#5 Sebastian - Christmas baby

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And now, I may present you some One Shots about our beloved german champion, Sebastian Vettel...
So, before you dive into it, let me present to you, a almost female version of Vettel himself, Eleanor Harlland. She's 33 years old, German by birth, Psychologist. Elle is funny, smart, loving and almost always smiling. Seb likes to call her his own ray of sunshine...

As I have nothing to add next,

ELEANOR HARLLAND-VETTEL: Today is Christmas dinner, and we're spending it with our whole family. I'm very happy about it, but also nervous, because our baby girl is ready to see us basically any day now and we cannot wait to meet her...! I'm so excited! We have the nursery ready, where Seb built all the furniture himself, and all other things she might need. 

But I still would like to have this Christmas peacefull...

Right now, we're at Norbert and Heike's house, with Fabian, my parents and my sister Mathilda. Everything is Christmas festive, the food is delicious and we're currently sitting at the table, talking about whatever we want, nursing some drinks. Me and Seb are drinking tea with our mothers, while Fabian, Thilda and Dad's are having some alcoholic beverages. Whatever someone wants...
-And how is the baby?- Heike asked, looking at us fondly.
-Yeah. And did you finally came up with the name!?- my mother joined the questions.
-She's fine, ready to be here any day..
-And we have her full name planned- Seb finished, smiling like a kid in candy store while gently rubbing my a bit big baby bump.
-Come on! Tell us already!- they pressed, wanting to know already.
-I told you already Mum that you'll know when she's born!
-But that's soon enough to know now, she'll be born any day now anyway!- she argued, sporting adorable pout, making me and Seb laugh.
-We won't tell you, but I can assure you that the name is beautiful and sweet..- my husband took my side, hugging me to himself lovingly.
-I'm sure of that sweetie, but we want to know already! It's our first grandchild after all..- Seb's mum wanted to bargain.
-We're very well aware of that mom, believe me- he chuckled, making me giggle -But I'm still not gonna tell you- when he said that, we're full on laughing, as they pouted.
-Don't be noisy you two! We'll know when they want us to!- my papa tried to interwiene, but it didn't help. They still pried on us...
But the small constractions I felt ever since today's morning kept getting stronger and stronger, worrying me a bit.
-Yes Liebe. what it it? You need more tea?- he asked, looking at me lovingly.
-It's not that..- I disagreed and added -I feel.. The constractions are becoming stronger and stronger..- I looked at him with small and forced smile, while trying to rub painfull spots.
-I'm sure it'll go away in few minutes- he replied calmly, trying to calm me down.
-I don't think that's the case here..- I gritted out, as another constraction went through my body. That's when he understood...
-We need to excuse you guys..- he said, standing up -I'm gonna grab our coats and start the car, ok?
-Do it- I agreed, trying to breath through the pain.
-The baby?- Thilda asked knowingly.
-Yes- I replied, while both Heike and my mom froze in shock.
-How are you feeling, meine Marienkäfer?- my dad asked, understanding.
-I'm here Liebe. You need to get your coat on, we don't want to get you, nor the baby sick..- Seb got back to my side, and with Mathildas' help made me stand up.
After that everyone started to get ready to leave, as Fabian and Seb helped me go to the car. It was reality.. Our baby girl was comming...

After what was 3 hours in total, we made it to the hospital, they suited me in one of the rooms and helped the baby get out. It was really fast, and the pain went mostly away when the doctors gave me some medicine to help that. Seb was by my side all along, holding my hand, while whole fam waited outside.
-She'll be here soon. Stay strong for me..- Seb encouraged me, while I breated out in pain. Around 2 trimester of the pregnancy I decided on natural birth, so I needed to do that on my own. The pain was bad, but the goal was greater... We'll hug our daughter for the first time...
-I can't! It hurts so much!
-You can do it! I believe in you!
-We already see the head Mrs. Just push again...- the nurse said, looking at me encouragedly.
So I pushed... And pushed some more... And after long minutes of pain, at 11:25 in 24th or December, our baby girl was born...
-Literal "Christmas baby"...- the doctor chuckled.
-She really is..- we agreed, looking at our little angel in awe.
-Do you have the name?
-Yeah, we do- Seb said, looking at me with loving smile.
-Klara Emilia Vettel- I said proudly, holding her close.
After all the papers were filled and signed, all the medical stuff left, and let whole fam enter the room.
-O my god! She's so tiny! / Already looks like an angel! / All Seb!- and other comments were made, while the sleeping baby was passed around, for everyone to hold her and see.
-So, what's her name?- Fabian asked, making all of us laugh. After all, because those questions she was born...?!
-Klara Emilia Vettel- Seb said proudly, holding his daughter wrapped in beige blanket, against his naked chest. 
-Beautiful name...- our mum's agreed, looking satisfied to finally know.
-Suits her- Fabian commented, leting her wrap her tiny fist around his finger.
-We're so happy for you...- Norbert said, hugging us both. It was really magical evening...
-Our little Christmas miracle...- I said, looking lovingly at two most important people in my whole life.
We spent time with them a bit more, and then all of them left, as it was REALLY late, while Seb stayed with me and held my hand while we kept an watchfull eye on our baby girl.
-She gave us the best Christmas present don't you think?
-The best present ever- my lovely
husband agreed with dreamy expresion on his face, as he watched our little angel sleep peacefully.
-Everything is going to change now... 
-I'm ready to face any challenge in this world with you by my side..
-Then it's two of us..- I said and we shared loving kiss, after which I scooted a bit over, to make a room for Seb. He laied down with me, holding me close and kissed my cheek ready to sleep.
-See you in few hours when our little lady wakes up to eat?
-See you then..- I agreed, and soon after that, way after midnight, we fell asleep, happy to be now, family of three...

Turns out that not only Jesus has birthday at Christmas!
Baby Vettel too!
I hope your Christmas turned out great, and that you're happy about your presents!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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