Chapter 23 - Heaven's Bitter Path

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Hey guys! Here's a brand new chapter for you all. Enjoy!


Erza slowly awakens and she finds herself tied to a wooden pole by her arms. She finds Sho as well as Ping in the room leading on a wall with her arms folded and her eyes closed. "Sho?"Erza asked slowly regaining consciousness.

"Nice to see you awake, sister." Sho said.

Erza looks up to Sho who is still inside the room looking at her. "Sho, can you please untie me? I don't plan to fight back. Please?" Erza requested and it has sounded more like she was pleading.

Sho confidently eyed her. "No, I can't do that. I can't trust the words of a traitor. those restraints are the same ones that Millianna used on your friend. There's no getting out of that."

"Then can you at least let me change into my armor? I'm scared to go back to that place without it." Erza asked hoping that Sho would at least give her the chance to do so.

Sho surprisingly got down and he hugs her. "Believe me I don't want to do any of this, I have missed you so much, sister. I just want to know one thing..." Sho was sounding more as if he regretted doing any of this. "WHY DID YOU BETRAY JELLAL!?" he asked while screaming at her in rage, which was to complete opposite of his sincerity a few moments ago.

After he asks this Erza flashes back to a moment in her past and she remembers a blue haired boy telling her that they get their freedom back.


Inside the base of the magical council situated in Era, the magical council and its members were now discussing the current situation. "Is this true!?"

"Yes. We have heard reports of its existence."

"The R-System."

"Yes... it would seem so." Ultear said as she was also on the council

One of the members of the magical council brought it up inside a dark grey magical seal. "Its location is on an island situated in the sea, off the Caelum coast."

"So those wizards who were part of that magic cult long ago are planning to activate it?"

"No, we have heard reports that those wizards who were involved in the Akane incident are now occupying the R-System as we speak."

"Tower of Heaven." They all heard and they all looked to Siegrain who was also on the council. "It is the Tower of Heaven, not the R-System." He corrected.

"Whatever it is called. It is a weapon that must be destroyed Siegrain, even though it was built by your twin brother Jellal."

When this was said, it surprised several members of the council.


Meanwhile on the shores of the Tower of Heaven were Sho, Simon, Wally, Millianna who was hugging the unconscious figure of Happy.

"I can't believe it, you actually completed it." Erza said with some fear evident in her voice.


At the same time, Roxas, Gray, Lucy, Ariel, Natsu and Juvia were on a boat, following the scent that Ariel and Natsu had followed.

"Are you guys sure we're going the right way?" Lucy asked looking around and saw nothing but ocean.

 Natsu's response was a weak 'yes'.

"I'm positive, guys. The scent is definitely going out this way," Ariel responded.

Lucy looked back at the Akane resort. "Those people that were trapped in the cards, will they be alright?"

"Yeah, I'm sure they will be, Lu. We contacted the council about them." Roxas said.

"That's a relief."

"This place we're heading to, we can be pretty sure that Erza and Happy are being held there?" Ariel asked.

"We can be sure of that." Lucy answered.

"Good cause I'm getting revenge on that Blockhead for shooting at me like that." Ariel angrily said.

Gray stood up suddenly. "Damn it! I can't believe they took Erza and Happy!"

Juvia nodded her head sadly. "It's hard to believe a mage as strong as Erza was defeated."

The ice mage glared at her. "Erza sure as hell didn't lose. You don't know anything about her!"

Juiva whelped at his cold stare.

Roxas decided to help the girl out. "Hey, calm down Gray. Getting angry isn't going to help anyone."

The ice mage sucked his teeth but sat back down.

"But it does bother me that they only wanted Erza." Roxas said before he looked at Lucy. "Hey Lu, you were with her right? What exactly happened?"

Lucy was thinking about something. "They said they were old friends Erza's. Though when it comes to Erza, no one really knows nothing about her."

"So run it by me again? What kind of wizards are we dealing with?" Roxas asked.

"I'm not sure if I got their names right but one of them, who's name is Sho. I'm assuming he's a card magic user." Lucy described. "Then we have Millianna, she uses ropes to prevent people from using their magic."

