Chapter 19: Erza vs Lorelie!

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Kon'nichiwa, everyone! ♥  I'd like to apologize for not updating sooner... ^.^;  I would use the excuse I was busy and all, but you've all heard that a bunch of times. :p  No matter, it's true...I have been really busy lately.  But I hope you all had a nice New Year's? c:  Mine was pretty fun! ♥ Goodness, I have so many tests to study for before I go back to school, ugh. -.-  Well, anyways, I want to also apologize for not letting any of you see the long-awaited battle of Lucy and Donovan in this chapter...but it will most certainly be in the next one!!  Gomene, minna!!

Multimedia is Erza's theme, of course. c;  You gotta play it when Erza's battle comes along (which is most of the chapter haha).  I hope you all enjoy the music!

I dedicate this chapter to fairytailnalu1.  I miss you, man! ;^;  I haven't heard from you in awhile! </3  But anyway, please fan him because he's my best friend and an amazing writer! ♥ He writes NaLu Fan Fictions as well, haha!  I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and please remember to vote and comment; it really means a lot to me!  Until the next chapter, everyone!

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"What's going on?"  Gray began, bleeding from the scratches from his exposed torso and his forehead.

The barrier rippled, and with a loud gasp, Gray along with the others watched as even though the barrier was contained, the Black Brigades were able to enter just as before.

"The barrier's weak again!"  Wendy exclaimed, flying out of the way as a Black Brigade tried to ensnare her with its magic.

"Does that mean something happened to Lucy and Natsu?"  Charle asked nervously.

"Shit..."  Gray muttered, clutching his shoulder which was severely cut by one of the Black Brigades' wind swords.

"W-We won't last much longer if we continue to battle like this!"  Chelia exclaimed, dragging her arm diagonally as dust blew into her face, which she shut one eye tightly to.

"We need some more help!"  Happy exclaimed.

"Now then; we might be the help you need."

Fairy Tail and Lamia Scale both glanced past the cross fire, and spotted Cana and Juvia.

"Juvia will use all the strength in her to help!"  Juvia exclaimed, raising herself in a nearby lake of water.

Cana pulled out her cards, smirking devishly.  "It may just be the rest of us, but two more is better than none."

"Alright!  Cana and Juvia are here!"  Sherry exclaimed a little too enthusiastically.

"We'll keep this up for as long as we can..."  Gray replied, smirking as smoke clouds billowed past him.

Lyon looked at him in question, surprised at his confidence.  Gray's smirk widened, and as the smoke cleared the rest of Fairy Tail was shown fighting their battles, confident and pushing on.  

"Cause we're Fairy Tail!"

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Erza slid across the ground as Lorelie slammed her posioned sword into the ground, causing the dirt to turn black.  Still in her Flight Armor, Erza dodged as acid flicked towards her, unable to catch her from her speed.  Lorelie raised her sword into the air, thunder ringing through the air as dark clouds gathered in the sky.  Lightning flashed in the clouds, and the wind began to pick up.

"What is this?"  Erza murmured, looking up into the sky as her hair whipped across her face.

Suddenly, the lightning shot down towards the earth, circling around Lorelie and causing the ground to crack and explode.  Finally, there was one final crack of thunder, and a large bolt of electricity slammed into Lorelie's upraised blade, making bright blue light shine everywhere and in Erza's face.  When Lorelie lowered her sword, lightning crackled around the blade, leaving a foreboding aura around Lorelie, who smirked darkly.

Erza prepared herself as Lorelie charged forward, the commander's sword crackling as she soared through the air.  Erza brought her sword up just as Lorelie faced her, and their blades slammed together with a crack.  However, because of the fresh wave of energy from the lightning, Erza was forced back, sliding against the ground and through the dirt on her heels.  Lorelie did not waver, and charged forward instantly after, not giving Erza any time to resist.  However, quickly, Erza switched to her Lightning Empress Armor, and yelled a challenge as the two's swords met again.

Lorelie chsked, her expression strained.  "You have lightning armor as well?  How annoying."

Erza took a step forward, their dead-lock only tightening.  Their weapons scraped against each other roughly, sparks igniting because of the pressure.  Lightning sparked around Erza's body, as it did around Lorelie's large and thick sword.

"I will not lose to you!"  Erza exclaimed, continuing to push against Lorelie's strength.

Suddenly, there was a small echoing crack and Erza looked at Lorelie's sword only to be extremely surprised.  Lorelie looked down at her blade in dismay.

A crack had appeared.

