#95 Lewis - X-mas obligations

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-Angie!- comes the scream from upstairs -Could you please come here and help me!?- demands the frustrated voice. The motocross star just sighs and lets her tablet with opened notes aside, as she stands up. She wishes she could go over them in peace just once before the event tomorrow, but it doesn't look that way.
-I'm coming!- she screams back, making her way to the bedroom. As expected, Lewis is in front of the mirror, but what she didn't expect is to see him with the shirt and the pants unbuttoned and the lace covered suit jacket is thrown carelessly on the bed.
-I can't- Lewis pouts, exasperated, lifting his bandaged wrist. The 7 times World Champion overworked his wrist 2 days ago and now he needs to keep it wrapped and suported at all times to recover quickly. It's a non-serious injury, and mostly just annoying as it restrics his movement of right hand, making day to day chores really tricky, if not impossibe. Such as buttoning definitely on the list. Angelina can't avoid laughing at what she has in front of her.
-Don't laugh at me, your beloved fiancee and help me! This is a serious matter- Lewis pouts even more, making Angie try really hard to keep her face straight. 
-I'm sorry love. Let me- she quickly apologised and got to work on those annoying buttons, starting with his silky smooth white dress shirt. Button by button, at slow and deliberate pace they work through the shirt, then panst, and then Angie helps him put the suit jacket on and fix the cuffs. Then she moves aside to see her work in the mirror. Without really noticing, her hands move to the shirt once more, smoothing any possible wrinkle on it, along with the jacket.
-All done- she says and turns to her lover to look him in the eye and press soft kiss to his lips -All handsome and ready... 
-Thank you my love- Lewis smiled at her softly and returned the kiss, keeping her close.
-Are you sure you can't come with me?- It's the millionth time they had this conversation, and it won't end until Lewis leaves the house for the event.
-Yeah, I'm sure. Sorry my love, but I need to be pretty early at the airport tomorrow to fly to Milan for my own share of sponsors mingling. Now, the question is, why are you not coming with me? You know my parents won't mind if you drop by unannounced, after all, you are my soon-to-be husband. Besides, I also need company?- she asked, wrapping her arms around his middle, tooking him deeply in the eye. 
-You know I need to be at the event, and those can drag on forever- he explains and hugges her close, kissing the top of her head. And it's true, Lewis has a sponsor event he can't miss, but no one said he needs to be there all night. He just needs to be there to take some photos, give a speech and entertain some old white dudes. It doesn't need to be all night, but Lewis is a big mega star and everyone wants to talk to him, and he's too kind to say no. 
-Sorry...- Angie moves a bit away and looks at him, with sadness in his eyes.
-I know, but I'll miss you so much- she is ready to go downstairs and resume her share of reading the notes about all the sponsors and other important people she's gonna meet tomorrow and her PR manager was kind enough to prepare for her, instead of going in, blind.
-Wait- Lewis tugged her close once again and joined their foreheads together -I've some time before I really need to be there, you can try to convince me to not stay for long- he purposes, already knowing that he's going to fly with her to Milan anyway, as she managed to postpone his comitments at the factory for after the christmas break. But he hasn't told her yet, probably because he wanted to surprise Angie with a cup of hot coffee at the waiting area of the airport.
Angie is obviously as competitive as he is, so she takes it as a challenge, and responds accordingly to it.
-Very well then, I'm going to use all my persuasive techniques- she says, smirk on her full lips, as she wraps her arms around his neck to join their lips. Lewis meets her halfway, letting their lips meet in slow and full of emotions kiss, as they show all the love they feel for the other unrestrictedly. Lewis holds Angelina closer by the hips, not letting her move away from him, nor the kiss, even tho she wouldn't do that anyway.
After some time the kiss is broken, and as they pull away, they look into each other's eyes, watching all their love on the other's eyes. '
-Is this enough?- she asks softly, melting in his gaze.
-We'll see..- Lewis smiles at her and then they leave the bedroom, Lewis to gert to his event, while Angie returns on the couch, to her notes. It's gonna be long night...

Angie moves in the uncomfortable plastic chair and tries to hide herself in the hoodie that she stole from Lewis. It's purple, big on her and the hood is wide enouch to hide her messy bun on top of her head and almost half of her face. She is cold, and sleepy, but she needs to take this plane to Milan if she wants to fulfil her role as "a star of the evening" at the christmas party her one of her sponsors is hosting. She is still not sure why her presence was so needed, but aperently there is always time for some mingling and sucking up for more money to do. After a moment of zoon out, the motocross star looks once more at the boarding screen, and she confirms she still has time, so she decided a quick nap is very much needed. Or at least let her eyes rest for a bit. She moves the sunglasses up, rests her head on clenched fist and closes her eyes, getting ready for a nap.

-Hey, Baby...- Lewis says, calmly and quiet, startling her a bit.
-Lew? What?- Angelina has to open her eyes in surprise just to confirm that her fiancee is really kneeling in front of her, and she's not dreaming. He is, in fact, gently rubbing her knee to get her attention and offering a cup of hot coffee from one of the cafe's.
-Thanks, but Love...?- question is stuck on her tongue, confused, because what the hell is Lewis doing here?! His flight to London doesn't go on for next 4 hours or so...?! And, what's more, he was soundly asleep in their bed, when she left their shared apartment. And now he is here with a small suitcase and cup of coffee for each of them.
-Now, my love, we drink that coffee and then take a nap. We'll need lots of energy for the next 24 hours...- he drops unceremoniously on the seat next to her, manhandles them both to comfortable position and closes his eyes. Angie can't see them, as Lewis is also wearing sunglasses, but it's very likely he is already sleeping, as he downed his cup. Or at least trying, as her fiancee has come home pretty late after the sponsor event has lasted longer than expected. With small smile, Angelina fishes her phone out of the hoodie pocket and sends a message to her mum, letting her know that Lewis also coming to Milan. The weekend doesn't look half bad already, even tho all she wants is sleep...
After finishing her coffee, and letting her assistant know to keep and eye on them and the flight, Angie settles in Lewis's arms and falls asleep as well. Long flight awaits them...

There is nothing like the big rush right before christmas..!
Stay safe and happy holidays!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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