 "Either way we should be careful, if these guys could take Erza without a giving us a proper fight, then they have to be formidable." Ariel said.

"Yeah." Gray nodded.

Suddenly, Natsu stood up. "Hold on. I feel that something is not right." he said.

"I've been getting that feeling to, and it increases the closer we get to the tower." Roxas said.

"Same here." Ariel agreed.

"Hey, over there!" Gray yelled, they saw birds that were dying as they had begun to fall into the water.

Lucy had put her hand over her mouth. "How awful..."

"It's just as bad in the water. Look." Juvia was pointing to the dead fish that had risen to the surface and also there were pieces of ships from the magical council on the surface.

"But those are council ships. How could this happen?" Lucy asked.

"Something tells me, we're not going to like the answer." Ariel said.

"Guy, look! There's a tower!" Ariel said.

Looking at where she was pointing, they all saw a giant tower.

"What's a tower doing in the middle of the ocean?"

"That must be the Tower of Heaven..." Lucy said.

"I could always create a huge water dome that will protect and hide us." Ariel said.

"But won't it still be seen from the shore?" Gray asked.

"If that is the case, then let Juvia help you." The water mage said. A blue magical circle had appeared after Juvia outstretched her right hand upwards; individual whips of water were getting sucked into the magical seal.

"My turn. Water Dragon's Shield." Ariel raised swirling water from the surface which she added to the water Juvia was already absorbing into her magical seal. Soon a huge blue water dome had covered the boat. 

"We make a pretty good team, don't you think?" Ariel said looking at Juvia.

"Juvia agrees with you."


Inside the Tower of Heaven Sho, Simon were taking Erza to her prison cell. Soon she was inside and was tied to a hook in the prison cell. Sho was standing beside her while, while Simon departed.

"It is nice to see you again sister, but soon you will be the very sacrifice that brings back the very person we need." Sho explained with an evil smile. As he said this, he saw Erza shivering.

"Are you scared sister? Is it the fact you are about to become a sacrifice, or that this is the same prison cell that we were captured in way back when."

When Sho said that, Erza was remembering her time in this very cell. She was taken to be punished for allegedly coming up with the plan to escape the Tower of Heaven. Before Jellal had tried to convince the guards it was him, but they saw through his lie and had taken Erza when originally it was actually Sho who came up with the plan and he was crying his eyes out at the time while he was with the rest of his group.

"Sister, I apologize for not being strong enough to confess to the guards back then."

"Sho, are you aware of the consequences for using the R-System? A lot of people are going to be killed from this device." Erza asked.

Sho laughed. "It won't matter sister. We are creating a Heaven that will have us as its rulers, when that happens we won't care about anyone else."

While Sho was laughing, Erza had managed to unhook herself, while she was restrained she punched Sho with both hands and sent him into unconsciousness. She managed to free herself from her restraints.

'Sho was different from how he was when he was young. It's amazing how people change.' Erza thought. Erza requipped into her Heart Kreuz Armor and ran through the tower with two blades in her hands. 'I will find you, Jellal!'


The magical council was still arguing on what to do about the situation. They now begin to deliberate on what they should do. As they are Siegrain says this. "So is this how weak you all are? If you want to destroy the Tower of Heaven there is only one magic that is capable of destroying it. The most powerful form of magic we have in our arsenal. Etherion!" The second Jellal said those words, the all the members save for Ultear were shocked. Etherion was a weapon that was capable of mass destruction, too powerful to be deemed useful for their causes. Once Siegrain suggested the idea Yajima had glared at him.

"Siegrain! Do you know what you are suggesting? The use of the dimensional magic?"

"The power of that weapon is capable of destroying an entire nation. The use of that weapon shouldn't be justified."

"This is the only action we can take, we must fire Etherion!"

Ultear raises her hand. "I agree with Siegrain. Etherion is possibly the only weapon that will be useful against the R-System."

After this another member of the council raised their hand in support of Siegrain's plan to fire Etherion.

