#7 Mick - Mistletoe surprise

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MADDIE POV.: It's 3 days till Christmas. Everyone is waiting for it, happy to spend time with whole family, eat and share some stories. Almost all the presents are already bought and wrapped, waiting to be placed under the tree, which shines with lights and all other decorations. In my opinion, it's very magical time of the year...
And it also reminds me, that I'm alone another year, still nursing my unrequired feelings for my childhood best friend, Mick Schumacher. He's just so... Perfect! Sweet, kind, well-mannered, always knows what to do or say, also very handsome... Have I mentioned his blue eyes?! He looks like an angel personificated! Gina would beg to differ, but that's my opinion. I just seem to not being able to forget about him, and treat him like my other friends...

After breakfast I put on my winter coat and boots, wrapped my neck with thick woolen scarf I got from Corinna few years back and taking my bag I went to the house on the other side of the street. I rang the doorbell, and then waited for someone to open them.
-Maddie, Hi!- Gina was the one to open, with wide smile on her face. She was looking cozy as ever, with giant sweater, I'd swear I already saw somewhere, pair of baggy sweatpants, messy braid and glasses -Come right in! Mick is doing hot chocolate for us.
-Hi Ginny- I smiled at her and gave her strong hug. I call her that ever since I know her, and I think I'm one of the only people she lets to do that...?!
-Yeah, you're icy cold. You DEFFINITELY need hot chocolate and a blanket!- she laughed, but returned my hug -Make yourself at home and I'll go, tell my brother to get you one..- with that, she left me in the hallway. With smile and shaking my head I did as she said, cleaned my hands in small bathroom and then went to the living room, where I met both their parents. I greeted them with hugs and joined Corinna on the couch, joining the conversation and soon after that, Mick and Gina came back, with streaming mugs, full of chocolate.
-Hi Micky- I greeted him, standing up and accepting the warm hug. And I DEFFINITELY DID NOT feel the butterflies in my stomach when he wrapped his arms around my middle, not at all...!
-Hot chocolate for you- he then gave me one of the mugs, with whipped cream and tiny marshmallows at the top, when I sat back down under the blanket.
-Danke- I smiled at him and took small sip, while they gave their parents each a mug and sat down themselfs, with hands full.
Then the conversation flew easily, as usual in this household, as we talked and laughed, sharing with each other what we're up to since we last saw one another. It was really nice and cozy, with the fireplace lit up and snowy weather outside.
-I could easily get used to this...- I thought to myself with small smile.
-Maddie, how is uni going?
-Fine I think. I have only like a year and a half till I'm gonna get my major, so... Its a bit handful, but I'm managing- I replied to Michael's question with small shrug.
-I'm sure you're doing wonderful liebling- Corinna assured me, making me blush. After all these years, I'm still not used to being praised for my work. My parents are a bit strickt in that matter ever since I remember....
And all the sweet nicknames I get are part of that too. Schumacher's are definitely more affectionate than my family is... Its not like they're cold and heartless, just... More reserve in showing their feelings...
-Danke- I said and took big gulp out of my mug.
After that, they asked me more questions, and I happily answered. It's nice to see how much they're invested in my education even though I'm just a childhood friend to them...
The conversation flew easily, keeping the atmosphere nice and airy. I could stay there forever...

After some minutes, Mick stood up, to take dirty mugs back to the kitchen, and I offered help. It was easier with four hands anyway...
When I was walking back to the living room, I bumped into Mick in doorway, and we froze for a second, looking each other deeply in the eye,after saying quick apologies. When I looked into those perfect blue eyes I instantly drawned in them, not able to look away.
-Ykhm!- Gina pulled us out of it, and pointed at something above our heads, with a smirk on her face.
-What is it Gin?
-Just look above you...- she clearly had lots of fun.
When I did, I froze again. A Mistletoe. Right above me and Mick...
-Come on! Just little kiss!- she wasn't giving up easly.
-Gina! Why?!- I whined, not happy with her action. She knows perfectly well about the crush I have on her brother and decided to use it against me.
-Just do it! Trust me! Both of you.
-What are you planning Gina?- Mick wasn't happy with the situation either.
-Don't be dumb my dear brother and just kiss her!- I already knew that she meant kiss on the lips, as any other kiss wouldn't count in Gina's opinion.
-Maybe you went too far with it Gina?- Corinna sounded concerned, while Michael was just smiling to himself.
-It's just a kiss...- I mumbled to myself and leaned into him, waiting for Mick's move. If he really didn't want it, he could easly step back. But on contrary, he leaned in too, and kissed me softly. I instantly melted into it, and felt his arms around me once again.
We kissed for a few seconds and then gently pulled back. At first, neither of us said anything or moved, but when reality dawned on me, I fled. I just needed to get away from Mick for at least few minutes, to calm my racing heart and butterflies in my belly, before I'd look him in the eye again.
But it wasn't granted to me, as Mick instantly went after me with upset expression on his handsome face.
-Mad please! Wait for a second! I didn't wanted to kiss you because I knew it would destroy what we have..! Our friendship I walue more than anything! You're everything to me Madison Carter, and I can't lose you..!
-Then tell me how you felt.. Did it meant nothing to you?- I was battleing my own brain with my heart. I just needed to know for sure...
-Maddie... You're my sun, moon, stars and every other love methapor you want to use here.. Of course that kiss meant something! As I said, you're my everything.. However you want me, as a friend, neighbour, bestfriend, boyfriend, I don't care, but please, don't leave like this...- he said with tears in his eyes, as he held my hand in his.
-You..?- I couldn't believe what I just heard. Or more likely, what I think I heard.
-Yes.. I love you..- Mick finally admitted, but avoided eye contact with me, as his cheeks turned Ferrari red.
-Micky...- I felt like the luckiest girl on the planet earth -Ich liebe dich auch..- without hesistation, sure of my feelings, I gently lifted his head with my palm, so our eyes met and just kissed him. Not that unsure brush of lips in the doorway, but still loving and sweet.
Soon after that I felt Mick smile, as he kissed me back, believing my words.
-Be my girlfriend?- he panted when we pulled back after several long and breathless seconds.
-There is nothing I want more than that..- I agreed, making us both smile, as we stood for a few more seconds with our foreheads touching.
-We should probably get back to your parents and Gina... They'd like to know how it ended..?!- I said, looking at him with unhappy smile. The only thing I wanted to do was stay in his embrance forever, but we really needed to get back...
-You're right..- he agreed and kissed me again before he held my hand again and pulled me back into the living room, to tell his family the news.
Like I thought, they we're happy for us, commenting that it "took us long enough!" and laughing, as we sat down comfortably next to one another, still holding hands. Looks like this Christmas changed everything...

And here is another Christmas One Shot!
Looks like sneaky Gina succeded..!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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