#55 Carlos - Unfair penalty

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IZZY POV: As much, as the begining of the Australian race weekend in Melbourne was relatively good, the race itself was utter dissaster... 4 red flags, 2 safety cars and 6* DNF's in span of 58 laps! And to top it off, the stewards decided that my Carlito deserves 5 SECONDS PENALTY for a collision he had with Fernando during the restart after the 3rd red flag! What they expected after performing a standing start with only 4 laps to go?! It's just riddiculous!!
I got literal tears in my eyes when through headset I heard Carlos' reaction at the penalty... How he begged his engineer to stand up for him and convince the stewards to wait to the end of the race and listen to his side of the events... It was heartbreaking to hear... I think I've never heard him so broken over the radio....
But, as it always seems to be, the stewards didn't listen and went with their decision, making Carlos drop down from 4th to 12th... 12TH!!!! 
That way, with nobody's fault really, Ferrari came back home with no points, as Charles crashed out in lap 1...
After the interviews Carlos went to the stewards to talk to them, and try to convince them that the penalty was to severe (which I comepleatly agree), but they didn't listen once again. The team was going to protest it, or something, but I did not really care. I only focused on Carlos...

The ride back was compleate silence, while Carlos drove me, Rupert, Caco and himself back to the hotel. I was "passenger princess" as usual, while Caco and Rupert sat in the backseats. All of us knew that Carlos is heartbroken and mad, but we didn't really know how to aproach him without making in worse. To do SOMETHING I just placed my hand on his, which was on the gear stick most of the time, and caresed it lovingly and reasuringly, to wordlessly let him know that I'm here for him if he wants to talk or whatever he needs me for.
We dropped the car off at the parking lot and went to the hotel. 
-We're gonna order room service later. I don't think that he's gonna eat anything right now- I quietly told Rupert and got a nod from the Englishman with understanding. Rup knows Carlos long enough to know him inside and out, so he understands.
In complete silence we took the elevator to our floor, where we bid our goodbye's with the boys and locked ourselves in our room.
-I'm gonna take a shower..- Carlos said quietly, as he dropped his "track bag" on the floor, beside his suitcase.
-Alright. Tell me if you need anything, ok?- I said, meeting his dull and tired gaze, as I rubbed his shoulder in comforting manner. Without words Carlos pressed short kiss to my forehead and locked himself in the bathroom, while I collapsed on my back on the bed.
-Fuck!- I mumbled to myself, looking at the celling in frustration -Why this sport must be so fucked up!?- even tho Carlos is the one racing, I treat it just the same as my job. We celebrate our succeses together, and mourn the loses too, always together..

After I don't even know how long, Carlos emerged from the bathroom, made bee-line to his suitcase and changed into fresh pair of sweats and shirt, and then fell on the bed face first, hiding it in the pillow. Without really thinking I shifted to my side to look at him and moved my hand to start calmly and gently play with his hair, still damp from the shower. I got only a "humpf" in response, but I didn't need much. I know him well enough to know that Carlos needs his quiet after the events like this, to not explode like a ticking boom he's right now. And I'm gonna be right beside him through it all...
-I still cannot believe it... After all those accidents and collisions only I got a penalty! And what about, I don't know, Sargeant and Nyck!? Or Pierre and Esteban!? Their crashes were way worse and it was "racing incident"! How is that fair!? And they don't even want to listen to my side of the story! How it REALLY was!!- he abruply turned onto his back, and wented all of his thoughts out, looking at the ceilling with teary gaze and broken voice -Do you think that too?
-Think what mi Amor?- I asked him calmly and softly, still playing with his hair.
-That I deserved it..
-No! Of course not!- I dissagreed instantly and propped myself up on one elbow -I would never think that! It was no way your fault and don't try to think that! Stewards are just bunch of old pricks who don't know what they're talking about!
-You think so?- he really sounded like a broken little boy who's heart was ripped from his body and shreeded to tiny pieces, which I was planing on picking up and rebuilding him whole again, stronger this time.
-Totally! Even Fernando says so! 
-Good... I was scared that..
-That what?- I raised one of my brows at him -That he's gonna hate you for an incident which was a part of many mistakes that happened during the re-start and was unavoidable?! Never! He adores you!- I assured him and reached for my phone to show him a text I got from Fernando a while ago:
From Nando: Iz. Carlos no responde, así que te estoy enviando un texto para ti. Probablemente se esté castigando a sí mismo por el incidente, así que dígale por favor que no estoy enojado con él. Esas cosas suceden y están fuera de nuestro control la mayor parte del tiempo. La carrera estuvo jodida desde el principio y los comisarios no la mejoraron, y esa es mi opinión. Al igual que el hecho de que la penalización no fue necesaria de ninguna manera. Anímate Carlos, el siguiente es Bakú y concéntrate en eso. Nos vemos pronto! (Iz, Carlos is not replying, so I'm texting you. He's probably beating himself up for the incident, so tell him please that I'm not mad at him. Those things happen, and are out of our control most of the time. The race was fucked up right from the start and the stewards didn't make it any better, and that's my opinion. Just like the fact that the penalty wasn't in any manners needed. Chin up Carlos, there's Baku next and focus on that. See y'a soon!)

-See? He's not mad. Nobody is really!- I said and Carlos exhaled loudly.
-I just need this fucked up they to finally end...!
-I know Cariño, I know...- I agreed and added -And soon we're gonna come back to Spain and forget all about this dissaster! You're gonna rest and re-charge before Baku to come back and show the stewards how wrong they were!
-Gracias..- Carlos replied softly, looking already a bit better.
-And you know what else?
-I'm gonna be here, right by your side no matter what... Even if you quit racing or I don't know!?- I pulled a chuckle from him, which made me smile.
-I promise mi Amor- I replied and leaned in, to kiss him softly, before I moved even closer and cuddled to him as close as it was humanly possible.
-Te amo, mi Amor... Tanto...
-Te amo también Carlito...- I replied and added -Let's have a power nap now, and we're gonna get lunch when we wake up, alright?
-The best plan- he agreed and even smiled! Teeny, tiny smile, but smile nevertheless, which I called a succes. 
Soon after that both of us fell asleep, feeling warm and content in each other's arms. When we get our energy back, we're gonna tackle any new challenge which will come in our way... I'm never gonna give up on us, no matter when and where we're gonna end up the the future! My Carlito being happy is all I need!

What eventfull race that was...!?
I cannot wait what circuis is gonna happen in Baku!
And fuck the stewards with that penalty honestly!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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