#58 Pierre - Unexpected win

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NARRATOR POV: It's been whirlwind of a season so far, cars really close together, fights even more intense than Verstappen x Leclerc or Hamilton x Verstappen in previous seasons.
Right now we're in Spa, Belgium for the last race before the summer break. Red Bull, Ferrari and Aston Martin were top contenders for podiums so far, but Mercedes and Alpine found some pace too, to grab some podiums too. But so far, no win...
As per usual until now, those 5 teams managed to qualify in top 10, with 1 McLaren and 1 Haas.
Pierre Gasly, who was seen on track early in the race weekend, putting flowers on the spot his dear friend, Anthoine Hubert died four years ago, is definitely on a mission to grab a podium here this weekend, while his teammate, Esteban Ocon, will try to fight his way through the pack after the disaster in Sprint which placed him on 14th position.
-Yeah... 5th really can help me in fight for the podium and I...
-You want it for Anthoine, I know- Kate Chalamet said, sitting on armrest of the tiny couch Gasly have in his drivers room. The red haired young woman is Pierres engineer ever since drop back from Red Bull and they get on really well. That much, that he convinced Alpine that they're "a package" and he won't work with any other engineer. It worked out somehow, and the transition was rather smooth.
-You will do amazing, regardless the result at the end. I know it- she assured him, watching how Pierre is getting ready for the race.
-What if...
-No "what ifs" Pierre! We can't have that, you know it. I want you to focus and drive your heart out there. Leave the problems and numbers to me, ok?
-I don't deserve you...
-You do- their soft gazes met and lingered for a few seconds too long, along with fond smiles.
-Come on! It's almost grid time! Let's go!- once again, Kate was first to get back to "work mode", as she looked at her watch.
-You're right. Let's go- he agreed and together they went to the garage, where Kate joined the pit wall, while Pierre finished his preperations before joining the grid with other 19 drivers.
-Comment m'entends-tu Pierre? (How do you hear me?)- Kate said to the microphone, looking at the screens before her.
-Fort et clair Patronne (Loud and clear Boss)- was his cheeky responce, making Kate shake her head in amusement, even tho he does it for a while now.

After that, they only spoke work, mostly Chalamet giving her driver instructions concerning the car or his speed.
-Box Pierre, box- she said after 23 laps on softs. At that point Pierre was 3rd, but they needed to pit for fresh set of tires -Click the button to confirm.
-Coming in- he shortly replied, and soon after that, they had him in pit, to change for mediums. With their strategy, they'll last until the end of the race, but Kate had other "plans" in case something happened. It's really important to be prepared to anything, in F1 especially...
Everything was going smoothly, Pierre made his way through the pack again, sitting comfortably on p3 again, when it happened...
-We're p1 Pierre, keep your head down, only 10 laps to go!- she tried to be as calm as possible.
-Ok. How's the gap?
-0.6 to Perez, but he has Alonso on his tail, so just focus on yourself... We're going for that win...- she replied, and looked at Otmar. The man was smiling to himself, but also looked nervous. They can't fuck this up...

Until the end, Pierre was pushed to drive faster and faster, as "3 latinos" (Checo, Fernando and Carlos) were at his tail, hungry for that win. But something, or someone was watching over Pierre, helping him defend like his life depended on it.
And then luck striked again...
-I'm losing power!- everyone heard frustrated voice of Fernando as he couldn't do anything else than slow down and roll himself to the pit lane. It meant that now Alpine had to worry about Red Bull and Ferrari, as Aston was out, with Lance on 8th after second stop.
-How are the tires?
-Don't worry, we can get this win home on those. Just 3 laps to go. You can do this!
-Ok- Pierre agreed, but the "puff" in his breath told Kate enough. Nerves were slowly getting to him....
And soon after that, Pierre crossed the finish line first, and was handled the French Flag.
-What did we do guys!? WHAT. DID. WE. JUST. DO!? WOOOOOHHHOOOO!- they screamed at one another in joy.
-Amazing drive Pierre! I wouldn't have it any other way buddy!- Otmar congratulated him, as whole team celebrated.
-Enjoy it P. You deserve it!- Kate was grinning so wide that her face almost hurt -We won...
-We won indeed... Good job Kate.
-Thanks Otmar- she smiled, as Szafnauer squeezed her.
-You're going up there with him...
-Yes. Your calls and strategy paid off, so you're gonna get the trophy for the team. And now come on, we need to congratulate our winner...- he didn't leave any room for discussion, as they went to Parc Ferme to celebrate with Pierre.
-My winner..- Kate whispered to herself, watching him with tears in her eyes.
-You're amazing!- Pierre shouted, hugging her close.
-YOU are amazing. I just know numbers- she corrected him.
-But you made it happen!?
-Stop arguing with me and go, have that interview! See you at the podium ceremony!
-Oui, Patronne- he replied and winked at her, making her shake her head once again, with grin on her face.
-What a dork...?!

Time flew by, and before they knew it, top 3 finishers were called out in the podium, along with Kate. Carlos 3rd, Sergio 2nd and Pierre on top step, listening to "La Marseillaise" with tears in his eyes, while he looked at the blue sky above them, definitely thinking about Anthoine. And after the anthem, they sprayed the champaine, and Pierre completely drenched Kate in it, as Carlos and Sergio sprayed everyone with happy smiles.
When the bottles were almost empty they took a sip each talking about the race even more, as Pierre got congratulations once again. Next was the foto, which had Pierre and Kate in the middle, with Sergio at her side and Carlos at other side of Pierre. But it wasn't the end of surprises, because of what happened next...
Both Carlos and Sergio jumped down from the 1 place on the podium and gathered their stuff. But when Kate wanted to do the same, Pierre stopped her and high on adrenaline after the win, pulled her to his side again and... KISSED HER! Right on the podium!
It earned them cheers and whistles, as Kate quickly pulled back and pulled Pierre of the stage with her, as she cluthed bottle and the team trophy in one hand, similar as Pierre.
Ignoring everyone around them she pulled him to the hospitality and Pierre's drivers room and locked them there.
-Have you lost your damn mind???! What the fuck was that!!?- she screamed at him, furious.
-You look adorble when you're angry mon Ange...!- Pierre had lots of fun, looking at her with cooky grin.
-I'm not adorble! I'M FURIOUS!!- she kept yelling -Do you even know what maddnes you just created!!!!? Kissing me on the fucking podium!!? What were you thinking!!?- her chest was heaving with ragged breths she took between shouts.
-You just looked so beautifull drenched in that champaine and I wanted to do that for so long, and I...
-You WHAT!?
-I cannot pretend anymore Kate... You're way more important to me than a friend and a engineer.. Je at'aime....- with this confession he rendered her speachless -Say something, s'il te plait...
-Je at'aime assusi Pierre...- she said and added -But that doesn't mean I'm not mad at you!
-Whatever you say, mon Ange!- Pierre laughed, and once again, pulled her to himself in slow and loving kiss.
-My 2 times race winner...!- Kate whispered, when they seperated for a second, before diving right into the next.
-I love the sound of that...- Pierre said cheekly and added -And your sweet voice in my ear during the race... How you order me around...
-I might use that in future then...- she pulled a warm and amused chuckle from him, before they kissed again, short this time, because of Pierre's "madia duties". And after those, was only a party.... Let's see how bright this future looks for those two...?!

Raceday fluff and Alpines' first win of 2023..!
What a turn of events!
Let's see in future how wrong I'll be with that podium predictions...!?
At first, I had French Grand Prix in mind with this OS and then decided to stick to this years grid and chose Spa instead..
I hope you still like it...?
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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