"We only need three more votes to fire Etherion, please we need to destroy the Tower of Heaven." Siegrain said as it sounded like he was pleading with his fellow members.

"Siegrain. You know that if you do this. It will also result in your twin brother's death." One member reminded.

"Yes I am aware, however I am prepared to do this." Siegrain replied.


Jellal was sitting on his throne with Vidaldus looking at him. "Those fools on the council think they can stop me." He began. "No matter what happens, he will be reborn."

"Are you sure you should have left the Erza's friends alive? They will just come here to rescue her and try and stop our plans?"

"Do you doubt me Vidaldus? As I told you before, I have plans for three people in particular. Erza, The Salamander; Natsu and the 'Nine-Tails' Roxas. Besides, this is all just a game. I'm curious to see it's outcome."


Meanwhile, Team Chaotic had finally gotten to the shore of the tower. After hiding their boat, the group hid behind some rocks to survey the area.

"So it looks like we're here." Roxas said

"What are we waiting for!? Let's get in there!?" Natsu exclaimed.

"Wait you idiot!" Gray said. "We can't go in there now, look at all the guards."

"You're right. We don't want to alert then that we are here already, we may have to sneak inside." Lucy had begun looking around. "Has anyone seen Juvia? Ariel?"

"Nope she's not anywhere near us on land." The dragon slayer replied.

Soon the girl in question rose her head up from the water, this made Lucy jump up in surprise. "Juvia has found a passage that will take us inside." The water mage walked to the shore. "It will be a ten minute swim underwater to get there."

Roxas grinned and gave her a thumbs up. "Oh! Nice Juvia!"

"That's no problem for me!" Natsu said.

"That goes double for me, let's do it." Gray replied.

"Are you kidding!?" Lucy yelled. "It's impossible to hold your breath for that long!"

Juvia had a water bubble floating above her hand. "Then Juvia will create a bubble that has oxygen inside it so you can breathe underwater."

"Yeah, that's awesome." Gray praised. "That way we can all get inside undetected.

Juvia suddenly got in Lucy's face. "Gray-sama praised Juvia! Not you!"

Lucy who was startled by her slightly submitted to her. "O-okay then." 

"That's awesome spell, Juvia." Ariel said. "But I won't need one. As a Water Dragon Slayer, I can breath normally underwater just as well I can with air."

"Okay, that's cool." Natsu said in awe.

Roxas cracked his neck. "Okay, everyone ready?" He asked while putting on a water bubble.

They all nodded and one by one jumped into the water.


Happy had woken up after he had passed out. He looked around and was shocked when he found out the room he was in had a cat theme. "It's all cats!" Happy yelled. "Where am I?" Suddenly Millianna had looked at him with huge eyes which had frightened the blue cat.

"Feelin' Spiffy?" she asked with a small heart rising from her.

"Feelin' Spiffy." Happy replied as if it was an answer. He was suddenly grabbed by her and felt all the air leave his body.

"A talking kitty!" she squealed in delight.

The top of Happy's head became dark blue with black lines flowing down it. "Forget it, resistance is futile." Happy said.

"Millianna." They heard. Wally was seen in the corner of her room.

"The Blockhead!" Happy exclaimed

"You should try being more dandy." He began. "Don't think of him as a talking cat, but rather. He is a cat, because he talks."

"You're not making any sense." Happy pointed out.

All of them now saw guards running around outside the room.

"Quickly you two, Erza has escaped and we have to re-capture her."

"I'm not surprised, that is like Er-chan." Millianna commented.


Soon the entire group was underwater, Juvia who was surrounded by a water whirlpool was leading the group through the underwater passage and everyone apart from the water mage had water bubbles that were providing oxygen to them. Lucy was in her bikini, while Ariel wore her cyan bikini top and green short-shorts.

Roxas wore his black shorts with white lines, Natsu's was red with black and yellow flames on them, Gray's were sky blue and white. 

They had gotten inside the tower, everyone surfaces in their swimming outfits with the exception of Juvia.

"So we made it inside now." Roxas stated.

