#42 Mick - Photo album

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MADDIE POV: Today is Mick's 24th birthday. To use the fact that we have free weekend this time, we decided to fly back home, to Geneva, to spend his birthday with both our familes. Also Seb and Ellie are supposed to come with the girls, so there would be lots of people....

Dress-code for the party is casual-formal, so not to over the top, but also not sweats and t-shirts, so perfect if you ask me. And the fact that the weather is nice and warm today is only a plus...
This time around, we decided that, instead of usual "birthday dinner" we're meeting the fam for "birthday lunch-ish" thing, as it's a bit ealier in the day. And I think it was a marvellous idea, that we can plan our "clean schedules" around that, instead of doing some nonsense stuff to kill time before dinner. So that's also a plus...

We slept in, until 10-ish AM, ate breakfast, squezzed quick work out in and a shower, before sitting down and chilling for a bit, before we started to get ready for lunch. It's set for around 2 PM, so not terribly early, but also not very late. 
I decided upon this dress and dark heels:

While Mick just wore light-blue button down with black jeans. Ready to go, we took what we possibly could need and then left the house to go to the restaurant, where we rented whole room, to have some privacy. Luckly, we managed to arrive just in time to be before everyone, so we could wait for them, and not the other way around...
Mick's parents and Gina were first, then my sister and my parents, and last but not least, Seb, Ellie and the girls. When they made it, we greeted everyone and then sat down to eat, as presents were placed on special table, which was pushed along one of the walls.
It was really nice to meet everyone and have some time to catch up, with what every single one of them was up to since the last time we spoke on the phone, or in person. The atmosphere was light and happy, and I was really enjoying the party. Seeing how happy it made Mick made it 1000% better...
And after the main course the waiter came with the cake me and Gina ordered in secret, so we stood up and sang "Happy Birthday" (in German, of course ;-)- aut.note.) smiling at Mick, who got a little red on the face from all those positive emotions. The cake was delicious, we drank water or coffee with it, or juice for Maria and Klara (Seb & Ellie's kids) and continued the endless conversations with everyone.

When some time passed, our Moms, with help of Gina, Ava and me, made Mick open his presents. He got new chess board, a watch, beautiful drawings from the girls, and some other stuff he wanted to buy, but couldn't find the time to actually do it. The last present was from me and Gina, and I almost cried already when I only handled him the box. It was kept a secret from everyone up until now, so everyone were curious to see, what it is exactly...
-This one is from me and Maddie- Gina said, smiling at me.
-Ok... Should I be scared?
-MICK!?- we both gasped, acting offended, and making everyone laugh in the process.
-Alright, alright- our birthday boy chuckled and finally opened the box. 
-Is it...?- he looked at us, in shock, seeing photo of Gina, me and him when we were really little, on the cover.
-Just open it and find out..!- I shrugged, trying to act nonchalant. Mick did exactly as I said, carefully pulling it out and placing it on the table, as I took the box aside. He instantly began to flip through the pages, reminising each and every story behind the photos he saw, with our help. We weren't even 1/3 through the book, when everyone accept the girls were crying. It was so sweet... And I could easly see how much he loves it, so it made up for every long hour I sat over FaceTime with Gina, composing it, with every "quote", remark or drawing we did next to them. It took gazillion hours, but was deffinitely worth it, seeing his emocional reaction....
-You can finish the rest of the pages yourself...- I said, when we made it to first blank page.
-Danke.... Danke schon...- he said with wobbly voice, and hugged both of us tightly after he carefully placed the album back in its box. That way, we were sure that it won't damage during the road back to our apartment...
-You're welcome Micky...- Gina said and patted him softly and gently on the back, earning for herself a kiss on the cheek. When they let go of one another, Mick turned to me.
-You're really welcome Mick... I'm glad you like it..- I said and accepted the tight hug, along with sweet but short kiss on the lips.
-Like it!? I love it! It's the best!
-If you say so, Micky...- I agreed, and got another kiss in responce. Seeing how happy and touched he is by the gift made me feel warm and fuzzy inside all over again. It's a strong reminder how much I love this sunshine personificated...
And the album brought many more funny stories to the surface, so for another hour we sat there and reminised them, nearly crying again. But at the end, we really needed to head back home... It was long and emocional day... And I think it's safe to say that this birthday party was a complete success...

Something a bit sappy but still sweet!
I hope Mick is having a good day today...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

P. S. I feel like I need to clarify, that all the dialogue is in German, but because I don't know the language that well, I decided to stick to English...
I hope you enjoyed it nevertheless...

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