#80 Sebastian - Birthday surprise

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ELLIE POV: Today's 3rd of July, so Seb's 36th birthday. 
Luckly I'm an early riser, just like he is and managed to wake up before him. I'm not gonna lie, waking up to the feeling of him resting against my back as he hugs me by my waist from behind is the best, but I have a plan to follow, and rather tight schedule...
So, with little bit of a heartbreak, I pried his arm of my body and sneaked out of bed, checking beforehand if he's still asleep. Lucky for me, he was, so I draped a fluffy bathrobe over my arms and went to the kitchen, to prepare the best breakfast for the birthday boy.
After some thinking, I did scrambled eggs with buttery toasts, and a glass of orange juice, along with blueberry smoothie and his favourite dessert in little bowl. 
I placed everything on the tray and left it on the kitchen counter, to go and wake up the girls. They're 3 and 5, so they still share a room, but when they'll be older we'll seperate them. It's good for now tho.
Maria is usually harder to wake up, so I went to her first.
-Mari... Ria.. Wach auf, Schatz... Es ist Papas' Geburtstag... (Wake up sweetheart... It's Daddys' birthday...)- I told her, while shaking her lightly.
-Waaaasss? (What?)- she mumbled back, sleepy.
-Aufleuchten! Wir gehen hin und wünschen Papa alles Gute zum Geburtstag...! (Come on! We're gonna go and wish daddy a happy birthday...!)- I encouraged her and then went across the room, to wake up Klara. Luckly, she only needed a kiss on the head from me, and whispered "Wach auf Süße.."(Wake up sweetness). She was up in no time, and helped me wake her sister up properly.
-Mädchen. Nimm die Geburtstagskarten, die du für Papa gemacht hast (Girls. Take those birthday cards you made for Daddy)- they did what I asked and then we gone back to the kitchen for the tray. With huge smiles and little giggles, all three of us went back to mine and Sebs' bedroom, trying to be as discreet as possible. I placed the tray on his night-table and looked at the giggling girls.
-Go...- I gave them a nod, and with wide smile watched, how they jumped on the bed together, and started to jump on it, succesfully waking their oblivious father up.-Was is los? (What's going on?)- it was really endering to see the half asleep and confused face Seb made, sitting up a bit and rubbing his left eye.
-Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Papa! (Happy birthday Daddy!)- the girls yelled in unision with matching wide grins on their little faces, as they stopped jumping and ploped themselfs on their Papas' lap.
-Vielen Dank, meine Süßen (Thank you so much)- he replied and hugged them close and tight with happy grin on his face.
-Iss auf, Geburtstagskind! (Eat up Birthday boy!)- I chuckled and moved the tray next to him.
-Danke meine Liebe- Seb's smile got impossibly wide and moved the girls to his sides, to place breakfast on his lap and actually eat it, sharing the bits with the girls.

After that, he got the cards the girls made, and I promised him that his present is waiting on the garden, but we need to get up and dressed for that. The girls, being their extra-energetic selfs, jumped off the bed soon after that and ran back to their room to play, after they gave kisses to Papa.
-Eigentlich... (Actually...)- I began, shiftling, so I sat close to Seb but facing him.
-Was?- he softly asked back, taking my shaking hands in his.
-Nur ein Teil der Gegenwart liegt im Garten... (Only part of the present is in the garden...)
-Wo ist dann der andere? (Where is the other, then?)- he asked again, curiousness playing in his sparkling eyes.
-Hier... (Here...)- I replied and took a small box out of the pocket in my robe.
-Was ist es? (What is it?)- he was looking at me and back to the box a few times.
-Öffne es... (Open it...)- I encouraged him, not revealing anything yet, as my heart hammered in my chest in ancipation. Seb listened to me and slowly and carefully pried the paper away and then lifted the small lid.
-Mein minihelm? (My mini helmet?!)- he was confused.
-Hol es raus.... (Take it out...)- he did, and then read out the note I left there:
-"Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Papa! Vielleicht haben Sie doch Ihren Traumrennfahrer...?! Wir sehen uns im Januar 2024...!" (Happy birthday Daddy! You might have your dream racer after all...?! See you in January 2024...!)- he paused for a second and then looked at me with tears in his eyes -El... Wirklich?! Du bist... Du bist wieder schwanger? (Really?! You're... You're pregnant again?)- I could only nod, having tears in my eyes myself.
-Ich weiß, wir haben es uns anders vorgestellt, drei Kinder unter 6 Jahren zu haben, aber... (I know we imagined it diferently, having three kids under 6, but...)
-Du veräppelst mich?! Das ist das beste Geschenk, das ich von dir bekommen konnte! (You kidding me?! That's the best present I could get from you!)- he cut me off, and swiftly pulled me onto his lap, to press loving kiss to my lips -Für wie lange..? (For how long..?)
-Ich bin erst 2 Monate alt und weiß es schon seit 3 ​​Wochen... (I'm only 2 months in and know for 3 weeks...)
-Ich bin so glücklich! (I'm so happy...!)- he repeated and we laughed, hearing in the background how our little chaos was trashing their room again.
-So... Kann ich dann den automatischen Streutraktor zurückgeben, den wir Ihnen in den Laden gebracht haben? (So.... Can I return that automatic little tractor we bought you to the shop?)
-Du hast mir einen Traktor gekauft?! Kann ich es sehen?! (You bought me a tracktor?! Can I see it?!)- Seb almost jumped from the bed in excitement similar to our daughters when they have their special day.
-Zuerst Kleidung anziehen... (Put clothes on first...)- I stopped him and laughed at his adorble pout. This day will be amazing....

So.... 3rd baby Vettel is on its' way!
And very happy birthday to our favourite German Champ!
Have a nice day, just like Seb is!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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