#45 Sebastian - Amnesia

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NARRATOR POV: Sebastian Vettel came back home after another race weekend in Italy, holding his bags in both hands.
-Ellie, I'm home!- he shouted, but was met with silence -Ellie!? Schats?- he started to worry, as it wasn't that late. In the kitchen however, he met his mother.
-Mum? What are you doing here!?
-Waiting for you...
-OK, but where is Ellie?
-That's why I'm here. Ellie is in the hospital...
-What? Why?!- he was shocked.
-She fell down the stairs, when she was holding the washing basket... She hit her head pretty bad, so they're making a lot of tests...
-We're going...- he said sternly and turned on his heel to leave, but Heike stopped him -You just came back home, you should shower and change before we go there...
-Mum!? BUt...
-No Buts Sebastian! Shower and change, now! Then we go!
-Ok..- he gave up and then went upstairs to shower and change of clothes. Seb did as he's been told, as quick as possible, constantly thinking about his wife and her accident... How could that happen?!
-I'm back, let's go!- he told Heike next, jogging down the stairs.
-Seb- she stopped him once again, before he left the house -Keys...
-Give me the keys Liebling... You're in no state to drive- she inssisted and he just gave in. She was right and the only thing Seb wanted, was to be with Eliie right this second, no matter how...
Soon after that they left the house, locked it and took one of Seb's cars to the hospital.
-Papa and her parents are with her... Doctors are still running some tests...
-Is it good, or a bad thing?!
-Good. I think that means they're doing their job to assure us and her that she'll be alright..- Heike assured her son with soft smile. She would be blind not to see how much her oldest loves his wife...They're gone for each other...!

They finally made it, and quickly went to search for Norbert, Mark and Julia.
-Papa!- Seb called, spotting his father in the hallway.
-You're here- Norbert smiled and hugged his son, when they came to him.
-How is she?!
-Unconcious... Doc said that she has a concusion and the swelling must go down first before they'll try to wake her up...
-OK... Anything else?!
-No, LIebling, Ellie is fine...- they assured SEb, but it didn't help his nerves.
-Can I see her?
-Go on. She's in there..- Norbert pointed at one of the doors, with number 405. Seb didn't say anything else, came in and swiftly sat down on the chair next to her bed. Ellie was pale and had stiches on her temple, but apart from that, she looked as if she's just sleeping.
-Oh meine LIebe... What did you do...?- he sighed and took her hand in his, while playing with her her hair with the other hand. He didn't say anything else, just let himself to think about everything and nothing with somber expression on his face.
Time was passing, and then, before Seb knew it, the doctor came again.
-Guten Morgen...
-MOrgen- he replied and looked at him.
-You must be Mr Vettel. I'm Stefan ......, I'm your wifes doctor...- SEb only nodded at that and shok his hand.
-The tests came back positive. Mrs Eleanor should wake up in a bit, as the swelling went down..
-YEah, saddly, there is a but- he offered simpatic smile -Your wife suffered from big concusion, so the damage done can cause.. an Amnezia...- doctor reavieled the truth SEb dreeded ever since he found out -She can have... blanks in her memory...- he said, looking sad.
-She can not remember anything?!
-Not necessarly anythng...- doctor protested -I'd suspect events from the last 4 or so years...- .... said and continued -But it should pass with time, as the brain itself didn't suffer any damage. It'll take time, but the memory will come back...
-Ok...- Seb agreed and looking at El, he leaned down and kissed her head lovingly, still holding her hand in his.
-We'll keep her in for observation, but tomorrow she should be fit to go home...
-Alright..- Seb noded numbly, as it slowly sunk in. Ellie can not remember their marrige... Probably not even the whole relationship beyond friends! It was gut-wrenchng for SEbastian. And he said exactly that to their parents, who are as much saddned by the news as he is.
-It'll be alright Liebe... Her memory and love for you will come back, if ever lost...- Mark assured him, and then all of them gave SEb a hug. It was really hard...
