School Stuff

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Fun fact: I've never done the manequine challenge till today!

We did it in my Spanish and math class. BEAUTIFUL I TELL YOU. And, I got a carton of juice second period in orchestra. A carton of juice, a full bag of Doritos, some candy, and POPCORN!

Today's our last day of school for 2016. 2017, here we come!

It's scary if you think about it. It's all ending so fast. Bit, it's nice to know you have people with you, even if you don't think so. You always have someone looking out for you.

Oh, on the manequine challenge thing, I'll see if I could get the videos from my teacher. (I'm on lunch/4th period right now)
During 7th and 8th, we will bother Mr BUCARO (it's pronounced Boo-ker-o, but we say buck-ar-o)

Bai! I'll update this chapter if I get the videos.

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