#37 Pierre - Anthoine

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SPA 2019
NARRATOR POV: It's been rather warm and sunny day, with rarely any cloud on the sky, making it perfect Saturday for race weekend. Right now, drivers from F2 are almost ready for their race to begin, and so far, everything goes according to plan. To not waste time, while they're going to race, F1 drivers are doing their media activities, ahead of their own "track time", for Quali. But nobody knew what's gonna happen soon after that...

KATE POV: Pierre just ended his interviews, so we're able to see his dearest friend, Anthoine Hubert race. He's so happy about it, and I'm also, as he's really good friend. I met Pierre in front of Torro Rosso's hospitality and we rather quickly went to watch the race from the sidelines, holding hands. At that moment, still a bit frustrated from unexpected demotion from Red Bull back to Torro Rosso, we decided to focus only on Anthoine and his race. It looked like really nice day, and we thought that nothing can destroy this day for us. Turns out I was wrong...
After the start and rather uneventfull first lap, dissaster happened... Right at the begining of the second lap, Giuliano Alessi, Trident driver who was running 10th at that time, lost control of his car as he climbed the Raidillon curve, due to a puncture he had received earlier. This caused his car to spin and hit the left wall of the circuit, tearing off his rear wing and spreading debris onto the track. Everyone were shocked, seeing that, as the accident didn't look good... Gasps and "fuck's" were heard, as we watched the scene unfold...
-Anthoine...- Pierre whispered, squezzing my hand, as we both knew that he's almost right behind that, on 12th position. When second Trident driver, Ralph, reached the scene, he slowed down and moved towards the run-off area to avoid Alesi's damaged car and the field of debris. We held in breaths, as I got cold shivers down my spine. I knew that something bad is gonna happen next...
And to my horror, my gut was right, as Anthoine, who climbed the Radillion next, seemed to not see the decrease of speed in his competitor's pace, nor the place of the accident... We watched like in slow-mo as he turned to the right, but his speed was too much, and he clipped Boschung's right rear wheel with his front wing. Dissaster continued, as Anthoine lost control of his car and crashed into the tyre barrier on the right side of the track at a very bad angle, especially with the speed he drove. Then his wrecked car was thrown back, sideways, right onto the racing line of Juan Manuel Correa, who hit the left side of the car, making both of them tumble along the track, as Anthoine's car was basically ripped in half.
-No, no, no no nononooooo!- Pierre had his eyes glued to the accident, as he got so pale I thought he's gonna faint any second.
-Pierre, mon Amour, hej!- I tried to shift his focus onto me, to distract him.
The session was stopped and unefected cars returned to the pits, while medical car was deployed quickly on track.
-Why he's not getting out!? He needs to get out!- Pierre was in panic mode, trembling with fear.
-He's gonna be alright! Pierre, Anthoine is strong, he's gonna be ok!- I tried to assure him, not really believing it myself. The crash was really nasty...
-Come on Thoine! Get out of there!- he was mumbling and shaking, as tears filled his eyes.
-Medical team is there, they're gonna help him! He'll be fine P! Anthoine is strong like that...- I tried to calm him down, while people around us whispered, watching the scene in ancipation. It almost felt like the time stopped...
After what felt like ages, they finally took Juan and Anthoine to the Medical center to help them, while the race itself was called cancelled, or rather not restarted. We still didn't have any knews on Anthoine though...
-Pierre! Kat!- we heard Charles, right when he apeared next to us. Pierre wordlessly let go of my hand and hugged the Monegasque, who was in equal state. They mumbled to each other in French, as I gave them some time in private. It's their best friend we're talking about...

Time was ticking, and running out, and we still didn't knew anything about either Anthoine or Juan. It meant only one thing... It's bad...
And then, exactly 20 minutes before Qualifying, and 90 after the accident itself, FIA broke the news... Anthoine is gone...
-No, no, no no nononooooo!- Pierre shouted and gipped his hair, as he fell to his knees with tears falling down his cheeks -It can't be true! It just can't! You all are lying to me! He's alive..!- his state only made me cry too.
-P... I'm so sorry... Je suis désolé mon Amour..- I said, as my voice cracked. I just kneeled down in front of him and a bit forcefully huged sobbing Pierre, silently crying myself. It was like one of the worst nightmares...
But I think the worst was, that before we knew it, Pierre needed to go out there, and do Quali!
-I cannot..! I cannot think...- he was uncontrolably mumbling, as his eyes darted around the garage, still full of tears.
-P. Do it for him! In his memory... It'll help...- I tried to console him, feeling like throw up myself. It was really hard...

At the end Pierre couldn't focus, nor put on decent lap, so he failed getting out of Q1. No one blamed him for that tho...
We then watched Charles amazing drive for Pole Position, cuddled on his couch in his drivers room. It was a bit comforting to know that at least one of them made Anthoine happy, wherever hs is right now...
-Oh Dio...
-Quoi?- I looked at him sideways.
-I need to see his parents... They're here this weekend... FUCK...!?- he was really out of it, and it was almost painful to watch.
-You don't need to do that now... I'm sure they'll under...
-Their son just died, and they will understand my grief?! THEIR SON IS DEAD! I'm just a friend! Their pain is even bigger than mine!
-Ok...- I agreed softly, not fazed by that sudden burst of anger. To be honest, I kind off anticipated it... -Let's go then... See them...- I left his warm embrance and stood up -I'm sure Charlie would like to come as well, so let's go to Ferrari first to get him...
Pierre didn't say anything at that, just stood up and hugging me close led me out of the door.
As I said, we found Charles and I left them to talk and grieve together for a bit, before all three of us seeked out Mr and Mrs Hubert. The encounter was gut-wrenching, full of tears and voice cracking words, but I think it did them good... To connect together through that, no matter how inapropriate it sounds... But one thing was certain... It won't ever be the same again... Without Anthoine with us...

I had this Angsty-sad idea in mind for a while now...
I hope you won't hate me for that...?
It's so surreal that this year August 31 will mark 4th anniversary of Anthoine's death...
He still had so much to do and experience in his young life...
And now he won't... Ever...

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