#39 Lewis - Support

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ANGELINA POV: When I came back home from the factory, I found the house almost empty-like, as the silence rang through the walls.
-Lew? Roscoe? Nyx?- I shouted, toeing my shoes off. Silence continued.
-That's weird- I mumbled and made my way upstairs, and aproached the bedroom. There, I heard mumbling and footsteps. Thinking noting of it, I opened the door and saw both dogs sleeping soundly on the bed while Lewis was pacing the room.
-Hi Lew...!- I said caucionsly, looking at him warly. Seeing him in a state like that meant that something is REALLY off...
-Hi- he replied, but didn't look at me, nor stopped in his tracks.
-What's going on?
-Don't tell me you haven't seen that shit!?- and I knew what he's talking about... The most stupid ban FIA could possibly do, so ban for all the drivers to make any kinds of non-racing statements such as religious, political and etc. I really cannot believe they did that... But why not now, when Seb is gone from the grid and there is no one else to stop them...?! And what angers me the most, is the fact that it's mostly targeted at my Lew and everyone knows that! It's like George to Mercedes secret all over again...!?
-I did, yeah...- I agreed and sat down next to the dogs and ruffled Roscoe's fur.
-They want to do anything to shut me down! No one else, just me! First Abu dhabi 2021, now this!?
-I know Lew, I know..! But maybe we can do something about it?!- I said, feeling his heartbreak and anger just as much.
-What?! There is nothing you could possibly do! They do whatever they want! I just have to play by their rules like a fucking puppet!- he was almost yelling and I stood up.
-Maybe not?! Let's wait and see how they'll execute it first, hm? It's still a posibility that they made it and then won't respect it, like the rest of the rulebook..?- I wanted to calm him down, as he was still pacing and pulling on his braids -Lew...?! It'll be alright...! We're gonna fix it, just give me time...!- I said and using a bit of force, hugged him to me. I couldn't help but smile, as he basically melted into the hug, resting his forehead on my shoulder, as I played with his braids -Let me fix it....- I whispered, promising to myself, that I'm gonna try to do something...

Right now is friday of Azerbaijan GP, so 4th race of the season. By now, Lew was decilned by the FIA all 4 statements he wanted to make, and it angers me the most. It's heartbreaking for me to watch him struggle, as he also fights for that dreamed 8th title... He cannot have such a distractions! To help him somehow, I decided to follow with my promise and do something myself...
This weekend  I'm in Toronto, for my race, so I cannot support Lewis in person. But I'll do something anyway....!?
-Ready to have a war with the FIA?- Robert asked me. Luckly my brother can be here and support me, as I'm gonna shake the whole motor-racing world.
-Of fucking course!- I grinned evilly and we left my hotel room, sporting the same design on shirts. Lewis's shirts...
"Love is Love" in black ink on a material which combined all the "pride" flags. Luckly the team stands with me and won't make me change into "team kit" this weekend at all. I wanted to make a change and I'm gonna do that no matter the consequences...!
As I thought, we got to be center of attention, and camera's were flashing into my eyes wherever we went. It made me extra happy, when I saw all the team members decided to join me and were wearing the same shirts with heads held high.
In my motorhome I changed into my racing overalls and boots, with helmet in hand. This weekend's design is sparkly black with hot-pink "Love is Love" on the right side and white "Black lives matter" on the left, as I made a "badge" with "BLM" symbol with pride colors on the background. It was also a big thing the fans and whole "racing community" started to gossip about, but I did not care... I was doing it for greater good...
-Angelina! Top time of both sessions, good start of the season, isn't it?- Mike Lawrence, one of the journalists asked me.
-Yeah, the bike is fast, that's for sure- I replied shortly, fidgetting with the hem of my "Love is Love" shirt I pulled over the overalls after the sessions. It was bigger size, so it went over smoothly.
-We also can see new designs from you on track today, can we expect more of them this weekend?
-Yeah, definitely. I want to make a statement and have my point come across, so I'm not gonna stop after today.
-Sound's like a plan.. But why are you doing this? I can sense that you have an utter motive for it...?
-Yes. I decided to make a statement, because of the current "amazing ideas" of the FIA. Formula One drivers are being banned over and over again from making any statements of any non-racing kind, even those they've been doing ever since the begining of their carrers...! Political, religious, tributes.. Everything was taken away from them, and they cannot use their fame and platform to spread awarness to what is important to them!- I rambled and felt my anger rise -And the fact that it's an open secret that it's mostly targeted at my boyfriend, a fucking 7 times World Champion, Lewis Hamilton, is beyond me!- I said and made quick decision, turning and looking dead in the camera, already knowing that the video of this interview will be viral soon...
-You try to silence him? Prepare to suffer, because you'll never fucking win! Trying to shut him up only fuels his fire! You just picked up a game you've never had a chance to win in a long run! You win this battle, fine! But not the war!- I said, pointing at the camera angrily. I knew I didn't have to say to whom I'm speaking, the point was made and soon will reach its destination... -Remember, you unable them to speak up?! The public AND I, will do that for them!
-Those are very powerfull words coming from you, Angelina...
-I know. But I have fame and fanbase for a reason to use it, however I want and in whatever cause I want! If my friends and boyfriend in F1 cannot do anything about it without loosing their jobs, I'm gonna speak out for them! The second FIA made that ban, they brought this war uppon themselves...!
-I cannot agree more!- Mike agreed with me and then the interview went its usual route. And at that moment, I didn't knew what I started...

