep, feeling happy and safe at home.

When he finally woke up, it was almost 12 PM, but felt well-rested and full of energy. The problem was, Ellie wasn't anywhere in sight, so to see her, Seb needed to leave the bed. Yawning but smiling he stood up, wore his "house slippers" as they playfully called them, and left the bedroom, streaching his seated musles. 
The second he set foot on the corridor, he could smell nice scent of coffee and some food. Trailing after it, Seb entered the kitchen and smiled to himself, seeing one of the prettiest pictures in his life. Ellie was cooking something, sporting messy bun on top of her head, wearing set of sweats Seb was almost certain were his, humming to herself.
-What's that smell Liebe?- he asked, standing right behind her, and hugging her close.
-Guten Morgen- she replied, smiling, as he gave her a sweet kiss on the cheek -Light veggie tortillas I decided to make for lunch- Ellie replied, looking at him for a few second above her shoulder.
-Sounds delicious Schatz- Seb approved and kissed her cheek again -Tell me why I needed to sleep on your pillow today?- he asked next, not letting her go, but also not disturbing her range of movement to cook.
-I always sleep on your side of the bed when you're away, racing- she replied matter of factly and added -You just needed to adapt- was her cheeky responce.
-Is that so?- Seb followed along, and then, catching her by surprise, started tickling her sides.
-Seb, stop! Bitte!- El laughed, still trying to cook -I'm cooking!
-Ok. I'll let it slide this time..- he gave up and just hugged her again.
-Well, I didn't know you missed me that much, to turn into a Coala bear?!- she joked, making Seb laugh.
-In fact I did. Deal with it- even tho he's 35 years old and her 3 years younger, they more than sometimes act like little kids when they're together and feeling happy. 
-Be sure I will- she agreed, chuckling to herself. "So old and still a dumbass...?!"- Eleanor thought to herself, smiling fondly - 'Still MY dumbass...'- she added, feeling warm and fuzzy inside.
-Breakfast served Mister- El added, taking both their plates in her hands.
-Danke schön- happy, Seb let go of her, to sit down on one of the chairs at the table and eat side by side. The way his stomach grumbled at the sight of food made them both laugh.
-Come on Champ, eat before your own stomach will eat you from the inside- her comment made him laugh even more, before stopping and actually eating the breakfast/lunch. Both were so happy to have the other close again, as they indulged themselves in normal conversation, catching up on what changed the last 24 hours since their last talk. It was nice, safe and domestic, so everything Sebastian needed after tiring and tricky race weekend...

Something shorter, but still adorble...
Rememeber, everyone needs a bit of domesticy sometimes...!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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