#78 Checo - Office PDA

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-Are you sure we want to do this?- I looked at Checo with hesistation.
-I'm sure. I cannot hide this anymore, that you're way more important to me than just a bestfriend and a PR Officer!
-I know and I feel the same but the team..? Whole team at the same time...?
-It'll save us big time, instead of talking to each and everyone one by one...- he said and squezed my hand in suport, as we sat on the couch in his drivers room, ahead of the Media Day.
-I know it too, but... Already on the media day?
-Corazón...- Checo sighed with fond smile on his face and added -I'm sure that everything is gonna be alright. Besides, if anybody will get angry at us, they'll have at least 3 weeks before Baku to calm down!- the soft term of endearment made my heart pick up just the same as it did when Checo called me that for the first time, so long ago.
-Ok. Let's do it!- I put on a brave face and made us both stand up. But before we left the room Sergio kissed my lips softly and tenderly, to fully calm me down.
-Now we can go- he sniggered, making me laugh. In way better moods we went to the hospitality, where whole team gathered in the Cafeteria, to grab a snack. As usual, we joined Max, Victorie, Brad and Xavi at the table, with Helmut sitting not far away from us, with Christian, Geri, GP and Hugh.
-¿Por qué estás tan tenso? (Why are you so tense?)- Xavi asked us, between bites.
-Necesitamos anunciar algo.... (We need to announce something)- I replied shortly, and then Checo stood up, to gather everyones attention.
-Could you please, maybe spare me a two minutes before you get on doing what you're doing now?- he said, succiding.
-Something is wrong Sergio? What's going on?- Christian instantly came to us, concerned.
-Yeah, what you're up to, Mate?- Max on the other hand looked confused.
-I, I mean, WE...
-We need all of you to know something..- I decided to help him, and stood up myself, facing both Christian and Helmut, equally confused as the rest of the team.
-Yeah, what is that? Something's wrong?
-No Christian, it's not that- Checo instantly calmed our boss down.
-Ok. Then what is it?
-It's just... Me and Checo are together... As in, in a relationship...- I said bravely, looking Helmut in the eye -Far from professional...
-So you're a couple? I understood it right?
-Si- we breathed out in unision, scared a bit about the reactions.
-Congratulations!- Geri was first to react, and pulled us both into a strong hug.
-Yeah, Congrats you two!- Christian was also happy, which was a great relieve.
-Now I get why you two are joined by the hip!- Max said cheekly and hugged us next, with big smile on his face.
-Looks like it- Checo agreed with him, blushing deeply, just like I did.
-You take good care of her, yeah?- he jabed Checo between ribs next, making everyone laugh. But I sudenly remembered one important thing....
-Christian, but what about our jobs? Mine specificaly?- I asked him, concerned.
-As long as you remain profesional during race weekends, I see no problem- he replied and gave me a second hug. It really made me happy... That the team accepts us...
-¡No puedo creer que no me lo hayas dicho! (I cannot believe you didn't tell me!)- Xavi faked annoyance, but was soon laughing with everyone.
-Dejalo. Sé que no eres. (Quit it. I know you're not)- he replied, making us laugh harder. I can see myself stay here for a while more...

MARISOL POV: After 3 weeks of the break, we're back racing, this time in Baku. I enjoy this track a lot, as Checo has a great relationship with this street circuit, even winning here his first win for the team in 2021.
Today is Friday, before the Qualifying, as we have Sprint this weekend.
Right ahead of the quali, the team decided to do a big gather, with all the mechanics and engineers in one side of the garage. To leave a bit of a space I decided to sit down on the counter next to one of the walls.
-Deslizarse mi Amor (Scoot over)- Sergio said with a smile, nudging my right knee to leave him a bit of a space to stand. I wordlessly did, making him smile.
I gave a fistbump to Max, as the Champ stood next to us, and then I focused on listening what Christian is saying. The Brit was saying last motivational speech, followed by GP and Hugh reminding the teams about the agreed strategy. I don't even know when, but Checo took my hand in his, drapping it over his shoulder, while he listened carefully. I just couldn't help myself and leaned forward even more, so his back was met with my stomach and bowed down a bit, to press a light kiss to the top of his head. The cap which was there a minute ago was already in Xavi's hands as the boys were gonna start preparing for the race the minute this team meeting is gonna end.
Max and Checo were next to chip in a few words, and then everyone went their own way, to do their job. Sergio however just turned around and looked me in the eye.
-Que pasao, Corazón? Todo bien? (What's going on Sweetheart? Everything alright?)- I asked him, returning the intense gaze. Checo just smiled and lifted our joined hands to his lips, to press a loving kiss to the top of my hand.
-Estoy contento, que tu eres aqui, conmigo... (I'm just happy you're here, with me).
-Siempre- I assured him quickly and then swiftly looked around to check, if anybody's looking at us. When I was sure that it's not the case I bowed my head a bit and pressed short but still loving and sweet kiss on his lips -Lo vas a hacer genial. Lo sé. Te encantan los circuitos callejeros(You're gonna do great, I know it. You love street circuits)
-Lo sé (I know)- he afirmed with a huff and smiled to himself -¿Otra victoria de Baku? (Another Baku win?)
-Coge un Pole primero, ¿de acuerdo? (Grab a Pole first, alright?)- his cheekyness made me giggle.
-Todo para ti, mi Amor (Everything for you, my Love)- he agreed and probably wanted to kiss me once more, but we got interupted by exasperated Xavi.
-Checo! Necesitamos voy! AHORA! (Checo! We need to go! NOW!)
-Deséame suerte! (Wish me luck!)
-Te amo!- I replied instead and pushed him away from myself. Unhappy he did, soon after that being dragged into pre-quali preparations. Of course, I couldn't forget about our little "superstition charm" before he went out to the track. I just want him to be happy, and have a nice and clean weekend after that shit show in Melbourne...

Something sweet and loving, but also racing related with Checo!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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