#57 Checo - Last name

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MARISOL POV: Today is a week break between Baku and Miami GP, so we're back in Milton Keyes for few days. I'm doing something diferent than normal this time, as we're making a Q&A video for "The Paddock", about my work as Checo's PR manager. I'm not doing, it alone tho, as I'm joined by Chloe, who's Max PR person, and Simmone, who is head of the media team, and for today is gonna be the host. The idea is really nice, as it helps the fans understand the "behind the scenes" of racing more. I'm apointed to it while Sergio is doing some sim work ahead of the next gp and I'll meet up with him later, when we're both done.
-Ok girls, ready?- Simmone asked us, when we sat comfortably in arranged shooting place, ready to roll, as the tech team set up the lightning and cameras.
-Let's do it- Chloe and I agreed, smiling to ourselves. We're SO ready for it...
-Hello guys! My name is Simmone Ray and I'm a part of media team for Red Bull Racing Team. Today I'm here with Chloe Meyers and Marisol Garcia-Ruiz, who are PR managers for our drivers, Max Verstappen and Sergio "Checo" Perez respectfully...
-Cut- I said, before I could stop myself and shot a "sorry" look to our team.
-What's wrong Mari?- Simmone asked, concerned.
-It's Marisol Ruiz-Pérez actually- I corrected her, feeling a bit of a blush on my cheeks.
-You got married?
-Yes, we did. Last summer, over the summer break- I revealed and couldn't stop the blush to bloom fully.
-Gracias- I smiled at them and added -Can we fix it and continue?
-Of course! That's why we're here in the first place!- she agreed and after that we started over:
-Hello guys! My name is Simmone Ray and I'm a part of media tea for Red Bull Racing Team. Today I'm here with Chloe Meyers and Marisol Ruiz-Perez, who are PR managers for our drivers, Max Verstappen and Sergio "Checo" Perez respectfully. We're gonna ask them some questions you guys left in our feed last race weeked and hopefully, answer your thoughts...- she did the intro, sneakly winking at me when saying my surename -Shall we start girls?
-Ask away- Chloe and I smiled at her, ready to share bigger picture of our job.
-First one is for both of you, "How long do you work with Max and Checo"? Chloe, will you start?
-Alright. I'm Max's PR manager since 2019 so for 5 years now- Chloe replied and added -Before that, I was Daniels' manager.
-And how is it with you Marisol?- she turned to me with smile on her face.
-Me and Checo work together since 2015 so for 9 years. Firstly Sahara Force India, then Racing Point and now 3 years with Red Bull- I answered politely, thinking fondly of that time.
-That's a long time! And you didn't kill each other!?
-Looks like it..- I agreed and added -It doesn't mean I didn't wanted to kill him from time to time!- I joked and we all laughed.
-That's I think given- Simmone giggled and added -Let's move on... Chloe. "Who's easier to work with, Danny or Max"?
-Max. Definitely Max- she giggled and added -Danny was too unchinged sometimes...- we only nodded to that, understanding.
-This one is for you Marisol. "What's the trick to be everywhere on time and look perfect"?
-Well... I certanly don't look perfect everywhere I go and definitely not on media day, but the trick is quite simple... Keep track of time and made plans with few minutes to spare..- I said, thinking of the real "trick". I always tell Checo the time we need to be somewhere in 5 minutes advance. If we have an interview on 9:30, I tell him we need to be there at 9:20 or 9:25, to have that 5 minutes to spare...
-But you do look flawless! Even in Bahrain or Saudi!- Chloe argued, smiling softly -Unlike me or Silvia from Ferrari, your hair and clothes always look perfect!
-Maybe I do- I agreed, blushing again.
-YES, YOU DO- Simmone and Chloe agreed.
-Moving on. Next question. "What's the worst PR interview you attended"?
-It depends on the situation after the session or race... But the worst...
-One of the most unchinged Daniel ones.. Once he even escaped mid-interview!
-And Max's one?
-Probably one after the crash without his fault, but I cannot pinpoint specific one..
-Alright. Mari?
-I don't know if we had the worst interview...?! Checo is pretty easy to work with, so it's rarely hard...- I thought aloud and added -The interviews after the Bahrain GP in 2020 when Sergio was more than likely to leave F1. They weren't hard per se, but mentaly draining...
-OK. Sounds resonable...
-Next question. "What actually is PR duty"?
-Well... It's basically taking care of an media image of a person, to show him or her in the best positive way possible, taking care of every interview and etc, to avoid creating bad publicity.
-But not only interviews! It's also about meetings with sponsors, social events, promoting said sponsors and lots of more stuff- I added, pretty much agreeing to what Chloe said.
-Sounds like lots of work...
-HELL of work!- we replied in unision and laughed afterwards.
-But jokes aside, yeah, it's lots of work, but we enjoy it and want to have great partnership with the person, so it's fine. As long us they don't hide huge secrets from us and then they eventually blow up in teams' face..
-Yes! After that they're dead!- this was Chloes turn to agree.
After that we answered some more questions, some intereting and others not so much, but it still was fun. I didn't even realised how much time has passed...!

After and hour and a half in total, we're done with that interview and we could leave. I wanted to do so right away, but Simmone and Chloe stopped me to ask about the wedding and my relationship with Checo. I shared what I could and wanted, not really comfortable with those questions without Checo here, but I managed.
When ready, I left the conference room and seeked out Sergio, to wrap up our day and leave.
-How was the interview?- he asked, after we greeted each other and Checo kissed my temple swiftly.
-Fine, I guess... It was really interesting and fun to share some insight to the fans..
-I know. I'm happy you did it.
-I'm happy too- we smiled to one another and actually left. Now we needed to wait for finished video..

Finally, we got email with finished "PR interview". After long day of work we sat down on the bed against the headboard and watched it, on a laptop. I had more fun watching Checo's reactions than the interview itself, but we had great time nevertheless.
-And? What do you think?- I asked him, playing with our joined hands.
-You wanted to kill me?
-That's all you remember from it?!- I exclaimed in return, acting offended and making him laugh.
-I'm just joking!- he laughed and hugged me close.
-But for real, what do you think?
-I think you did fantastic job. And the idea itself is nice. Fans will appreciate you and your work more from now on..
-I hope so- I replied, laughing with him.
-Nada... (Nothing...)
-Checo? Que dices?!
-I'm just happy...- he said, and before I interupted him, continued -I just can't help feeling on top of the world when I'm reminded that now you have my last name...- he said with doopey smile.
-Dork!- I snorted and jabed him in the ribs, but couldn't help but feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
-Possesive much?
-A tiny bit- I said honestly and added -But I don't mind...?!
-I bet you don't- he chuckled and pulled me closer to kiss me softly -My smart, cute and powerfull wife!
-Idiota!- I giggled, feeling the blush creeping up my cheeks.
-You love it.
-Yeah, I do- it was my turn to smile dooply. To be honest, I don't want my life any other way... I just need him, our family and friends and work.. How happy it makes me every day... My forever looks quite good if you ask me..?!

Something work related but not really...
I think it's actually cute.
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

P.S. I don't really know how the position of PR manager works, so the questions and answers are purely my imagination and idea, how it might work.

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