#54 Lando - 3 AM

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AVA POV: My end of term exams are comming up, so I study quite a lot to them, to pass with the best grade possible. Bit it doesn't help the fact that I miss Lando like crazy! I'm stuck in our house Woking, while he's on the other side of the world, in Melbourne, Australia. I feel conflicted, as my brain knows I need to study, but my heart wants to fly to Melbourne and support Lando in person, as he struggles with his McLaren... I really would postpone my exams and do that if I could...!
It's night between Friday and Saturday, so Lando should be asleep right nabout now, to rest the most he can before the eventful day tomorrow.
My little daydream / zoned out moment was interupted when my phone suddenly rang.
-Who on earth wants something at this time of night?- I mumbled to myslef and hurriedly found my phone in between all those papers, notes and books -Lando?- I couldn't help but frown, as I picked up the What's Up call.
-Hi Lan!
-Ava! How are you sweetheart?
-Tired a bit.. But I need to study...
-At this hour? It's 3 AM!
-You're the one to talk!- I bit back and added -Speaking of which, why are you awake? You should be resting before Quali in a few hours!
-I just need a bit of my sunshine...
-Laaann!- I whined, feeling more and more sad and lonely -You can't say things like that!
-Cause I miss you..!
-Awww, I miss you too Princess..- he admited with longing evident in his voice -How's the study going?
-So far, I managed to stick to the plan I made, so I should be fine in 2 weeks- I said, checking in my journal and added -And I still watched practises yesterday..- I said proudly.
-Good job! Not as good as ours, eh?
-You're gonna get there Lan...! Baby steps, remember?
-Yeah.. But is still sucks!
-I know... I can only imagine how you feel right now...- I replied, in somber mood.
-I wish you were here, you know?
-I wish that too Baby, greatly..- his words made me sigh.
-But enough about me, what are you studying?
-Oi! Interesting!
-You don't sound happy?
-It was interesting 4 hours ago! Now, I just need to fit it in my brain and remember it at the exam!
-You got this Baby, I'm sure of it!
I hope so..- I sighed and added -Thanks for elieving in me...
-Always Sunshine, always... Just like you believe in me...
-Us against the world, eh?
-You know it!
After that we just talked about everything and nothing, while I gradually began to be more and more tired. And before I knew it, I don't even know when or how, I fell asleep, with all the books and notes around me and phone in hand, with the call still conected. All because of Lando...

Something sadly short, but still sweet and fluffy...
I really hope McLaren will improve soon, I hate to see Lando suffer like that..!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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