#51 Mick - Come back to me...

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MICK POV: The last 10 hours were crazy... I came back from another race weekend, and got called to the hospital, because Maddie aperently had an accident! At first I couldn't believe it... Why my Maddie!? But then I got told everything in the hospital, that she was crossing the street on her way home, when drunk driver drove into her... One of the worst scenerios possible....
After I got there, I was told to wait in the waiting room, as she was brought to the operation, because of her injuries. I still cannot believe that this is happening...?!
-Micky!- My mum and GIna came to me with sad expressions and gave me strong hugs when I stood up.
-She cannot leave me... I don't know what I'm gonna do without her...!?- I said, my voice wobbly because of tears gathering in my eyes, as I felt safe in my sisters' arms.
-I'm sure she'll be fine! Maddie is very strong girl, so she'll make it!- Gina said, trying to cheer me up.
-I just don't want to loose her...- I said, feeling unsteady on my feet.
-Sit down Liebe, you look really pale...- mum said and pulled me down, to sit me down next to her on one of those uncomfortable chairs, while Gina sat down on my other side. I felt really dizzy and lightheaded, having almost "out of my body" experience.
-I cannot loose her Mum...- I crumbled down, letting the tears flow, as she 'tsk-ed' at me, hugging me close. Not my Maddie... Please... Everything else in my life, but NOT her...

The time felt as if it stopped, but after some time the doctor finally came, making all three of us stand up.
-Anybody here for Madison Carter?
-Yes. she's my sister in law, and that's her husband- Gina said, without blink of the eye. And I didn't corrected her, not having the energy for that...
-Well.. Ms Carter..
-Schumacher- Gina corrected the doctor, keeping up with her lie. Even mum didn't scold her...
-Mrs. Schumacher- he agreed, smiling -She got injured quite badly, having small intermal bleeding and 3 broken ribs along with her left wrist, but she's in good and stable condition. However, we decided to keep her in coma for a few days to let her body rest..
-That's understandable.. Can we go to her?- my Mum spoke up, unsure.
-Yes. Follow me- doctor said and lead us to one of the rooms. When he opened the door, I felt massive "deja vu", as I stepped in there, feeling sick to my stomach. Maddie was there, looking so pale and fragile, as she leid there, in sleeping-like state...
-Maddie...- I whispered and came to her bedside, sitting down next to her, and took her hand in both mine, as my eyes became wetter and wetter by each passing second. Mum sat down next to me, while Gina sat sideways, on the edge of the bed and placed comforting hand on my shoulder.
-Mark and Anna are flying in tomorrow, they're in the States right now...- Mum said, reading the message from her phone and we only nodded. It's a blessing I have her, because I haven't stopped for even a second to inform Maddie's parents about what happened...!?
After that we just sat there, waiting for her to wake up. But she didn't....
Within each passing second, I felt like I was 13 again, after my dads' accident... Young, scared and hopeless... The scenerio was so similar, it actualy scared me... How she looks so alike with my dear Papa back then, pale, unmoving-sleeping like...
-Mads... Wake up bitte...- I whispered, bringing her pale hand to my lips to kiss her palm, with tears in my eyes.
-Yeah Mad. We all need you here baby girl- Gina shot me a quick glance and then squezzed my shoulder in suportive gesture.
We didn't say much more after that, just being with her and praying for her to wake up and be alright...
-Maddie, bitte... I cannot lose you too...?! I won't be able to do this without you...- I whispered to her, fully on cryng now, as my dear Mum held me to her chest in support. I don't even know when I felt asleep, when my body tired itself out. I didn't knew when Mark and Julia got here finally either... I just fell asleep and prayed even then for her to wake up and smile at me softly as only she does... I miss her so fucking much...!

I think everyone needs some Angst sometimes...?!
It's a bit short but I hope you don't mind...?!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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