"Those water bubbles were very useful, even though it made all of us look quite silly." Lucy said.

Juvia eyes turned to four pointed stars, while she looked towards Lucy. A chimpmunk laugh was heard in the background. "You did well in making your breath last, since Juvia made your bubble smaller than the others."

"Gee, thanks." Lucy deadpanned.

All of them soon see guards approaching their position. There were many guards inside the room on the ground, on walkways on higher floor, as well as on pillars.

"So I take it that they are the welcoming committee." Roxas commented while he got into a stance.

"Who are you wizards? Do you know where you are!?" one of the guards asked while on top of a pillar.

Natsu's fist was engulfed in flames, he threw a punch at the very pillar the guard was standing on and he fell to the ground with the rubble.

"H-he's some kind of monster!" one of the guards yelled.

"We are from Fairy Tail!" Natsu exclaimed. "Fire Dragon's Roar!" he shot a powerful stream of fire from his mouth which had scorched many of the guards. 

Gray had planted the side of his right fist on his left palm. "Ice-Make: Lance!" Ice shards had engulfed both of Gray's hands and he shot multiple ice lances towards the guards.

"Heads up Gray!" Ariel yelled. "Water Dragon's Grand Splash!" She uses both hands to create a large waterball and then threw it at the guards, creating a destructive burst upon impact.

A huge party of guards were heading to Lucy. "No way we're going to lose to a girl in a bikini!"

"She is so hot!"

Lucy glared at them. "Open, Gate of the Maiden: Virgo!" a doorbell sound it heard and Virgo appears.

"You have summoned me Princess?" Virgo asked awaiting Lucy's request.

"Oh forget the bikini girl! The maid is better!" a guard exclaimed.

"Please punish them for me!" Lucy said pointing at the guards with an comical vain on the side of her head.

"As you wish princess." Virgo's blue eyes glowed red. The next minute a huge line of earth was seen shooting past the long line of guards.

The guards begin shooting their magic rifles at Juvia, however this plan of attack was proving useless as the beams were simply going through her. "What the hell is she!?"

"Drip, drip, drop." Juvia said as a blue magic circle appeared in front of her. "Water Slicer!"Juvia yelled a huge wave of water had cut through the huge group of guards standing in front of her.

Roxas was surrounded by many guards. "He's just one guy. This will be easy!"

Some began firing their magic rifles, while they also charged to Roxas with spears. The Fox Slayer was dodging all of their attacks. Roxas laughed. "Nice try." He jumped up high and got to a stone rafter. "Nine-Tail's Howl!"

He launched a large blast of blue flames from his mouth, which hit the ground forcing the guards to run from him. "Nine-Tail's Twister!" Roxas jumped from the rafter, and with a swipe of his arm, he can hurled  powerful blue fire a tornado to the ground which made a huge wave of white/blue fire which blew in all directions and the guards flew back. "Now for the finale! Nine-Tail's Flash Bullet!"He jumped to the ground and ran in a very fast speed, becoming a blue blur, while he engulfed both hands in blue fire he punched the guards with that hand while running at super speed. Roxas looked behind him, he saw the guards with spinning birds around their heads and drool coming out of their mouths. "Wow, to be honest I expected you guys to be a lot stronger for some reason."

Gray created an Ice Hammer, he dropped it on many of the guards while Natsu was punching many of them with his hands engulfed in his orange flames. Roxas was avoiding their blasts while flying around. Those guards that were shooting were thrown across the room with a huge wave of water.

"Are we done yet?" Ariel asked as they all saw the guards knocked out on the floor.

"We need to move before they find out we're here..." Lucy began. "Oh who am I kidding?"

"Are you surprised? We have a destruction streak going if you haven't noticed." Ariel deadpanned.

They heard a moving wall and saw that a huge door was falling like a drawbridge. "This is obviously a trap." Gray warned.

"So? They have Happy in there!" Natsu yelled.

"That and Erza. Whoever is in charge is baiting us in. They want us to go in there." Roxas added.

