#67 Pierre - Coffee

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KATELYNN POV: When I woke up this morning, I felt that something is off.. Nevertheless, I got up and did my usual morning routine, put on Alpha Tauri branded outfit and with only my needed belongings left the room to eat breakfast.

-How are you feeling today Kate?- Yuki asked me, when we met on one of the corridors in the hospitality. The Japanese was in rather cheerfull mood, which is endering on most days, but today, he only annoyed me further.
-Not great to be honest with you- I forced a polite smile.
-Missing Pierre already?- he asked me about my boyfriend. To be fair, it's not a long shot, as we haven't really seen each other since our arrival to Bahrain. Now, when Pierre is driving for Alpine, I'm no longer his engineer and got the position in Nyck's team.
-You can say that...- I let out heavy sigh.
-Awww! How sweet!- he cooed, with skip in his step, as we walked side by side.
-Shut up.
-I'm not. It's cute!
-Yuki, haven't you lost Michael somewhere?!- I replied quite snappy, but I couldn't be polite much longer. Not today...
-The kitten is bittey today, I see!- he joked, as he usually does.
-I'm warning you, Tsunoda-san...!
-Ok, ok! Call me if you need me- he gave up and went his way, while I entered one of the engineering rooms, where I needed to attend a engineer / strategy meeting as usual on race day. But my mood was still off, as I found myself snapping at people around me over such a small things, like switch of the tyre compounds during pit stops and which would work for our strategy the best. I even felt bad, but wasn't able to find in myself enough strenght to try to relax and apologise. What's more, I was getting more annoyed and angry by every passing second...
-I think we have everything covered. That's it for now guys...- Pierre Hamelin said, dismissing everyone and then stopped by my side.
-What's wrong Kat? Are you feeling alright?- he asked me, concerned.
-I'm fine- I grumbled, while sorting my stuff the way I always do, before leaving. 
-You're obviously not- he disagreed with me and added -You can tell me what's wrong...- he asked again and when I didn't say anything, he continued -I think I know what...
-Enlighten me then! Cause I don't!- I snapped at him and then sighed deeply.
-No coffee this morning?
-Yeah.. The coffee machine at the hotel was out of service...- I agreed with him and added -And If I don't get it soon, someone is going to die! Literally!- my words made him laugh.
-It's not funny Pierre! I mean it!
-Come on! Let's solve this issue and prevent a bloody murder, shall we?- Pierre said and led me out of the room, still giggling.
-Can you stop?!- I grumbled and tightened my hold over the folders and files, which I held close to my chest -It's really NOT funny~!
-But it is!- he was laughing again -You look like grumpy and bitey kitten!
-Ha. Ha. Really funny Hamelin!- I rolled my eyes at him, relaxing a bit at the smell of coffee, as we entered the "food area" in the hospitality.
-Wait here and I'll get you your coffee..- Pierre said and went away before I could protest. 
After 2 minutes or so of waiting I decided to move and sit outside, on the open space area in front of the hospitality and catch a bit of sun.
-Latte with lactose free milk and 2 spoons of brown sugar...- familiar voice broke my little daydreaming, but it wasn't Hamelin...
-Pierre!? What the hell are you doing here!?- I asked my boyfriend, confused, while he just sat there, next to me, with huge smile on his face.
-I missed you too, you know...- he answered softly and pushed a cup full of coffee closer to me -Your morning dose of cafeine mon Ange..
-How do you know I miss you that much!?- I was pretty sure I got well with hiding it.
-You know- his pointed gaze told me enough.
-Mr Tsunoda-san is in BIG trouble!- I grumbled and took the cup in both hands to take a sip from it, adding -Merci..
-Je t'en prie (You're welcome)- he added, still smiling and playing with few strands of my hair -But I never would have thought that missing me and your coffee will make you so snappy at people...!- his next words made him giggle.
-Shut it Gasly. It's not funny!- I rolled my eyes at him, feeling fondly and as hell it was visible on my face.
-It is. Mon Chaton mordant- he said with mischevious wink.
-Ok, ok! I was snappy, but I won't be anymore!- I gave up and let him place soft kiss on the corner of my mouth, playfully.
-Ey! I want real kiss!
-Then you have to say sorry to all the people you were snappy at!
-Pierre!- I whined, not liking the idea.
-Say it! Or you're not getting kisses until we're back home!
-Say it!
-Fine- I grumbled, giving up once again and getting short and chaste kiss in return.
-But I want a hug now!- I demanded, looking at him expectantly. 
-My grumpy kitten- he replied and pulled me to himself and wrapped me in his arms -Je t'aime, mon chaton...
-Je t'aime assusi P...- I replied, feeling content enough to not care about the nickname I got thanks to Yuki, for now at least... Until I have a word with him, that is...
However before that, I need some groweling and apologizing to do... Let's see how it'll go...?!

Not the best morning for Kate, but luckly Pierre was there to save the day!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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