Chapter 6: The Chosen One!

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Hello, everyone!  Woo, two updates in one day! ^.^ ♥ I hope you all like that, haha!  Finally, the action starts here!  I had been waiting anxiously to write this chapter for awhile!  Finally got to do it, haha! ~♥  This one was a lot of fun to write as well!  I bet you all know who the "Chosen One" really is, but there is actually a ketch to the whole thing! c;  Lol, of course, I'm not going to tell you! xp  Anyways, onto the dedication...I dedicate this chapter to thatyanderechick!  I love her NaLu Fan Fiction, so be sure to read it as well!  I also love your new username! ^.^  I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and remember; feedback is very much wanted and great to have!  Until the next chapter, minna!

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"Lu-shee!  Where have you been?"  Happy exclaimed, flying around her.

Everyone was gathered in the main hall, talking to Alafan when Lucy had walked in.

Lucy had ended up spending the rest of the afternoon with Ai and her mother, and sadly hadn't found out much about Alys besides the legend.  They did talk, however, about themselves, such as how Lucy described her friends and the adventures they went on, and how Levette described the history of the Daonei people and Sky Island.

Lucy had thought how kind and wonderful these people were, and she suddenly felt the drive to protect them.  If the Horsemen wanted to destroy this place, they'd have to get through her and the rest of her friends.

She was certain about that.


Lucy snapped out of her reverie, and saw Happy in her face.

"Where have you been?!"  Happy exclaimed, sounding slightly annoyed.  "I've asked you that ten times already but you won't answer me!"

"Y-You did?"  Lucy replied, slightly dazed.

Erza stepped forward.  "Is everything alright, Lucy?"

Lucy nodded, smiling sadly.  "Mh-hm.  Sorry, just thinking.  I went down into the village for awhile, is all."

"Well, the sun is setting,"  Alafan replied, looking at the golden light that shined through the glass ceiling above.  "I'll take you all to see the wreckage in the morning, then."

"Sounds like a plan..."  Gray muttered, his hands in his pockets as he yawned.

Everyone started to follow after Alafan, their postures nonchalant.  Lucy didn't move however, and she stared at the ground hesitantly, her eyes shaking.  Clenching her hands, Lucy decided to ask the question that had been nagging her at the back of her mind for awhile.

"There's was something I wanted to ask you, Alafan!"  Lucy suddenly exclaimed, feeling rushed.

Everyone stopped and turned to her, including Alafan.

There was a short silence.

"Yes?"  Alafan asked.  "What is it, Miss Lucy?"

Lucy's eyes shook with hesitance.  "Do you think--"

An explosion interrupted Lucy's scentence.

Everyone exclaimed loudly as the wall of the entrance of the Sky Castle exploded, small cement pieces the size of fists flying everywhere.  Some slammed into the the glass which encased the Staff of Alys, making the glass shatter and fly everywhere.

"Look out!"  Erza exclaimed, grabbing Alafan and pulling him to safety as a giant peace of rock sailed past the ground where Alafan once stood.

Gray took cover behind a podium, and Wendy covered her head on the floor.  Natsu blocked his eyes from the smoke with his arm, clenching his teeth tightly as debris sailed past him.

The Staff of Alys spun across the floor, coming to a screeching halt on the floor meters away from Lucy.

"The staff!"  Alafan exclaimed in horror.

Lucy flinched in surprise, her hair whipping across her face as she looked at the staff with urgency.  However, she ducked her head down as a screen of smoke slammed into her, extinguishing her eye sight as vapor of debris entered her lungs.  The staff also vanished from everyone's sight, and Lucy was forced to stay where she was.

Another set of explosions rang out, and everyone exclaimed loudly as the glass ceiling shattered above them, but did not fall.  Everyone covered their heads, and Natsu's eyes were wild as the ruckus continued.  The glass shards clattered to the floor, and Natsu's arms were slightly cut in result.  Erza used her Adamantine Armor to shield her and Alafan from the falling glass, while Gray made a make-shift shield with his Ice-Make to cover him and Wendy.  Happy and Charle were with Gray as well.  Natsu grunted in effort, struggling to get ahold of the chaos.  