As he was looking at peacfull and worry-less face, he finally felt it....
-The ring!- he remembered and looked at gold wedding band shining on the pale skin of unconcious brunette -If she might not remember it, it's better for me to take it off...- he mumbled to himslef with lump in his throat and delicately took of both rings adoring his wifes' fingers and with tiny hesistation, his own ring too, hiding them in his pocket. They'll be safe with him...
Seb sqezzed her hand and then lifted their joined hands to his lips and kissed her palm so lightly, that it reminded him of a butterfly. And then he placed them back on the matress and looked out the window for so long, that he didn't even realised that he fell asleep, while their parents returned to their homes, after he promised them to call if anything changes.

After some time, Ellie opened her eyes and then shut them closed again, because of the light in the room. She waited a few minutes and then tried again, not scowling or flinching this time, apart from little poding in her head. She didn't need to look around to see that she's in the hospital, but the question was, why?! What happened?!
Right after that revelation El felt that someone else is in the room and looked at that side. She saw familiar blonde head, as Seb was sleeping in rather uncomfortable position, with his forehead resting on her thigh, still holding their hands, had her smiling at that.
That was when she realised what waswrong...! That blankness in her head! She didn't knew what day is it, month or even a year!?
As if on clue, Seb woke up and with small grunt lifted his head up. When their eyes met, they smiled at one another softly.
-Hey, sleepyhead...
-I could call you the same!
-Touche!- he laughed in reply -How are you feeling?
-My head is trobbing, but apart from that, I think I'm fine...
-That's good- he smiled again, content and added -Let me call the doctor and tell him you woke up...- Seb said, stood up and without thinking leaned down to press small kiss on her forehead, saying:
-Don't move..- he smirked at her offended expression and left the room for a few minutes, to return with doctor .... . Stefan explained everything to her, and then checked all her vitals, before telling them that she should be free to go home tomorrow morning if her stats will be fine.
-Will you tell me what happened?
-Stefan told me not to, but fine- he agreed and continued -You were walking down the stairs with basket of washing in both hands, not looking where you're going and missed a step... You fell quite hard and suffered from concusion and amnezia in the process...- Seb explained as easy and short as possible, without being there to witness it. His mother-in-law's words helped with that.
-so, you're saying that I hit my head pretty hard and wiped out half of my memories?!
-Pretty much, yeah...- he agreed and added -But they'll come back! You heard the doctor himself! You just need time!
-You know that in some cases it doesn't! And what if something really important happened during those years?! what if I'm already married, or even have kids!? I cannot not remember that!!
-Ellie...- Seb exhaled and held her hand again -Stop with with those "what if's"! There is no point! You'll remember and that's final! I'm gonna help you, Mathilda and your parents will help you, our friends will help too! You're not alone!- he assured her, feeling how his heart is breaking in milion pieces.
-You promise?- she asked, shakily, looking him deeply in the eye. Seb felt awful to see her in fear, not being able to take her in his arms, hug her kissing her forehead or temple and hold her in his lap until she clams down, because it would scare her even more... 'She doesn't remember anyway...'- he thought bitterly.
-I promise El- he replied instead, and she broke up in little smile, as she heard truth in his voice and saw it in his eyes.
-I know I shouldn't but... Hop in- Ellie moved sideways and make a free space for him and patted it with free hand -Come here! I need a strong hug- she pressed, opening arms in inviting gesture. Sebstian stood up, looked around to check if nobody is comming their way and chuckling softly occupied the free space, hugging her to himself strongly and inhaling her scent, which he missed teribly during the race weekend.
-I'm happy that you're here...- she said, cuddling to his side.
-I'll always be, at least one phone call away...- he replied, and it caused painfull reminder that he said that once before, when she had one of the worse days, already as his girlfriend. She believed him, and he kept his promise. Around a year after that he proposed, and later they got married... They've happy, even doing long distance most of the year, and now... It was hurting him a lot, but he had to dismiss it... To give Eleanor time to remember again, how much they love one another... To remember the way they looked at each other, full of love and affection, how often they said "Ich liebe dich / I love you"... How he made her feel safe by just simple hug....