The video with my statement went viral after 1 hour after the live, and had almost bilion views and shares at the end of the day. But I didn't stopped then, contrary even. I continued to wear the designs and ideas Lewis wanted to, talking more and more about the issue on following days. Many of our "celebrity friends" reached out to me via social media to show their support and spoke up themselves.
Almost a week after the interview, many celebrieties have spoken up about the issue already, using their fanbases and media platforms. Serena and Venus Williams, Marc Márquez, Valentino Rossi, Fabio Quartararo, Pecco Bagnaia, Neymar, Messi and Mbappe, Rita Ora, Bella Hadid and her sister Hailey, Naomi Campbell... Those were only a few of our friends who spoke up, voicing support for Lew and all the drivers, fighting in their name. My heart swelled with pride and joy, how much we swammed FIA with complains and accusations of bullshit. That way, we showed those idiots how wrong of a move that was...
-My angel! You're the best!- Lew greeted me, when I finally came home and he was able to pull me into tight hug.
-If they want to bring you down, I'm gonna fight back and pull you up, that's a no brainer! Your fight is my fight, never forget that! We promised each other to fight our battles together...- I said with pure honesty, looking him deeply in the eye.
-I love you so fucking much...- he said and peeperd my whole face and neck with kisses. His reaction also proved to me, how much important that move was...
-I love you too- I replied and we kissed softly.
Each evening after that, we checked our social media, to follow how much impact my words made. Hashtag #maFIA was trending in socials ever since that video, which got reposted more than 100 bilion times, and people shared their opinions loudly, putting spotlight on how full of idiocy really FIA is. #RaceAsOne, but not anything else?! We basicaly spit into their faces and they only can now face the backlash of their own decisions....
-You didn't need to do that, you know? Putting the issue outthere...
-I needed and wanted to. I hate to see you suffer....- he didn't reply anything to that, just kissed my forehead and smiled, as he hugged me tightly to his chest.
-My warrior angel...
-Only yours....- I agreed and we kissed softly, happy to be in each other's presence.

And we won at the end... Few months after my statement, FIA made their own, stateing that they take the stupid ban back.
-That's the only right move... If they didn't, they'd look like bunch of clowns...- I said, as Lew cuddled me closer on his lap -Even more that Ferrari used to be!
-You won the war with them..
-We did- I said, looking him deeply in the eye -I did it for you....
-Thank you Sunshine.
-No need. Someone had to do it.
We both were happy and relieved after that, going about our lives just like before. The only difference was, that I wasn' alone with "racing statements", as I continued to put out there the issues I thought were needed to speak up about... Many racers in also my field started to share them, inspired by my dedication end courage.
I was really glad that we changed the FIA's decision, and it was even some sorts humbling also... To see how much you can do if you put your mind to it.. Just like I said to the FIA, they started the war and won a battle. But not the war as a whole... Let's only hope that they won't come up with another clever ideas like that in the future....?!

I'm not the only one who thinks that this rule sucks, right!?
That's just complete idiocy from the FIA!
They want to be respected but at the end look like bunch of lunatics with no sense of humanity, blinded by power..!
Let's hope someone will do something about it...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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