#61 Lando - Monaco apartment

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AVA POV: Me and Lando just came back from Miami race weekend to London, as he's still needed at the factory, while I need to check with my Uni what work I can squeeze in our free time, before flying out to Italy in a week and a half, for another race. I'm VERY fortunate that I can do most of my studies online and support Lando in person. Besides, it's gonna be our second annversary in few weeks and we want to celebrate it together.
Right now, I'm sitting on one of the bar stools in the kitchen with all needed books and notes along with my laptop, while Lando is in the factory doing some sim work and other important meetings he has scheduled today. It's still rather early in the day, as it's only a bit after midday, and Lando is not gonna be home until the evening, we're gonna eat lunch seperately. I didn't feel like cooking to much today, so I just made some pasta with eggs and salt, to eat while I study. I have REALLY important exam I'm gonna take at the end of this week, so I need to study every minute I can...?!

After another hour of studying I decided to have a break and clean the apartment a bit, with music blasting through the speakers. This time I picked Michael Jackson and played it on suffle, so I not really know which song is gonna play next. But it's fine, as I adore all his music.
Singing to myself I swiped the floors, then cleaned then mopped whole floor and let it dry while I studied for another hour or so. Then I took another break and started washing mashine with the rest of the dirty clothes from our suitcases and loaded the dishwasher. Happy with myself then I returned to studying then, not relising how fast the time flies....

I was slowly getting bored and fed up with my studies when I heard the key turn in the lock, telling me that Lando finally came back. Smiling to myself I listened how he took off all his outter clothes and shoes and then cleaned his hands in the small bathroom in the corridor.
-Baby?! Are you home?
-In the kitchen!- I shouted back, looking in his direction briefly. Lando didn't respond and then came to me, to give me a kiss on the cheek.
-What y'a doin'?
-Studying... But I'm fed up of it now. How was your day?- I asked back, turning to his direction and letting him stand between my legs, looking him in the eye.
-Meetings, sim, more meetings... Usual crap- he replied with a shrug and small smile -Hungry?
-A bit, yeah- I agreed and then we wordlesly moved further into the kitchen to make ourselves some toasts and tea. It was really nice... To have this feeling of safety and domesticy with someone... I really love him...

After quick but tasteful dinner, we floped onto the couch, cuddling, as we started another episode of "Orange is the new black", which we started watching during the winter break.
But soon after the opening credits I realised that Lando is not focused on the show, but drifting somewhere else with his thoughts.
-Lan? You ok Baby?
-Hm?- he mumbled, looking at me -You're saying something?
-Yeah. I asked you if you're ok?
-It's fine.
-It's clearly not, when it's bothering you to the point of missing the show YOU wanted to watch?!- I pressed, feeling really woried. Lando only sighed at my words and then slowly nodded.
-I just don't want to let you go...
-But I'm here?! We're gonna be together until the race in Spain and only then I'm coming back here alone!?- I not really understood what he meant...?!
-I know...- he sighed once again -But I don't want you to...
-You don't want me to come back to Uni for finals?
-No! I want you to finish Uni!
-Then what is it about Lando, cause I don't understand?!- I sat up, facing him, but still holding his trembling hand in mine.
-I don't want us to live alone...- he said and avoided my gaze by looking at our joined hands -I know it's still pretty early, as we're together only almost 2 years, but I want you here, in my Monaco apartment... I want to share my whole life with you..
-You saying...?- the hesistation in my voice made him look me in the eye again.
-Yeah. I want you to move in with me...- he finally said what was on his mind and then added -Of course only if you want the same thing...?!- he quickly assured me, blushing hard and making me smile from ear to ear -If you think that it's too fast, or you don't want to, I understa...
-Yes- I interuped him, squeezing his hand in mine with huge smile.
-Yes. I want to move in with you!- I confirmed, making him smile so wide that it reminded me of Daniel Ricciardo.
-That's awsome!- he cheered and hugged me tight, which I returned feeling the happiest I ever was. Even when I got into my dream Uni didn't compare to this...
-I love you...
-I love you too Lan..- I replied, even tho my words were a bit muffled by the material of his hoodie on his shoulder, where I hid my whole face.
-You won't regret this, I promise!- he was happy like a kid in candy store and it was really endering to watch.
-I know already that I won't Lando!- I assured him and placed my hand on his cheek gently -I love you, and I want to spend every possible second of my life with you- I said and pulled him in, to kiss him softly. He returned it instantly and sneaked his arms around my waist.

After rather long make out session we pulled apart and lied down again, cudding close to one another, and played the faithfull episode again, as we comeplately lost the whole plot. But before that we made new cups of tea and drapped a warm blanket over us, feeling really happy.
If that's how our future looks like, then I'm all ready for it! No matter where, no matter how, I just want Lando with me... Let's see what fate has in store for us...!?

Looks like Lando and Ava are moving their relationship to the next level?!
I hope you're happy and healthy wherever you are!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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