#50 Lewis - First word

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ANGELINA POV: It's been almost 7 months since I gave birth to mine and Lew's baby boy, Nicolas Anthony Ryker Hamilton... It was hell of a ride right from the start, as Lew was able to be there for us for first 3 months, and then he had to get back to racing, but luckly I had support from both our sides of the fam and multiple friends, as I took a "double-gap year" in the Motocross, to raise our boy...
But I've never complained, as I cherished every single moment of it...

But the time flies, and our little guy is almost 7 months old and is crawling really fast, also trying to talk to us in his "baby language". Taking care of him is like discovering the world once again, through his eyes. It's really amazing....!
Right now Nikki has his "tummy time" while playing and I'm squezzing in some light work-out. I try to do that regurarly, to get back in shape for next season, as after Nikki is one, I'm getting back out there...
While I was doing sit-ups, Roscoe and Nyx came back, running straight at me and started licking me all over, making me and Nik laugh, as I fell to the ground.
-What a happy sight!- Lewis giggled, strolling in the room behind the dogs and then picked up our son.
-What's up Champ?!- he looked at him, smiling widely. Little one said something in return and snuggled close to him, as I wrenched myself away from the dogs and stood up.
-Hi- I smiled and kissed him softly.
-Hi Angel. Working out?
-Yeah. I need to get that butt of mine into season shape, don't I?- my question made him chuckle.
-You know that to me, you're the most gorgeus girl ever, no matter if you have a bit of "baby-fat" as you say, or not- Lew assured me, which made me smile. No one else than him gives me SO MUCH confidention boost!
-Thx Baby.
-Any time Sunshine- we smiled to each other and kissed one more time before I placed my Ipods back in my ears and resummed my workout, while Lew got his "baby duty". He's really cute with any baby, but our son?! He is 1000 times cuter with him!
Thinking about my boys I finised my excersises and then took a quick but efficient shower, where I also washed my hair. I did all the "hair routine" to keep them as healthy as possible, cuz' I'm thinking about going back to pink hair-dye for my "return season". After all, pink is my color, just like purple is Lewis's..!?
After the shower I put on some comfy clothes and went to the living room, from where I heard my boys play. As expected, Roscoe and Nyx were keeping a watchful eye on them, while Lew was sitting on the carpet with Nikki and playing with him, while the repeat of the last race of his was playing in the background, with sound almost down to the minimum.
Just when I entered, we heard:
-Tile!- Nikki blabbed out, pointing at the tv.
-What? What did you just say baby?- Lewis was just as shocked as I was.
-Tile!- Nikki repeted proudly, and we looked at the TV, to see that he's pointing at the stack of tires in McLarens' garage.
-Yes Baby! That's a tire!- we laughed, as Lew took him in his arms and started to throw him in the air, making the baby giggle.
-I can't believe he just said his first word!- I chuckled, sitting down next to them.
-And not an ordinary one!- Lewis added and winked at me -I always knew that our baby is destinated to be a World Champ!- he was grinning so wide I could only look at him fondly. My crazy future husband...
-Yeah. Given our jobs, there was no chance that his first word wouldn't be racing related...?!
-I know, right!? He's gonna be a Champ for sure!
-I thought you don't want any of our kids to race?
-I know I didn't. But we'll see what he's going to want when he's gonna be older. I'm as hell not gonna pressure him into anything! 
-I get it. I'm not gonna do that either. If he wants to race in karts or try bikes, we're gonna help him and encourage anything he'll pick. Even when it would be chess, or diving, or running, or I have no idea what else!
-Of course. Our boy is gonna do what he wants and for how long he wants!- I got REALLY lucky to have so understanding partner and father for my son and maybe future kids. Living the live we have together is SO MUCH better than living it on my own...?!
We'll just have to wait patiently and see, who our baby boy is gonna be when he's older and support him however we can! But even right now I can see that he's gonna do great and big things! I'm sure of it!

NARRATOR POV: And Angelina was right! Their son become amazing racing driver, having 6 Championships in total, while following his dads' footsteps. But more importantly, he was humble, honest and sweet man, beeing called "Englands' sweetheart" from very young age... So it looks like dreams come true after all!?

Some family fluff...
Those family moments are the best to relax from work...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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