After that they just sat together and talked about everything she remembered, waiting for their parents to come back and see them. Seb let himself leave one arm around her, and Ellie didn't comment on it, only cuddling closer to him and smiling at the feeling of him drawing lazy circles on palm of her hand.
-'As always...'- he thought saddned, when familiar feeling went through his heart, but didn't say anything. This Ellie wasn't HIS Ellie at that moment. This Ellie was rather BestFriend-Ellie, the best psyhologist, and not the woman of his life.... And Seb had to accept that for now, until she will finally remember, and she will for sure...!

As doctor said, they discarded Elie from the hospital and her and Seb came back home. At that point whole family and friends called and visited, trying to lift their spirits by telling stories and joking. But Ellie still didn't remember... Seb told her that they live together because she came to live with him when her apartment caught on fire and big reperations were needed. Besides, house was empty most of the year anyway, so she took care of it when he was racing. That was only partially true, but she doesn't remember it... YET....
After some weeks everything came back to "normal", Eleanor came back to work and Seb was flying around the globe most days, but... The memories didn't come back yet... Everyone were supporting the couple, SEb mostly as he was distracted and heartbroken, looking at those loving eyes but seeing different person behid them.. Not HIS-Ellie, but BestFriend-Ellie, who gets him almost as good as his wife...
But his heartbreak isn't stopping him from supporting and encouraging her to try and remember things... The memories are coming back, but too slow... Both of them are tired and frustrated with it, and it happens more usual, that Ellie just can't hold a brave face and cries her heart out on Sebs shoulder or over the phone when he's racing, feeling hollow inside... As if she's missing a big part of herself...
And SEb himself is heartbroken to see her in so much pain... When her usualy happy, energetic and joyfull eyes are now mostly dull-like and full of tears...
To cope somehow, he talks alot with Britta and Antti, and both their parents. He even had a few visits with the teams' psyhologist... Everything to have his feelings in check and help her however and how long she might need him...
-It's really hard, you know?- he looked at Julia in sorrow.
-I know liebling... It's hard, but her memories are coming back, so those about your relationship will also come.. We just need to be patient...
-I get it, but it's still hard.. To see her sad and hopeless like that...? And to top it off, she's not MY Ellie! And I on't want to force anything upon her...! If she doesn't remember, fine, but it still hurts!- he ranted, despair visible in his bright blue eyes.
-I know Seb, and I get it! Believe me, I do...- she said softly.
-She feels suffocated, as if we expect somethning from her, angry on herself only, because no matter how hard she tries, the memories are not comming back to her, and that makes her sad... Even tho i constantly assure her that it's fine, and that healing takes time, she thinks that she failed us somehow because of the amnezia...! And that hurts me, because I love her!
-She'll remember Seb... It will take more time that we thought, more anger and sadness, but she will! You'll see!
-How come you're so positive about it?! She's your daughter!
-And that's why I know her better than she knows herself!
-Then it better be some good shift soon, cause I don't think I can go on like this for long....
-You'll see- Julia assured him and squezzed his shoulder in helping manner.
-Hello! I'm home!?- Ellie shouted, locking the front door behind herself.
-Hi, LIebling! How's your day?
-HI Mum! Hi Seb- she was smiling brightly and her eyes shone like they used to, before the accident.
-Hi Princesse- Seb smiled, accepting the short but strong hug.
-I'm gonna go upstairs to change and come back to you guys...
-Want some lunch and tea?
-Yes, Danke- she said and bolted upstairs, while Julia and Seb exchanged fond looks. Even with amnezia, Ellie is the same person as always...
-If you excusse me..- Seb smiled politely at his mother-in law, making his way to the open-space kitchen.
-It's fine- she smiled and went after him, to continue their chat, but on diferent topic, to not get overheard by her daughter. It would only upset her even more...
