#63 Charles - Lovebite

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BRYNN POV: The 2023 season doesn't look as promising as the previous one did, but I'm still suporting Charles the hardest I possibly can, even when I have lots of stuff to do for myself. Luckly, I don't have that many classes at Uni and I aplied for individual course on my second year, so I basically study online, whatever course I want and am able to work around Charles's race weekends to attend them with him. It really helps him and I can see it. It's good I can be there for him when he needs me and take away just a bit of that frustration and pain from him. Especially now, when we all know where the boys should be, and our results now are nowhere near that goal.

Today I was, as per usual these days, woken up by blaring sound of the alarm. Without looking that way, I slammed my hand on the phone and succesfully switched the annoying sound off. After that, I smiled to myself and snuggled closer to Charles's side. My boyfriend's still asleep, so it gave me a chance to admire his perfect features in silence. Especially now, when he's not frustrated with the car or the results, or tired in general.
-It's not nice to stare, y'a know?- his deep, morning voice startled me a little, but made me smile nevertheless, as his French accent shone through as well. 'God, I love this guy...!"- I thought to myself.
-Bonjour Charlie- I said, ignoring his words and leaned in, to kiss his cheek.
-Bonjour Mon Ange- finally, he opened those perfect green-ish - blue eyes and looked at me with a big smile. Instead of saying anything, I proped myself on my elbow and kissed him, this time on the lips, reminding myself about yesterday night...
To not get into details, we used the last "free" night, before the whole race circus will began again...
Using my little daydream to his adwantage, Charles deepened the kiss and flipped us around, howering over me with big smile.
-You look beautiful like that, you know?
-Those pleasantries won't get you anywhere Baby, You have Quali today..- I read his mind and placed my arms around his neck.
-You weren't complaining yesterday...
-I know. But I mean it Charles. You need to be well rested, and not in post-sex state!- I said sternly, making him laugh.
-Je t'aime Brynn.
-Je t'aime assusi- I giggled and let him kiss me again. Even though we needed to postpone our nightly sheningans, little make-out session won't hurt anybody...

We lost the track of time, (as per usual these days) and were painfully reminded of it, when once again, both our alarms went off, VERY loudly, making us groan.
-What time is it?- Pierre asked, letting me shift a little and check the time on my phone.
-8.30- I replied and looked at him above my shoulder, seeing his disapointed face -We need to get up Baby..
-I hate the times when you're right like that!- his reply made me laugh, as I stood up from the bed and went to my suitcase for my clothes for today.
-Ey, B!
-What?- I tried to contain laugher at that point, going to the bathroom.
-Nice ass!
-You're unbelievable!- I giggled, threw one of his shirts at him and then locked myself in the room. Then, I dropped my clothes on the closed lid of the toilet, undressed and took quick shower, along with washing my hair. It took me 20 minutes tops, and then I dried myself with white fluffy towel hotel provided and put on my clothes. Right there, when I wanted to start drying my hair, I saw that...
-CHARLES MARC HERVE PERCIVAL LECLERC!- I yelled as loud my lungs let me and opened the door.
-Quoi, mon Amour?- he looked quite frightened, as I almost never use his full name. Both of us prefer to stick to nicknames.
-WHAT, THE HELL, IS, THIS?- I said, pointing at huge purple-ish hickey right in the middle of the left side of my neck.
-Lovebite?- he replied carefully, still sitting on the bed.
-No shit!?- I sighed and added -And how do you think I'm going to cover this, hm?
-I'm sure you can do it mon Ange. It's just lovebite...
-JUST. A. LOVEBITE?! This thing is HUGE!?
-You really want to start our day with a fight over a lovebite?!- he looked at me, puzzled.
-No. I'm just shocked. And a little frustrated...
-I'm sorry Baby, ok? You know how much I like to kiss you there... I just got carried away yesterday...- he said calmly and came to me, to place his hands on my hips and tug me to his chest.
-I know. And I'm not mad. I promise..
-Then smile for me- he asked, and I did it, making him smile in return.
-There you go. I love you happy, not frustrated... Leave the frustrated one for me, hm?
-I love you too- I pecked him on the lips and then tugged him to the bathroom -Come on. I'm gonna take care of this- I pointed at my neck -And you shower. We don't have time..
-Sounds like a plan- he agreed, placed a little kiss on my temple and then went on with his morning routine, while I opened my make up kit and focused on covering that damn lovebite. It was definitely by far, the least favourite activity I'd do on Saturday morning, but I couldn't complain, as I had godly-perfect reflection of my handsome boyfriend taking a shower in the mirror while I was at it. It was a distraction, but also a helping hand, raminding me that I have all of him to myself and no one can interfere...

After a shower Charles put on his "quali trousers" and joined me by the sink. At that point, I was halfway in, in my task, which was, covering the evidence of our yesterday's activity. Nobody besides us needed to know about it, ESPECIALLY not his team!
-You know I love you, right?- Charles said and kissed my cheek, as he hugged me from behind and rested his cheek on my left shoulder, to not block my range of movement with the right one.
-I do. And I love you too Charlie- I smiled at him through the mirror, not stopping in my task. As fast as I'll be finished with it, the better.
After a few minutes of cuddles like that, Charles left me in the bathroom and went on to put on his clothes and pack for the day. I knew we had less and less time, so I needed to hurry up a bit...

I think in total it took me 40 minutes to cover the lovebite, and then I exited the room, looking at grinning Charles with his phone in hand.
-Carlos- he replied, without me even asking. It's just is like that between us. We don't have any secrets against each other...
-I'm ready. We can go in a minute. Let me just grab my purse and phone...
-Ok. We still have time. It's 9:05.
-Good to know- I replied and did what I said, in happy mood.
Then Charlie grabbed my hand in his, and without further due, we exited our room and went down to the hotels' restaurant to eat quick, but still mega important breakfast before the busy day at the track. I hope today won't make us any more surprises like that...

That looked like interesting morning...
What do you think about it?
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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