#64 Mick - Russian

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I wrote it back in 2021 and just found it couple of days ago...
I hope you don't mind this little Flashback-ish thing..

MADDIE POV: Right after the race, which ended with Mick on 17th place and his asshole of a teammate on 20th, I made a bee-line to Mick's drivers room, to talk with him. I didn't need to see his face to know that he's pissed... Hell! I WOULD be pissed if someone pulled a shit like that!?
Because OF COURSE this Russian shithead called Nikita, tried another risky move, almost taking out himself, Mick and two other drivers! I cannot with him!
-Hey Micky...- I said softly, when he entered the room and closed the door behind himself.
-Hey Liebling- he smiled for a second or two and then his face turned stony again.
-How are you feeling?
-Angry... Dissapointed... Hopeless... I don't wanna talk about it!- he tried to brush me off while changing into normal clothes from his suit.
-Why dissapointed?
-We had the pace today! And then that idiot pulls of shit like that and makes me fall back!
-But you still recovered?
-Yeah, I did. Luckly for him..!
-Maybe talk to Gunther about it?
-Nah... It won't help...
-You can at least try...?- I suggested, holding his hand in mine.
-It won't do anything anyway. Gunther won't. We need money...
-But on what cost?!
-You make a point, but Nikita won't change! I raced with him before, and he won't change! There is no point in wasting the energy...
-Alright... But try to look on a bright side today, for me, ok? 17th is not last..?
-You're right- he agreed and pulled me up, to hug me close -I'm glad you're here...
-Me too... Ich liebe dich Mick...
-Ich liebe dich auch- he replied and we kissed softly, before exiting his room, into the paddock.
And luck wasn't on our side, as we stumbled onto no one other than Mr. Nikita "I'm the best so move out of my way, as I deserve everything" Mazepin.
-Oh..! Look who it is!? Our happy couple!- he sniggered, looking at us.
-What do you want?!
-Nothing. Just appreciate the view...!- he replied as his gaze burned me in all the wrong places.
-Go somewhere else and bother your dad! We need to go...- Mick replied coldly and tried to walk pass him, but OF COURSE they needed to bump shoulders.
-Pathetic idiot..- I heard Nikita whisper and just couldn't take it anymore...
-Znayesh', kto takoy zhalkiy idiot!? Ty pridurok! G-n Luchshiy drug moyego papy - g-n Prezident Rossii, tak chto ya mogu delat' i govorit' vse, chto khochu! Ot"yebis' ot Mick, ili ya vrezhu tebe mordu! (You know who is a pathetic idiot!? You jackass! Mr. My daddy's bestie is Mr. President of Russia so I can do and say whatever I want! You fuck away from Mick, or I'll punch you in the face!)- I yelled at him, pointing in his direction.
-Neposlushnaya devchushka... On nastol'ko plokh v posteli, chto tebe nuzhno szhigat' energiyu, sporya s lyud'mi? (Naughty little girl... He's that bad in bed, that you need to burn down energy by arguing with people?) - he tsked at me, smirking -Khochesh' vrezat'sya v shakhtu i izmenit' eto? (Wanna crash at mine and change that?)
-V tvoikh krovavykh mechtakh! O, podozhdi?! Nikto ne zakhochet spat' s takim idiotom, kak ty! (In your bloody dreams! O, wait?! No one would willingly sleep with such a idiot like you!)- I was boiling with range, not minding that we collected quite a crowd because of my shouting. The language didn't help...
-Ostorozhno, Maddie... YA mogu razbit' tvoyego parnya pri pervoy zhe vozmozhnosti...! (Watch out Maddie... I might crash out your boyfriend next chance I get...!)
-Ty ugrozhayesh' MNE!? Eto vse, chto u tebya ostalos'?! Pytayesh'sya trakhnut' mozg Mika, potomu chto ty nikogda ne vyigrayesh' po-chestnomu?! Kak zhalko! Na papiny den'gi vsego ne kupish', ne tak li!? (You're threatening ME!? That's all you've left?! Trying to fuck with Mick's brain cause you never will win fair and square?! How pathetic! Daddy's money won't buy everything, won't they!?)
-Derzhi moyego ottsa podal'she ot etogo! (Keep my father out of this!)
-Ty skuchnyy i razdrazhayushchiy Nikita... (You're boring and annoying Nikita..)- I rolled my eyes at him and added -Idi i otsosi chlen Guntheru, yesli eto vse, v chem ty mozhesh' byt' khorosh, chtoby sokhranit' svoye mesto! (Go and suck Gunther's dick if that's all you can be good at to keep your seat!)
-Zakroy svoy rot! (Shut your mouth!)- he stood right in front of me, fumming.
-Chto? Pravda gor'ka? (What? Truth hurts?)- I taunted him.
-ty pozhaleyesh' ob etom! (You gonna regret this!)
-Nu.. Yesli u kogo-to net talanta, chtoby prodolzhat' svoyu kar'yeru, vam nuzhno delat' eto drugimi sposobami, a? (Well.. If someone doesn't have a talent to keep his career going, you need to do it other ways, hm?)- I replied airly and added -Khoroshego dnya Nikita... (Have a good day)- I just smiled in pity at him, and then took Mick's hand in mine, to drag my shocked boyfriend away.
-Wait.. Maddie, since when do you know Russian?!
-My best friend in Uni is Russian. I decided to teach myself another language via real teacher for once..- I replied early and added -Besides, you never know when it'll become usefull...- with that I shrugged my shoulders.
-What else I don't know about you?- he was definitely in awe.
-You'd have to find out..- I replied and winked at him, making us both laugh, as we got back to the hotel.

When we got back, both of us changed into comfy clothes and we sat down on the bed, to watch something on hotel's TV. But Mick seemed deeply in thoughts.
-You alright Mick?
-Yeah, just thinkin...
-About what?- I asked him again, curious.
-What did you tell him?- he replied with a question.
-Lots of different things..- I tried to dissmis it, blushing hard. Now, after some time, I regret my choice of words. Range is funny state...
-Come on! Tell me! I don't understand anything, but I'm pretty sure you mentioned my name and Gunthers'..
-Well... Basically I threthened him to stop bugging you and called him out on his narcisstic behavior...
-Good one, and needed, but what Gunther has to do with that..?!
-Ehmm..- I blushed hard, like a Ferrari and avoided his gaze.
-Come on Mad! Tell me!
-I MAY HAVE.. told him to go away and...
-And what?
-TosuckGunthers'cocktosavehiscarrer- I said really fast, making Mick laugh.
-Slowly, Maddie. I only caught Gunthers' name again..
-I told your asshole of a teammate to go and suck Gunthers' cock to save his carrer when he cannot do it with talent behind the wheel...
-I love you Maddie...- Mick had another fit of giggles while hugging me close -I really love you...
-I love you to Baby..- I agreed, smiling and returning the hug.
-You looked hot then, you know..?! When you ripped him a new one...
-I did?
-Yeah. My fighter...
-Always..- I replied and then we softly kissed. Looks like my little burst of anger was good... But it doesn't mean I will keep my mouth shut next time...

Nothing to add here...
Just my anger on Nikita showed in pure daylight...
I hope you won't hate me for this...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

P.S. I used the Google translate for Russian part, so sorry in adwance for any mistakes...! And decided to write the fonetical version, as it's easier to see what's being said.

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