#4 Lando - Snowed in

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Before we start, I'd like to introduce all of you to Avalynn Cooper, the girl who is "going to be" Lando's girlfriend in my One Shots (Clara Galle). Ava is 23 year old Psyhology Major in London, watches Formula 1 in free time, along with reading books, watching movies and longer series. She's bubbly and cheerful, but calm and resonable if situation needs.

Without further due,

AVA POV.: It's right before Christmas and me and Lando probably did a bit of a mistake... To get away from everything, the Xmas fuss and craziness and holidays full of our families, we rented a little house in the Alps for a few days, to stay in and chill in front of the fireplace. It was really nice, but when we're supposed to get back home, to re-pack and fly to London, we're met with a problem...

But let me start from the very begining...
We woke up lazy, around 9:30 am and stayed in bed, with curtains drawn shut until 10, when we really needed to get up and get ready to drive to the airport. We could do that, because we packed the night before, so we only needed to get dressed and eat quick breakfast. 
While Lando needed to go to the bathroom really quick, I went downstairs to start the breakfast and gasped.
-Yes?- he shouted back from upstairs.
-Come here really quick..?! I think we have a problem...- I said, looking wide-eyed out the window and glass door of the patio.
-O shit!- he exclaimed, seeing what I see.
-Shit indeed...- I agreed and looked at him -I don't think we can make it out of the house, left alone find the car to drive to the airport...
-You might be right..- he agreed and pulled me by my hips to himself -We should call our parents that we won't make it tomorrow...
-That's a first. But before that, breakfast- I said, and he nodded. It was evidednt that we can't do anything to get out of here, as snow was up to 3/4 of windows and it wasn't snowing more. For now...

After we made breakfast and called the owner of the house that we want to extend our stay  because the current curcumstances, we dressed from our pjs into comfy sweats and warm sweatshirts, each of us called their mother that we won't make it to London tomorrow as we originally planned..
(A- Ava, AM- Ava's mum)
AM: Hello darling! And how is the plan going? Already in the airport?
A: About that Mum... I don't think we'll be able to make it...
AM: How so?
A: We're currently snowed in the house in Alps... Without the way to get out for at least 24 hours...
AM: What!? How?!
A: It snowed heavily during the night, and we cannot get out. The any help we can get won't reach us until tomorrow morning, so we're kind of trapped here. I'm gonna sent you pictures when we hung up- I explained and fidgetting with the hem of my shirt I added -I'm sorry mum, but there is no way we're gonna be in London in two days..
AM: It's fine. It's not your fault that it happened.. Just enjoy your stay and call me and whole fam in two days, ok?
A: Be sure I will. Love you mum...
AM: I love you too honey- she replied and hung up. With that, I opened the camera and shot quick pictures of the view out of the window, or more likely lack of thereof and sent it to family group chat we have on whatsUp. 
-Looks like we have more days to ourselves..- Lando said, when he ended the call with his mum. He seemed happy, so Cisca had to take the news better than expected.
-Yeah. What your mum said?- I needed to know.
-That it's unfortunate but it happens, so we don't need to worry and just enjoy our vacation. And made me promise that we'll visit first thing we do after we get back home.
-I can do that- his words calmed me down.
-And what did your mum said?
-Basically the same as yours, but she made me promise that I'll call her on 24th and when anything changes.
-Sounds good- he nodded and added -So? What do we do now?- Lando asked, looking at me lovingly with smile on his face.
-Wanna watch a movie on Netflix? Or finish that TV series we're watching back at home? Looks like we won't be going anywhere in the nearest future...
-We can watch a movie- he agreed and we made ouselves comfortable on the couch, under warm blankets with tons of pillows and snacks. After all, it looked like we're gonna seat here for a while..

As expected, our friends made fun of us when we let them know what happened, and we managed to watch 2 movies and finish 1.5 tv shows until we were "saved" from our "snowy prison" as Max Fewtrell said. It took 3 days in total, so we got back to Monaco on 25th of December, already fed up with the white blanket. 
First thing we did, was get rid of dirty laundry we got back with, and packed clean clothes for our stay in London. Of course, we both called our families on Christmas day to wish them all the best, and now are flying to see them in person. It's not like we're fed up with each other's presence, we just miss our families...
We packed quite easly, took showers and short naps, and after lunch we left our home again and got back to the airport. That way, in less than 3 hours we're gonna see our loved ones, play with baby Mila and congratulate Sav and Olivier on their second baby and eat lots of gingerbread cookies. In other words, London, here we come...

The ending came up rather loosie and a bit stiff, but I still like it...
I hope you're spending nice Christmas time wherever and with whoever you are...?!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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