"What choice do we have? We're not going to stop after swimming all the way down here!" Ariel exclaimed.

"Well if they are going to invite us in, it would be rude to decline their invitation." Natsu said.

"If we have decided, well then what are we waiting for?" Gray said.

The group walked through the entrance to the Tower of Heaven going in to save Erza and Happy.


Meanwhile at the council another one of the members raised their hand to support Siegrain's plan of firing Etherion at the Tower of Heaven bringing the vote to four.

"We only need two more votes to be able to fire Etherion!" Siegrain said as he began to plead again to his fellow council members.

Still, many of the other members who haven't voted for firing the weapon were glaring at Siegrain including Yajima.


Later, the group was running through the tower. Natsu's nose began sniffing the air, he abruptly stopped. "What's up Natsu?" Roxas asked. "You smell something?"

"Yeah I do." The group followed Natsu to the room where the smell was coming from. Once they entered, a table that housed a feast full of food was seen. "The Blockhead isn't here!" Natsu exclaimed.

"I could have told you that y'know." Ariel pointed out.

Soon Natsu, Gray, Juvia, Ariel and Roxas were eating the food that was prepared. 

Lucy looked at them with huge surprise and shock. "Should you really be eating that!?" The blonde yelled. "What if it's a trap!?"

"Who cares, if those guards were as weak as they were then we can handle anything this tower can throw at us." Ariel said.

"Besides the enemy clearly already knows we are here." Gray said.

"We don't know that." Lucy argued.

"Actually, Juvia thinks that the enemy is aware of our presence. Simply because the door that let us in could have been opened using someone else's magic. They probably left this food out here just to mess with us."

"Well it's not working. Plus its actually well prepared, it would be a shame to let it go to waste, my compliments to the chef." Roxas said.

"Take this more seriously, Roxas." Lucy said in a non-serious tone while sweatdropping.

Ariel walked over to Lucy. "Well I've had my fill though, I can't say the same about those guys." She said referring to the others.

Virgo who was still summoned appeared behind the three girls. "Princess, is it wise for you and your friends to walk around like that?" she asked as the two girls were still in their swimming outfits.

"Well I-" Lucy began.

"Maybe I can help out with that." Virgo said while she moved towards the duo in a creepy manner while her eyes turned red and fingers were flickering continuously.

"I don't think that is-" Ariel started. "Hey get yer hands off me!"

Soon everyone looked at the two girls and saw that they were in different clothing. Lucy was dressed in a dark green and white dress and her hair was tied back with a long dark green ribbon. Ariel was dressed in a sleeveless blue and white accented shirt that had a warrior look to them, with short white pants, the shoes she had previously worn were still on her feet, as well as blue bandages on both her wrists. Her hair was partly tied at the back but was mostly let down.

"Hold on? N-new clothes? And how did she dress us so fast!?" Ariel wondered out loud.

"It wouldn't have been appropriate for them to walk around in their swimming wear, so I fashioned some clothes from the Celestial Spirit World for them."

"Well, that was really nice of you Virgo." Lucy thanked. "These clothes aren't half bad."

"I don't look very girly do I?" Ariel asked.

"Girly doesn't come to mind." Gray said.

"Good enough then." She replied with a smirk while punching her fist into her hand.

"So what do you guys think?" Lucy asked.

"I think it kinda looks cute." Gray complimented.

"Juvia is so frustrated!" the water mage exclaimed.

Roxas looked at Lucy in shock before he flashed her his toothy grin, "Yeah, Lu. It looks great on you."

Lucy turned red in the face. "R-Really? T-Thanks Roxas," She looked over to see Ariel smirking at her, causing her to get even more red. "W-What?"

Natsu looked to Ariel. "You look amazing, Ariel.

"What?" Ariel asked.

"I mean I like you hair!" Natsu quickly said while blushing.

"O-Oh, really? Well uh, thanks."

"You liiiike her." Virgo said only she had said it more matter-of-factly.

"WHAT!?" both Natsu and Ariel yelled.

"Virgo, since when have you and Happy been hanging out?" Lucy asked.