Suddenly, his eyes jerked wide in realization.

"Where's Lucy?!"  Natsu exclaimed, his voice drowned out by the thuds and explosions echoing throughout the air.

Lucy was nowhere to be seen.

Natsu slowly stood, still criss-crossing both his arms as smoke billowed past him.

"Lucy?!"  He called out.

As the smoke cleared, everyone gasped when they spotted her on the floor, covering her head as she kept her eyes tightly shut.  What was bizarre, however, was that there was a ring of safety around her.  

The debris and glass hadn't touched her.  Instead, it was laying all around her, as if it had bounced off a force-feild.

Everyone looked in surprise as Lucy slowly opened her eyes, looking around to surprisingly see she was unharmed.

What the...  Lucy thought, shocked. I not injured or anything?

"Minna!  Look up there!"  Wendy exclaimed, pointing outside the wall where figures floated in the sky, appearing as the smoke cleared.

Natsu growled when he spotted it too.

Lucy looked above her, and also spotted the intruders high in the air.

The Horsemen?!  Lucy wondered, her eyes wide.

Four silhouttes appeared out of the dust clouds, and they all wore menacing uniforms.

"It is you!"  Alafan exclaimed angrily, and everyone looked from Alafan and then back at the four individuals.  "The Four Black Horsemen!  T-The leaders of the army!"

Everyone stared in awe and anger as they looked over the appearances of their enemies, who floated in mid-air.

A man with blood-red spiky hair and a black uniform resided in the middle, smirking nastily.  

Just looking at him gave Lucy the chills.  

A girl with pink hair and a gold uniform resided to the right of the man, and had a hand on her hip, a smug look on her face.  To the leader's left was another girl; however, she looked ghostly.  She had white hair and pale skin, along with disturbing red eyes.  Her uniform almost matched her eyes; it was rose red, almost the color of blood.  She had no expression; her face was impassive.  Then, behind the three was a male, who had long spiky black hair and a light blue uniform.  His expression was wild and manic.

"It's Donovan!"  Alafan exclaimed painfully.  "The leader of the group!"

Everyone clenched their teeth, and Natsu set his angered eyes on Donovan himself.

"Who are the others?"  Erza asked Alafan quietly.

Alafan's expression hardened.  "The other members of the Four Black Horsemen.  The girl with the pink hair is Loreli.  She is a master swordswoman.  The girl with white hair is Selena; she's a charm user, and is extremely deadly when she wants to be, despite practically being controlled by Donovan...  The male in the back is Keiran.  He uses Dark Magic of the group.  And Donovan--"

"Donovan Blackwell, the leader of the Four Black Horsemen."  Donovan exclaimed, smug as his voice echoed throughout the room.  "The greatest and most powerful mage in the world."

"What?"  Natsu growled, taking a step forward.

Donovan's eyes flashed, and his expression was dark and deadly as he laughed slightly.  "We're here for the Chosen One, Alafan Lightwall."

"What?!"  Alafan replied gruffly.  "The Chosen One, you say?"

Lorelie smirked.  "The person is among one of you.  Until you group of people showed up, we hadn't felt the presence of Alys in over a century."

Keiran snickered darkly.  "Hand them over, fiends!"

"We don't know what you're talking about!"  Lucy exclaimed, standing up defiantly.

"Oh?"  Donovan replied, his expression mug.

He raised his palm flat up in the air, directing it down to the Fairy Tail members.  "Well then, we might as well destroy the place."

Before anyone could react, Donovan's magic activated, and the air solidified into long spear-like swords.  A hundred materialized at once, and Lucy gasped at the quantity.  Sending them forward, the giant shards made a whistling noise as it sailed through the air, heading for them all.

"Look out, everyone!"  Erza exclaimed, trying to warn her comrades.

Everyone started to run towards the cover of the pillars, the spears slicing into the ground and causing cracks to form in the ground.  They smashed into the windows, shattering them; they collided into the walls, causing them to collapse.

"Let's go, Lucy!"  Natsu exclaimed, knowing they had to take cover before the attack ended.

Then, after that, he'd pulverize Donovan's face in.

Lucy flinched in hesitation, but then nodded, her face stern.  "Right!"

