#8 Checo - Christmas Movie Night

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MARISOL POV.: This year again, just like we do every year, we flew back home, to Gualdajara, to see our families for Christmas and New year's eve, to catch up and spent nice time. I already look forward to it, just like Tonio and Manu. I'm also 4 months pregnant, so in next few weeks we're going to find out what we're having. I hope that it's a baby girl this time, but I know that at the end of the day we both will love him/her just the same as we love their brothers, no matter the gender..
We just made a touch down at the airport, need to collect our luggage and get to the car. Sounds simple, but when the whole world knows you, its not that easy...
It's a good thing that Antonio flew to England to take the boys 3 days ago, so they didn't have to experience that...!
We're stopped multiple times, for photos and autographs, me included! I mean, I'm not that famous as my husband, as I'm just his PR, but turns out I have fans too. I mean, I knew that already, but to see it outside the race weekend is kinda weird and still new to me...
-Paola..- I told Checo, looking at him.
-Talk to her, I have a feeling that...
-Checo! Dios mio!- and he didn't even finish, as new fans swamed us. Luckily I managed to "break free" and stepped aside, to talk to my sister in law in peace.
(S- Marisol, P- Paola)
P: Sol, Cariño! Donde estas? (Where are you?)
S: Aeropuerto. Todavía necesitamos conseguir nuestro equipaje (Airport. We still need to get out luggage)
P: Bueno, bueno. Te estamos esperando. (We're waiting for you)
S: Bueno. Por ahora estamos un poco bloqueados aquí por los fans, pero llegaremos lo más rápido posible.(For now we're a bit blocked here by fans, but we'll get there as fast as possible)
P: Te quiero mucho mamá!- I heard my boys yell and instantly smiled.
S: Te quiero muchísimo también Cariño! Papá y yo estamos en camino! (Dad and I are on our way)
P: Si!
S: Perdona me Pao, pero tenemos que ir. Tenemos una ventana libre de los aficionados. (Excuse me Pao, but we need to go. We have a free window from the fans)
P: Bueno. Voy.
S: Te quiero!
P: Nosotros también. Ciao querida!
S: Ciao! Besitos!
I finished the call with Paola and hid my phone in the pocket.
-What did she wanted?
-Just to know where are we. Told her we're on our way..
-Then let's speed up and get to our kids faster!- he replied and joined our hands.
And just like he said, we quickly got our stuff and left the airport, to drive home. I just couldn't wait to hug my boys...!

-Buenos dias!- we shouted, as we entered the house via front door.
-Mama! Papa!- boys shouted and before we knew it, we had our hands full of our sons.
-Mis hijos!- I was really happy to see them and finally hug them. We got showered with kisses and crushed in strong hugs, which made us smile even more.
-OK. Its enough, mama and papa are here and aren't going anywhere, so let then undress and clean their hands!- Pao and Antonio came to us too, and laughing, took the boys off us both.
-Nice to see you.
-You too- we smiled to one another and then they took our boys to the living room,while we went upstairs to our room to leave the luggage and change into comfy clothes,before getting back downstairs.
We greeted whole fam and then sat down to eat dinner. Tomorrow is Christmas dinner, but we flew in ealier to cheerish the time with our family. Both Manuel and Antonio had many stories about what they did when we're away and didnt hesistate to tell us all about it.

After we all ate and helped to clean the table and kitchen, talking about everything and nothing.
-How is our littlle one?- Antonio, Sergio's brother asked, standing beside me and placing his palm gently on my stomach.
-They're alright. After New Year's we probably will know the gender, but nothing too sure...
-That's amazing! And what do you wish having?
-Baby girl- before I could, Checo came to my side and wrapped his arms around my waist.
-But we'll love this one just as much, as we love our boys..
-I'm sure of it. And super happy for you guys.
-Yeah, we all are- Paola joined us too, with big smile on her face -What do you say about sitting down in the living room, to start our annual "Christmas movie marathon"?
-We can do that- we all agreed and soon after that gathered whole family in the living room. Me and Checo sat down on the couch, while Papa was already seated on the floor with all his grandkids.
-Por favor- I agreed and smiled greatfully at my husband, when he wrapped us both in big and warm blanket, making me lean half my weight on him, cuddling me close. It was really nice spot to keep an eye on Papa and the boys, and also watch a movie. If we're watching any, because right away, Paola and Antonio started arguing which one we should watch now. Our sister wanted to watch "The Grinch", while Antonio wanted "Polar Express"...
-They're arguing like little kids...!- Checo chuckled, watching his siblings in pure amusement.
-Yeah. But we all are like that at heart...- I chuckled to, watching as they almost started a pillow fight, getting really angry at one another pretty quickly.
-Who wants some popcorn?- Mama came from the kitchen with hands full of bowls with popcorn, breaking the argument.
-Yo! (me!)- whole living room shouted like kids, happy to get "bad food" for once. Mama gave everyone their bowl, us included, and continued:
-How about we're gonna let faith choose the movie? I'll writte both names on seperate cards, and let Sol and Checo pick one of my hands. Which movie they'll pick, we'd watch first?
-Sounds good.
-Pao? Tonio?
-Fine- they we're visibly unhappy, but you never argue with Mama Perez. NEVER..!
Just like she said, soon after she returned from the kitchen, me and Checo picked the side.
-Isquierda- we decided, speaking in unision and not discussing it before.
-We're watching.... "The Grinch"!
-Si! / No!
-Calm down mi hijo, we'll watch your movie next!- Mama comforted grumbling ANtonio, and after next few minutes, we're watching the movie, everyone eating their popcorn happy.
-I love Christmas like this..
-Me too- I whispered back, looking at Checo's sparkling eyes in dimmed light.
-Te quiero.
-Te quiero tambien- I said back and we kisses sweetly for few seconds.
He's right. We have amazing christmas ahead of us...

Something lazy but still Xmas vibe'y.
I hope you all gonna have a great year!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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