At the exact same time Happy sneezes at the mention of his name as he is still sitting on Millianna's couch.

"Meanwhile I'm stuck here..." Happy said with endless tears going down his face.


"Hey, since we have new clothes. How are the rest of you going to wear your clothes now?" Ariel asked.

"Don't worry, our clothes will dry fast." Gray said.

"We've planned for that." Roxas added, as he used his blue fire to dry himself off.

Natsu who was wearing his normal clothes was also engulfed in flames; Gray had his clothes on him. They all stood and watched their clothes dry up.

"Human drying machines!" Lucy exclaimed.

"You gotta admit, that is a great way for our clothes to get dry." Ariel said.

Once all the guys have their clothes on, they all hear the sound of more guards coming their way.

"I hear voices! It must be the intruders."

"Looks like we've got another battle on our hands." Roxas said, he clenched his fists while the others prepared to fight once they saw the guards in their view, however before they could do anything. They heard a battle cry that sounded all too familiar. Erza was seen slashing past the guards.

"Erza?!" Roxas yelled.

Erza turned around with wide eyes. "You guys? What are you doing here!?" she demanded.

"We came to save you." Gray stated.

Roxas walked up to her. "What, did you expect us to just let them take you and not do anything about it? Sorry Red, that's not going to happen."

"You shouldn't be here! You must leave this tower immediately!" she ordered. "This is my battle not yours!"

"Forget this! I'm going off to save Happy!" Natsu yelled. He sprinted to a doorway in order to find Happy.

"Natsu wait!" Ariel yelled. "That guy's going to get himself killed. I'm going after him."

"Hey, just keep any eye on him, last thing we need is that idiot getting lost in here." Gray said.

"No! I will be the one who will bring, Natsu and Happy home. The rest of you must leave this place!" Erza demanded.

"We're not going anywhere." Gray defiantly said.

"We are as involved in this tower business as you are. We won't leave until all of us are together, and we'll be with you no matter what." Lucy added.

"Erza, we are all part of this guild remember? If you're scared of something, then we'll always be there to support you." Roxas added. They all saw Erza clench her fists, however when she looks up to face them, tears were seen as particles floating from her face. "E-Erza?"

"Fine." Erza said while she hid her face from the others to hide her tears. "I'll tell you guys everything. This tower is a huge magical item called the R-System, a cult long time ago was responsible for creating this monstrosity. They had used slaves to craft this tower, those slaves were additionally held and treated as prisoners. In the middle of all of this, I had made friends with one of the slaves, his name was Jellal."

Erza soon flashes back to after she had received her punishment for supposedly plotting the escape plan. She was flanked by two guards and was chained to a pillar. Jellal had managed to fight through a couple of guards in order to get to Erza. Once he did, he fought against the two guards that were by Erza. After he had defeated them, he unchained Erza and saw that her short scarlet hair was covering her right eye. Jellal had noticed her eye had been maimed. This caused him to scream out in frustration. When he helped Erza from the room, he gave her the suggestion that they should fight for their freedom. However the both were stopped by magic guards, however they had taken Jellal, and simply brought Erza back to her prison cell with her friends. Erza remembers Jellal's words of fighting back, she attacks the guards and tries to convince everyone to fight for their freedom.

Erza now looks to her guild mates after her flashback. "However the Jellal I knew a long time ago had turned into a completely different person, a person of pure evil." Erza said and a vision of Jellal as a child was seen, he was tied up and surrounded by a black energy, a very devilish smile was seen on his face.


Natsu was running down a large hall dust was trailing from his feet. "Happy! Where are you!?" he called out.

Happy was still inside the room, the former was panicking. "I can't believe they left me!" As Happy was saying this, he bumped into a robot cat toy, he turned it on and its eyes glowed blue.  It approached the two and began saying things like Neko-neko and meow. "I am not going to be won over by this kiddy kitty merchandise, you know!" he said turning around from the robot. Soon its head separated from its body and was kept together with a spring, which swayed it from left to right.

