#75 Sebastian - Kids day

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NARRATOR POV: After tiring race weekend Seb came back home, to his family, around 9 AM. Tired, Seb locked the door and texted his already working wife, that he's gonna take a nap and then pick the kids up from kindergarden and school himself. Happy, he took off his coat and shoes, and then rolled his suitcase full of dirty clothes into the lundry room, to leave it there for a bit. Sighing tiredly he went to the bathroom and took a relaxing shower, before changing into fresh set of clothes. Sweatpants and t-shirt were a to go outfit, and then Seb went back to the lundry room, to start unpacking his suitcase. First set of dirty clothes were soon in the wash and while so, Seb decided to take a quick nap. After all, it's almost 10 AM, and he still has 3 to 4 hours before he needs to go and pick the kids up. Power nap was very much needed, and to confirm that, not even 10 minutes after he entered the bedroom, Seb was loudly asleep.

Sebastian woke up to the beeping of the washing mashine. With content yawn he sat up and streached, before getting up from bed, while fixing his messy curls. He made his way to the laundry room, to take out the washed clothes and set another load of them in, and then he went to the kitchen to eat something.
As if on cue, his phone rang, showing that Ellie was calling him. Seb picked it up imidetely with a wide smile on his face.
(S- Seb, E- Eleanor)
E: Hi Liebe!
S: Hello to you too, Sunshine*
E: Slept well?
S: I look so shit you mean?- he joked, making her laugh.
E: No, not at all! You look quite rested actually!- El defended herself, making Seb chuckle.
S: How's your day going, Liebling?
E: Hours go by.. I'm fine. Quite bored actually...
S: How come? You love your job?
E: Bon Appettit!- she replied, seeing Seb sitting down with poked eggs and sandwitches -I do. But it's just too peacefull in here.., I miss the kids...
S: Danke- he said and added -You've seen them this morning!? I get to be lonely and missing you when I'm away!
E: I know Seb, I know- she agreed and then comfortable silence descended upon them for a brief moment.
S: Tell me about your day...- he urged her softly, between bites,
E: You know well enough that I cannot talk to you about my patients!- she chuckled fondly at him, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside, seeing her dear husband back home safely and happy -You sure you want to pick up the kids?
S: Yeah. I told you that already. You focus on you job!
E: I am focused, thank you very much Sebastian!- El tried to act offended, but failed, laughing with him.
S: I know, I'm just teasing..!- he said, smiling and happily looking her over in beige suit and white dress-shirt.
The conversation that followed was warm and flowy, allowing them to cheerish the short moment of being 1 x 1 with each other, without the pressure of other comitments. The time flew by, and before they knew it, Seb needed to hung out another loan of laundry and then get going to pick up the kids.
S: I'm sorry liebling, but I need to go...
E: I do as well. See you in few hours Liebe!- they sent each other a kiss and hung up with smiles on their faces. Happy and energized Sebastian cleaned after himslef and then took care of the washed clothes.
After that he changed once again, put the shoes and coat back on, and then left the house, locking it in the process. Happily he hoped into his car and drove off, through the gate of the drive way, humming to himslef along with the music playing on the radio. The day was warm and sunny, so Seb had another thing to be happy about. Nothng could go wrong today....

Luckly for them, Eleanor and Sebastian thought ahead and sent the kids to school with kindergarden and middle school in almost the same set of buldings, so picking the kids up was way easier. He also called his kids' teachers ealier in the day to let them know that he's going to be the one to pick the kids up, instead of his wife. He also disclosed with them to not say anything to the kids and keep it a surprise, as he waited in the hall by the lockers.
After few minutes of waiting, he smiled brightly when he saw all three of his little ones running his way.
-PAPA!! PAPA!!!- they shouted with huge grins on their faces, which low key reminded him of Daniel Ricciardo. Seb kneeled down with open arms, letting all three hug him close.
-Papa!! (we missed you!)- Klara and Maria said in unision, hugging him tightly.
-Yeah. (we did lots!)- Theo added and neither of them wanted to let go.
-(I missed you too! So much!)- Seb replied and placed loving kisses on their cheeks, making them laugh -(Come on! Let's go home and cook nice lunch for Mommy!)
-Yeah!- they cheered and complied easly, eager to help Papa in the kitchen. It wasn't often that they got to do that together and the kids were happy as well. Coat-ed and booted, with their backpacks in place they left the school and drove back home, while all three told Seb about everything what they did in class and what happened. They shared a laugh over some situations, and Seb felt the happiest, while looking at his three munchkins in the rearview mirror with a smile on his face. It was indeed a good day....

When they got back, all four washed their hands and then the kids changed into some "allowed to get dirty" clothes, to help their Papa with cooking. After some brain storming, they decided to do lasagne made of pasta with some vegetables by their own recipe. Klara was in charge of cutting all the needed vegetables, Maria was mixing it and Theo was pouring, with Papa's help. They were so engrosed in it, having lots of fun, that they didn't see when Eleanor came back home.
-Somenthing smels nice...!
-Mommy!- the kids squealed and ran to her, while Seb checked the oven and watched them with a smile.
-Welcome home...
-YOU welcome home!- Ellie giggled and kissed him on the lips, hearing the choir of "ewwww!", which made them laugh.
-Come on! Let's eat that lasagne!- Seb ushered them to the table, and once again reminded himslef how fortunate he is to have his family. Blessed and utterly happy...

Something sweet and family oriented with our retired Champ!
I hope y'all are well and happy, wherever you are!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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