Natsu turned and started running, and Lucy began to follow.

However, Lucy came to an abrupt stop when she remembered the staff, and jerked her head to her right and spotted it a ways away.

The staff...!  Lucy thought, torn.

Making her decision, Lucy sprinted for the staff, jumping to the side as a thick spear lodged itself into the ground next to her.

"Lucy!"  Natsu exclaimed, already with the others.  "What're you doin?!  Come on!"

Lucy continued to run for the staff, and Natsu noticed that Donovan set his eyes on her.

Natsu growled.  "Damn it!"  Jumping back into the area, Natsu took off after Lucy to pull her to safety.

"Natsu!  Lucy!"  Happy exclaimed.

"Crap!  What are those two idiots doing?!"  Gray exclaimed.

Lucy continued to run, unaware of Donovan's plans.  I have to get that staff!

Lucy exclaimed loudly as a spear slammed into the ground right behind her, sending a force of air into her back.  Lucy was sent sailing forward, slamming into the ground right next to the Staff of Alys.

Lucy looked up, exclaiming in horror as she potted another spear sailing right for her, which was sent by Donovan, who was smirking.

"Lucy!"  Natsu exclaimed, darting for her as he jumped across the premisis.

He slid into step in front of her, and Lucy ducked her head under her arms.  All in one motion, Natsu slammed his foot into the ground behind him, causing debris to cloud slightly into the air as he threw his head back. 

"Fire Dragon's...Roar!"  Natsu yelled loudly, fire erupting from his mouth and slamming into the spear, making it evaporate into thin air.

Donovan's gaze scrutinized.

Natsu turned to check on Lucy as the firing of the spears stopped.  "Are you alright, Lucy?"

Lucy lifted herself onto her hands and knees, nodding.  "Yeah.  Thanks, Natsu!"

However, Lucy suddenly gasped as Donovan appeared out of nowhere, slamming his leg into Natsu's side.

Natsu cried out, and he was sent flying through the air loudly and into one of the columns nearby.

"Natsu!"  Lucy exclaimed, her eyes fearful and panicked.

Donovan smirked slightly, and Lucy's anger roze.

Lucy's body began to move on instict.  

"Don't hurt my friends!"  She yelled, grabbing the staff as her eyes suddenly began to light up dangerously.

On the last word, Lucy's voice echoed, and as she swung the staff across her body, her entire body outline glowed along with the staff.  Donovan gave a look of surprise, but it was already too late.  Lucy pointed the staff at Donovan, and a giant jet of light erupted from the staff, slamming into Donovan's back.  It was so powerful it pushed him back up into the air and into the other members of the Four Black Horsemen, surprising them all incredibly.

Lucy was not herself anymore.  "Disappear!"

"I-It's you?!"  Donovan grunted in surprise right before their figures shimmered and disappeared with a crack like thunder.

Everyone stared in awe, and Lucy looked shocked as she held the staff in her hand, coming to her senses.

"No way...!"  Happy murmured, his eyes wide.

Lucy's body still glowed, and everyone watched in shock as Lucy's clothes disappeared to reveal her in a long white dress.  Lucy exclaimed in surprise, looking at her new clothes in surprise while still holding the staff.

Alafan took a few steps forward.  "'re...."

"What is this?"  Lucy replied, alarmed.  "What happened to my clothes?  And why--"  She stopped abruptly as she saw Alafan crying, though his expression was still in disbelief.

"I-It's you...!"  Alafan murmured.

Everyone stared, including Natsu who had brought himself back up to his hands and sat on his legs.  All their faces were in shock and confusion, but they watched intently.

Lucy looked at Alafan in alarm.

"It's you, Lucy!"  Alafan exclaimed.  "You're the Chosen One!  The reincarnation of our Lady Alys!"

Lucy's eyes widened.

N-No way...!!





The Chosen One has been around all along!  Lucy Heartfilia is no longer the Celestial Spirit Mage but a Goddess of Celestial Beings!  Will Lucy except her destiny, or will she run and hide?

Reincarnation is a key role in destinies; is there anything more secretive about the Legend of the Fallen and Alys?

Find out what happens next in Chapter 7: The Goddess Alys Returns!

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