Happy was soon following the robot in the hallway outside Millianna's room. "Wait for me!" the cat exclaimed.


Erza continued to explain the events that led to everyone's escape through the Tower of Heaven.

They were battling against all of the guards which they were beating with little trouble. Erza led the charge with the determination to save Jellal. Soon after they had defeated the guards in their area, Erza was about to lead the huge group to the area where Jellal was kept prisoner. Simon at the end of the first battle asks Erza if she likes him. Erza knowing exactly what she meant said that it wasn't the right time to be talking about that. Simon begins to tell her that he has something very important to say to her. However before he can tell her. They see an explosion take place in front of them. Out of the dust they see the Magic Regiment, which comprised of floating humanoid figures that looked more monstrous than human, they had the Tower of Heaven sigil on their face plates just like the guards. They each made a red magic circle appear in front of their mouths. From the ground, light glints were seen from them and on the ground a huge explosion was made.

Many of the slave decided to retreat with their lives as they were no match for forces who used magic. Erza pleaded everyone to keep fighting so they can help her save Jellal. Once everyone has retreated and only Erza is left standing in the crosshairs of the Magic Regiment. They unleashed their attack and Erza had braced herself. However before the attack could go off Rob was standing in front of her with his arms spread out wide. He told her that he was not going to let a life get wasted in this place. He continued to shield her from all the attacks, once this happened he reflected the fire attacks back at the Magic Regiment. He fell to his knees and his skin had slightly turned green. Even so he continued to shield Erza from all the attacks and tells her that Erza's magical potential is unlimited. Once he says this, Erza remembers about what Bob had told her about magic. Soon after Bob's body begins to crack and his barrier explodes, Erza sees the Fairy Tail emblem on Rob's back. He soon explodes into dust and all Erza sees are his shackles. In a fit of rage Erza lets out a huge scream and in doing so, she summoned a scarlet magical circle below her, all the metallic objects like pickaxes, shovels and swords had risen, they were thrown to all of the remaining guards in front of her, everyone was shocked an impressed that she could use magic.

Later Erza charges to place where Jellal was being kept. She swiftly defeats the two guards that were standing in front of her. She frees Jellal, who she tries to convince him to escape with her and the other prisoners after saying that she has found her freedom, however Jellal was already possessed by Zeref and he tells her that no real Freedom in the world exists and says the only way to obtain true freedom is to resurrect Zeref by constructing the R-System. In saying this he eliminates the two guards who were keeping watch over him which frightened Erza. When he asks Erza to help him with reconstructing the tower, she refuses which causes him to attack her. He tells her that she is free to leave, and Jellal will bring more workers to the tower. He then tells her that if she breaths a word of this to anyone, he will kill all of those who will be working in the tower.

Erza later woke up on a beach she looked up to the night sky, and she cried endlessly. 

Erza finishes explaining her story with everyone around her either shocked at what had happened to her. "I will fight Jellal..." Erza says.


Meanwhile at the Magical Council headquarters in Era, Siegrain continues to plead that the Council to use Etherion.

"Everyone! Allow us to Fire Etherion at the R-System from the Satellite Square!" he exclaimed while clenching his fist angrily.

"The R-System is a forbidden magic that must be permanently erased from all of history." Ultear added. "You understand what we have to do don't you?"

"And the firing of this, you will kill your younger twin brother, are you okay with that?" another council member asked.

"I have come to terms with that."

"We cannot allow this, it will go down that the Council had committed a crime by firing it in that region. When that happens the Council will cease to exist."

"The dead cannot be brought back to life, however the firing of Etherion will bring chaos to the world."

Another council member; Elder Beino had begun to speak. "We must put an end to this." she raised her hand. "I concur with firing Etherion." she said.

"We only need one more vote to fire Etherion!" Siegrain exclaimed.


Jellal in his throne room looked relaxed and had his head resting on his fist. "One more vote, then it is game over." he said to himself.


After listening to Erza's story, Roxas gritted his teeth. " Zeref is the guy you mentioned before, right?"

