#83 Mick - Sleep-walking

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This time I come back to you with another "Haas days" flashback.
I hope you're gonna like it...

NARRATOR POV: Mick Schumacher, even if he's only 23 years old, he's for his 2nd year in Formula 1 with Haas.
The weight of his legendary last name, coupled with the challenges of driving for a struggling team, proved to be a daunting task. Mick's girlfriend, Maddie, watched with concern as he pushed himself to the limit, both on and off the track.
Week after week, Mick poured his heart into each race, determined to prove his worth despite the limitations of the Haas car, and at least score some points, and grant himself a contract extation. The constant battle at the back of the grid took its toll on him physically and mentally. Late nights spent analyzing data and early mornings dedicated to training left him exhausted and sleepy.

One evening, after a particularly grueling day at the track, Mick returned to his hotel room, to shower, change and sleep. Maddie, with a worried expression, noticed his fatigued appearance and approached him with genuine concern, as she left their bed, the book she was reading discarded behind.
-Mick, Liebling, you look absolutely drained! I don't even know how you're still walking at this point. You need to take care of yourself! Go to bed, get some rest!- she pleaded, holding his hands in hers tightly. Mick sighed and nodded, appreciating Maddie's genuine worry. He knew she had his best interests at heart.
-I know, Maddie, but it's just so tough! I want to do well for the team, for myself, for my family. I can't afford to take a break- he replied, his voice laced with a mix of determination and weariness -I need to start scoring points, like Kev, and then secure that contract!
Maddie placed a comforting hand on Mick's shoulder.
-I understand your drive and ambition Micky, and I hella admire it, but pushing yourself to the brick won't do you any good! You need to find a balance, take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Racing is important, but your well-being matters just as much! If you're not healthy and strong, they won't sign you either! And I need you to be fine! Mama and Gina need you to be fine!- Mick looked into Maddie's eyes, appreciating her wisdom and care. He realized that he had been neglecting his own needs in the relentless pursuit of success. Taking a deep breath, he decided to listen to Maddie's advice and make some changes. But first, he needed to shower, eat and go to sleep, to rest. And Maddie, as a wonderfull girlfriend she is, ordered him late-late dinner. Then, with full stomachs' they went to sleep, hoping for better day tomorrow....

In the following weeks, Mick began to prioritize self-care. He recognized the importance of rest and recovery and implemented a strict sleep schedule. He started paying even closer attention to his nutrition, fueling his body with wholesome food. Additionally, he set aside time for relaxation and engaged in activities that awoke his young and fighting spirit. It made the "old Mick" to come back. Mick who was smiling from ear to ear, eyes open wide and shiny, personality kind and goofy, joking around.
And as these subtle changes began to apear, Maddie grew even prouder and fonder of him than before. The man she fell in love with was slowly coming back... He seemed more at peace, both on and off the track. His focus sharpened, and he approached each race with renewed energy and clarity, eager to succed in healthy way.

During another race weekend, as Mick prepared for a crucial qualifying session, Maddie observed him with pride. She saw the determination in his eyes, but she also noticed the calmness that now accompanied it. She knew that Mick had embraced the importance of self-care and had found the balance he so desperately needed.
After a hard-fought qualifying session, Mick returned to the garage, a sense of satisfaction visible on his face. Maddie rushed to his side, eager to celebrate his achievements. "Mick, that was incredible! You did so well out there!" she exclaimed -P9!! That's amazing!!
-Danke schon Mads... I owe lots of it to you. Your concern and support made me realize that taking care of myself is just as crucial as pushing for success on the track- he said and placed loving peck on her lips, with a smile on his face. Finally, the overlasting fatigue of past weeks in his features and eyes was replaced with joy.

As the season progressed, Mick's performances improved. While the struggles of the Haas team remained, Mick's newfound balance allowed him to extract every ounce of performance from the car. He earned respect from his fellow drivers and admiration from fans around the world, also scoring some points along the way, as much as impresive battles with fellow drivers, such as his battle with Max for P7-P8 in Silverstone.

At the end of the season, Mick reflected on his journey. He had learned that success wasn't just about winning races; it was about finding a sustainable rhythm, prioritizing his well-being, and nurturing the relationships that mattered most. And throughout it all, Maddie's unwavering support and genuine concern had been his guiding light.
Together, Mick and Maddie faced the challenges of Formula 1, knowing that their love and understanding would always be their strongest ally. As they looked toward the future, they embraced the adventure ahead, ready to overcome any obstacle that came their way. And the fact that Mercedes "bagged" Mick as their reserve the second Gunther revealed his departure from Haas was another plus... It felt like a breat of fresh air and new amount of possibilities... Mick really enjoyed and was thankfull to Toto for his position and guidence, as the Mercedes boss besically took him under his wing and vocally defended him against GUnther's harmfull opinions on social media and in the internet. That was also the fact Mick started to learn... How much the work-environment and his collegues matter for his grown and performance...
The fact that his Dad was also racing for that team back in 2010 also helped a lot.. Mick felt closer to him, and what they could've had only if the accident didn't happen...
But the past is the past, and Mick didn't plan on dwelling on it. It was time to lift his head high and look forward, to the future and exciting plans ahead of him... And the fact that Maddie was gonna be by his side no matter what gave him another confidance boost...

Even the toxicy of Gunther Steiner can bring something good...
Let's hope Mick will be back on the grid soon and give Gene and Gunther giant middle finger!
Luckly Mercedes is taking good care of him...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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