Her surprise fading and resolution entering her instead, Erza pushed forward and yelled loudly, lightning growing around her feet as she shoved the swordswoman away.  When Lorelie jumped back to gain some ground, Erza stared as the commander's sword crumpled away, the lightning fading.  All that was left was the hilt, which still resided in Lorelie's hand.

Lorelie scowled, and Erza watched in caution as her sword reformed, but this time made of flames.  The flames materialized, returning to steel.  But then, flames burst from the hilt of the sword, and it was back to being a blade of elements.

However, Erza had finally figured out Lorelie.

"I see,"  Erza began her voice deep yet commanding.  "If your sword is contacted with a large amount of the same element, it will backfire.  After that, there is no way to recover it unless after a long period of time.  But if your strategy is different, I've figured you out, Lorelie."

Lorelie growled.  "Is that what you think?  Well then, I'll show you your mistake!"

Lorelie charged forward, anger guiding her movements now.  Erza quickly changed into her Flame Empress Armor, raising her sword high.  As they collided once again, Erza began seeping her flame-powered sword into Lorelie's, aiming to break it again.  However, suddenly, Erza's armor disappeared, leaving her defenseless.

"N-Nani?!"  Erza exclaimed.

Lorelie smirked before slamming her blade into Erza, knocking the Fairy Tail mage across the ground and along her side.

"You think I can't do the same?"  Lorelie countered, her posture high as Erza began pulling herself to her feet while clutching at her side, which now held a jagged gash.  "I can diminish your element and keep you from destroying mine!"

Erza looked at the mage in angered surprise, but transformed into her Sea King Armor.  "Well then, I suppose I'll have to get you before you get me!"

Lorelie smirked.  "It's a challenge!"

Charging forward, Erza rushed up on Lorelie, but the swordswoman changed her sword to a water element before they collided.

I must diminsh her element before she does the same to mine...  Erza thought, her expression strained.

Lorelie's sword suddenly cracked, and anger appeared on her face while triumph appeared on Erza's.  Quickly changing her sword to the steel element, Lorelie overpowered Erza and sent her flying through the air, only to follow directly after.  Dazed, Erza managed to block the mage but was hit nonetheless as they were suspended high in the air.  A small boom echoed through the air as Erza plummeted to the ground, and she exclaimed loudly as her body slammed into the earth, a crater forming in the ground.  Lorelie soon followed, swinging her steel sword over her shoulders to attempt another large blow at Erza.

"Got an armor for this, Titania?!"  Lorelie exclaimed viciously, swinging her sword forward as she descended to the ground with incredible speed.

Erza's breath halted as an explosion rang out, and the two were swallowed up by debris.  A large crater expanded into the ground from the impact of the powerful attack, and the ground even rumbled as an affect of it.  Lorelie's expression was triumphant, but as the smoke cleared, her expression became shocked.

Erza was underneath her, but she had requipped into her Adamantine Armor, using her sheild to block Lorelie's attack.  The Black Horsemen's sword crumpled because of the force that was thrown back by Erza's shield, and Erza quickly pulled herself up and slammed her fist into Lorelie's face.  She was thrown off of Erza and she skipped across the ground like a pebble on water before coming to a stop on her side.

"Why you..."  Lorelie muttered, vileness rolling off her tongue.

Erza was standing back on her feet, panting as her Adamantine Armor disappeared, leaving her in her under-armor.

Lorelie chsked and grabbed the hilt of her sword that resided next to her, and the fire element returned.  "I already finished your armor for this!  What will you do now?  You can't defeat this element unless you have fire!"

Erza's expression was fierce, but as she began requipping, Lorelie returned to her feet, a confident look on her face.  "You can't change into anything!  Neither of your armors will help you!"  Lorelie exclaimed with a slight note of craze.

However, her expression turned to dismay when she saw the armor Erza changed into next.

Erza stood back in her Flame Empress Armor, her expression dominant as fire disappeared and she was left with her sword again.

"T-That can't be...!"  Lorelie exclaimed, confused.  "I-I diminshed your armor!"

"Unlike you, it doesn't take long for me to be able to re-use armor that was depleted.  Prepare yourself, Lorelie; this battle is almost mine to call a victory!"  Erza exclaimed, determined.

Fury appeared on Lorelie's expression.  "I don't think so!  I'll just keep diminshing that armor until you can't use it for sure!  I will--"

Erza was suddenly in front of the swordswoman, who made a noise of shock.  Bringing her sword high above her shoulders, Erza yelled a battle cry as her sword cut through Lorelie's like butter.  Lorelie's eyes went wide as Erza spun in a full circle, bringing her leg up to slam it into Lorelie's gut.  The female mage was sent flying back, slamming into one of the village buildings that was now vacant.