"Wait a minute..." Lucy began. "Wasn't that Flute Lullaby a sort of creation of Zeref?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah, now that you mentioned it." Ariel said.

"Not just that, I have reason to suspect that Deliora was also one of Zeref's creations." Erza said.

"So, Zeref's power has only been seen in his creations?" Roxas asked. Erza nodded to his question.

"Okay, but if what Erza is saying is true. Why would someone want to bring back someone so evil back from the dead?" Lucy asked. "Not only that, how is it that Jellal managed to convince all of the workers, including Erza's friends to cooperate?"

"It's pretty obvious, don't cha think?" Ariel began. "This Jellal guy must have lied to them, and probably found some way to get them to believe him as if his word is law or something like that. Same can be said for Red's former friends."

"Ariel has a point, Jellal must have indoctrinated them, but I had left them for eight years. The truth is I really did betray them."

"Sister..." they all heard. They saw Sho standing in front of the archway from the hall.

"That story of yours! It can't be true!" he exclaimed. "In our escape, you blew up all of our escape ships and fled by yourself, Jellal stayed behind and told us that is what happens to those who don't learn their magic properly. You betrayed Jellal! You betrayed all of us!" Sho exclaimed.

"Did Jellal tell you all of this?" Gray asked.

"Wake up! Jellal lied to you! You're going to take the word of someone who is trying to resurrect some evil god than the person who you literally kidnapped out of the blue!?" Ariel yelled.

"Shut up! You know nothing about us!" Sho exclaimed and some tears could be seen in his eyes.

"It is true, Sho. Jellal was deceiving us." a voice said. A shadow appeared and Simon had appeared.

Gray got into a fighting stance. "You again!" Gray exclaimed.

"Wait, my love." Juvia said. "Back at the casino, he attacked your ice clone on purpose. Anyone who is adept in Darkness Magic would have easily been able to tell the difference." Juvia explained. "Juvia wanted to come here to find out his true intentions."

"So you knew about my trick. Not surprising coming from someone who used to be in Phantom's Element 4."

"Simon..." Erza began.

"I knew Jellal was lying all along, I always believed you Erza, for eight long years." he said. Erza felt touched and she hugged Simon.

Sho meanwhile is kneeling on the floor while clutching his head. "Simon, you believe Erza... even though she betrayed you, but if she is right and what Jellal was telling us was wrong... what does that mean?" Tears begin to fall from his eyes. "DAMN!" he screamed. "I don't know who to believe anymore!" he exclaimed.

Erza then goes up to Sho and he hugs him. "I'm sorry Sho, for not being there for you all this time, but you should know. I have always thought of you, for all of these years." she said.

The rest of the group looked on at this.  Ariel decided to change the subject. "I know that a teary reunion is happening, but what now. That doesn't change our situation. What's the plan?" Ariel said looking at Simon.

"I have planned for this, I have been waiting a long time for this moment." Simon said.

"Waiting for what?" Roxas asked.

"Powerful wizards, all this time I have been waiting to find powerful wizards that can stop Jellal." Simon said.

"Yeah, we that would be us." Gray said planting his fist into his empty palm.

"Well the first thing we need to make sure of is that Natsu and Wally don't clash." Simon said.


Natsu was still running down the hall, he stopped when he saw Millianna's room. "Happy! You in here!?" he yelled. "I guess they are not here." Natsu saw a huge cat helmet. "Oh that looks fun!" he put it over his head. "Haha! Let's go Happy!" Natsu exclaimed. "Aye Sir!" he said mimicking Happy's voice. "Or something like that." Natsu tried taking off the helmet, however it was stuck to his head. "Its stuck! Oh well at least it is fun, haha."

He was so busy with the cat helmet, that he didn't sensed a presence close to behind him. It turned out to be Wally in the archway, while his arm was in its Polygon Rifle form.

"Dandy..." he said with a smirk.


Next Time: Jellal's Game

Natsu fights against Wally and Millianna. Jellal begins his game and sends out Trinity Raven to deal with Fairy Tail.

That's all from me, hope the next update comes to you guys faster. See you later.

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