They talked, as SEb moved freely around the kitchen, jiggling various pots and pans, as he heated up rice and meat with curry sauce and some vegetables. The atmosphere was light and happy, but then was interupted by loud thud... AS if someone fell... DOWN THE STAIRS!!
-Ellie, liebling, are you alright?!- Julia followed her son in law to the hallway, to only freeze in her tracks, as she saw her daughter lying down on her back on the stairs with painfull scowl on her face. Seb was beside her in seconds, holding her hand in his.
-Are you alright?
-Yeah... I think i'm fine...- she replied and added -I'm just bumped all over...- she explained and with his help, stood up. When she was steady on her feet however, she didn't let go of his hands.
-You sure, you're alright? That was big fall?- Seb voiced his concerns, looking at her closely. Even tho he shouldn't, Seb hoped deeply inside him, that this fall helped... Like "amnezja wtórna"?! So, like the memories "unlocked" themselves because of it?!
-Yes, I mean it!- she said honestly and then scowled again, looking sideways for a few seconds and then looked quickly at her a bit trembling hands, letting Seb see fear in her eyes.
-Seb, where...?!- she asked, looking him deeply in the eye, but stopped seeing his confusion and then the sudden wave of memories flooded her mind, in speed of "small" tsunami. And when it stopped, and El lifted her head to look Seb in the eye, she had tears in her eyes.
-El? What's wrong Princesse?- he asked, concerned -Something hurts?
-I'm sorry...- she said, blinking rapidly to stop the tears.
-What are you apologising for?!- he didn't understand and it scared him a bit. Since the accident she acted different, and wasn't like an open book for him, like she used to. And the fear of saying something bad didn't really helped...
-Ich liebe dich- she said next, not avoiding his gaze -I love you, and I've loved you for 4 years at least!- she clearyfied and he started to understand....
-You remember....?- he only asked, and she nodded, full on crying now -Mein Got, El!- he exhaled, held her waist and lifted her up, to twirl them around for a few seconds and then stopped, still holding her close.
-Finally!- he exhaled again and feeling how she wrapped her arms around his neck, as well as damp spots on his shirt from her tears -Don't cry Sweetheart...- Seb whispered, looking her deeply in the eye.
-I hurted you so much.... You had to fight with yourself to not tell me the wrong thing... And I was hurting because I was missing something... Something like a part of the base of myself... And all along, I was missing you!- she said, her voice wobbly from tears.
-Shhhhh! It's no longer important!- he tried to calm her down, wiping tears from her cheeks -It's important I can do that..- Seb added and without thinking kissed her passionately but sweet, and she kissed him back, with smile on her lips.
They kissed for a few seconds and then stepped back a bit, panting and out of breath, joining their foreheads.
-I think this is yours...- SEb whispered and took out small box from the pocket in his sweats, opening it to reveal 2 shining rings.
-You had them all that time?!- Ellie asked, as her shoulders relaxed fully.
-I had them ever since I took them in the hospital... They were safest with me...
-Ich liebe dich!- she replied and kissed him again for a few seconds. When they parted, Seb stepped back a bit more, got down on one knee and said:
-Will you, Eleanor Harland-Vettel, marry me for the second time?- he asked, joking a bit.
-You're stupid...- she giggled, with tears in her eyes, while Seb helped her put on both rings back. But when he reached for his own, Eleanor took it and did it herself, winking at him.
-My darling!- Julia decided she cannot wait anymore and came to them to hug her close.
-Mum!- Ellie was smiling widely, as she returned the hug.
-I knew the memories will come back to you! My strong girl!- she awed and then let her go, looking at Seb -And you, take care of my baby, ok?
-Always Julia, I'll always..- he promised and they hugged as well.
When the emocions died down, they called all family and friends to break out the news for them. Everyone were overjoyed, being as happy as them. It looked like the troubles are behind them, meaning that everything is back to normal... They only hoped for happines and heath for each other, to be beside each other forever.... Forever and Always...

A bit angsty, but still fluff...
Now they can only be happy together...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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