Erza dropped to the ground, her eyes narrowed as she panted, her Fire Empress Armor disappearing.  As Lorelie began to haul herself up out of the fallen planks and belongings of a villager, Erza opened her mouth to speak, though her voice was fatigued.

"Now that I recognize your magic, it was simple to destroy your Flame Sword.  Now, all that's left is your Poison Sword Lorelie."

Erza tensed as Lorelie began to snicker, her voice almost crazed.  The member of the Four Black Horsemen raised the hilt of her sword again, and poison sparked to life on the new blade.

Lorelie lifted her head, her once covered eyes now showing and full of blackness.  "That may be so, but what armor can you use against this element?  You don't have a poison-enriched armor!"

Erza's eyes narrowed.  "I can defeat you with another."

Lorelie cackled.  "That's impossible!  Just try to!  If you get close to this sword you will be poisoned until you destroy it!  However, my poison spreads fast, and you don't have a sustainable armor to defeat this element."  Lorelie smirked.  "I win, Titania!"

"I wouldn't be so sure yet..."  Erza muttered, transforming into her Purgatory Armor.  "Come, Lorelie."

Lorelie snapped, and the two charged at each other with renewed vigor.  Erza's large spiked-sword slammed into Lorelie's poison, but the gas began to burn Erza's nostrils, and she had to cover her nose and mouth with her left hand.

Lorelie looked highly amused and triumphant.  "Battling with one hand?  You don't stand a chance!"

The swordswoman thrust herself forward, pushing Erza back though her sword was much heavier than Lorelie's.  Erza was forced back, one eye shut in strain as she struggled to regain her footing.  Deciding to draw back, Erza jumped a few feet away from Lorelie, breathing heavily.  Even though she had used her Purgatory Armor, the sword had just grown in strength, the stench of the poison overwhelming.

Erza could feel it already; she felt as if her chest burned, and her face felt unusually hot.

She had to destroy that sword.

"It's no use..."  Lorelie was saying, chuckling.

Erza closed her eyes, her expression strained as she searched for the last armor that was her only hope.  Requipping, Erza's expression was strained as the poison affect her greatly already.

"What is this...?"  Lorelie muttered, suspicious as she narrowed her eyes in caution.

The breeze around Erza settled, and she appeared in her Normal Fight Robes.  Re-opening her eyes, Erza had two katanas in her hands, which she pointed towards Lorelie threateningly.

Lorelie held back a laugh of mockery.  "You expect to defeat me with something such as that?!"

Erza's expression only intensified.  "Do not take my strength so lightly.  Let's finish this, Lorelie."

Lorelie smirked.  "As you wish.  It's over, Titania!"

Erza closed her eyes and focused.  I have to forget about the poison in me and the injuries I have.  Erza swallowed heavily.  I have to focus all of my energy into these two blades.  If my concentration isn't strong enough, I will be defeated!

Lorelie began to charge towards her, but Erza stayed calm and her eyes still softly closed.

"Prepare to die, Titania!"  Lorelie exclaimed, coming up on her quickly.

Erza's eyes suddenly thrusted open, intensity in them.  Bringing both her swords down in a diagonal formation as she charged to meet Lorelie, they crossed paths in the blink of an eye.

A small silence ensued.

As they both stopped on their feet, Lorelie turned back to Erza, her expression triumphant.  "You lose, Erza Sc--"

Lorelie's sword suddenly shattered, and her eyes widened in shock as her breath halted.  Lorelie then dropped to her knees, her magic completely depleted.  

"W-What...?"  Lorelie replied in shock.  "H-How did you...?!"

Erza turned to Lorelie, her expression dominant.  "It seems I am victorious."

Lorelie's eyes widened before they rolled into the back of her head, and she dropped to the ground, unconscious.  After a few moments, Erza sighed in relief, feeling that the poison had been lifted from her body.  Still residing in her Normal Fight Robes, Erza turned to look back up at the castle, and then to her fellow comrades battling the Black Brigades far away.

"I better go help them..."  Erza replied, seeing the magic flying everywhere both inside and outside the barrier.





Erza's battle reins her victorious!  Will Gajeel and the other guilds be as lucky?

Will Lucy be able to stand against Donovan, and will the war finally end?

The long-awaited battle begins in the next chapter, Chapter 20: Lucy, the New Celestial Goddess!

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